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Cavs against GS


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6 vs 2


End thread.


Results matter most.


Do I think LeBron will get to 6? No.

Will he have more than 2? Probably.


Problem is that we exist in the "Now" and people are currently saying that LeBron "is" the greatest. He's got some work to do to earn that.

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You could argue that the number of rings just proves how weak the league was. Jordan had the superteam before the age of the superteam.


Jordan played in a league that was tough and gritty. Nba these days is a joke with the flopping and pansy "fouls". Half of nba games is decided on the free throw line. That isn't basketball like the 90's. Teams these days that played back then wouldn't fair well.

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I really hope we win tonight because I don't see GS dropping another at home. If we win tonight, loose at GS and then win in Cleveland for the championship...... Cleveland will literally burn down.


I hope Delly finds a replacement for his coffee so he is still flying and diving around the floor for the ball.

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You could argue that the number of rings just proves how weak the league was. Jordan had the superteam before the age of the superteam.


Yeah I don't know about that. It was a different game back then with a lot more physical play. Today's NBA try's to protect the superstars.


Jordan is the GOAT as of now in my book but Lebron on paper will be the superior player if he continues to play for another 6 years. Ring count won't matter.

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It could be 2007 against the Spurs all over again if they can't contain Curry (which we don't have the right guy for). This is Deja Vu for me all over again... "Confidence in lebron". Well, lebron ain't as quick as he was in 2007. Kyrie won't be 100%. And a lack of KLove foils the master plan. So please, I beg of you (this coming from a born/raised Cleveland-guy) please stay humble and don't jinx it, let's let Lebron and the other veterans who have been this far figure it out since that is the one adv. CLE has against GS. Experience in the finals.


I hope they win, but it is going to be a hard-fought battle.



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Jordan played in a league that was tough and gritty. Nba these days is a joke with the flopping and pansy "fouls". Half of nba games is decided on the free throw line. That isn't basketball like the 90's. Teams these days that played back then wouldn't fair well.


Comments like these are great to weed out casual NBA fans from real ones. Granted, this is an Ohio-based car forum so there won't be many real NBA fans. One of the huge downsides of Lebron's return to Cleveland is the sudden appearance of "basketball fans."


People who can't recognize that today's game is just as physical if not more so than the 80's and 90's just don't know what they're talking about. The athletes are bigger, stronger and faster so the hits they take may not be as obvious but they are absolutely beating each other up out there in the playoffs.

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Comments like these are great to weed out casual NBA fans from real ones. Granted, this is an Ohio-based car forum so there won't be many real NBA fans. One of the huge downsides of Lebron's return to Cleveland is the sudden appearance of "basketball fans."


People who can't recognize that today's game is just as physical if not more so than the 80's and 90's just don't know what they're talking about. The athletes are bigger, stronger and faster so the hits they take may not be as obvious but they are absolutely beating each other up out there in the playoffs.


I'm a true fan of NBA and I have to disagree. They might be bigger and badder these days but they are not allowed to play as physical as they were in the 80-90s. I'm not taking anything away from how physical the game is but the league has made it a lot softer game.


Meh, maybe I'm just not as real a fan you. :confused:

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To clarify, my comment wasn't about the physicality of the league, but rather that the NBA back then wasn't just a parade of haves and have-nots. The Bulls were a powerhouse team in an age before powerhouse teams became the norm. Kinda hard not to win when your bench would be starters for other teams. Nowadays, you can pretty much pick the playoff teams (probably even the conference finals teams too) before the season even starts because the league is so polarized with teams that will either make a solid run or teams that won't do shit. There's no middle ground.


This is what I meant by the rings comment. Apologies for the confusion.

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