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Cavs against GS


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To clarify, my comment wasn't about the physicality of the league, but rather that the NBA back then wasn't just a parade of haves and have-nots. The Bulls were a powerhouse team in an age before powerhouse teams became the norm. Kinda hard not to win when your bench would be starters for other teams. Nowadays, you can pretty much pick the playoff teams (probably even the conference finals teams too) before the season even starts because the league is so polarized with teams that will either make a solid run or teams that won't do shit. There's no middle ground.


This is what I meant by the rings comment. Apologies for the confusion.



Don't back pedal bruh it's all good. Nobody that has been watching basketball for the last 40 years and is serious about the sport believes that the game is more physical now. That dude is delusional to believe that. The NBA is softer now to protect its superstars.


See they might let them play a little harder in the playoffs but regular season is soft like

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I'm not backpedaling, lol. I also believe the league protects it's superstars ($$$) and I also believe the league plays softer than it did back in Jordan's time. Flops are becoming prevalent because it's a strategy that obviously works. Superstars sell tickets and at the end of the day, the NBA is a business. THAT doesn't surprise me and it shouldn't surprise anyone. That's just not what I was referring to when I said the league was weak in Jordan's time.
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Comments like these are great to weed out casual NBA fans from real ones. Granted, this is an Ohio-based car forum so there won't be many real NBA fans. One of the huge downsides of Lebron's return to Cleveland is the sudden appearance of "basketball fans."


People who can't recognize that today's game is just as physical if not more so than the 80's and 90's just don't know what they're talking about. The athletes are bigger, stronger and faster so the hits they take may not be as obvious but they are absolutely beating each other up out there in the playoffs.


Please give me the geographical location of this real NBA fan you speak of.



Just because athletes have evolved in size and strengthen doesn't mean the league has. Anyone with one good eye can see the physical play of the 90's was much more then today's game.

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Please give me the geographical location of this real NBA fan you speak of.



Just because athletes have evolved in size and strengthen doesn't mean the league has. Anyone with one good eye can see the physical play of the 90's was much more then today's game.



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The NBA is softer now to protect its superstars


This began with Jordan. The 80's and very early 90's had some extremely physical and actually dirty play. As a person born into a Celtics family a play that immediately comes to mind is McHale's clothesline on Rambis. There are multiple ejections and suspensions as a result of that in today's game. And that's not a sign of a less physical game. Just because guys can't clothesline people today without consequence doesn't mean the game itself isn't just as physical.

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Game 7 here we come.(not that i'm watching) Refs are going to swing the game in favor of the Cavs so the NBA can make another 500 mil off the 7th game.


The Cavs will need more than the refs' favor if Curry plays the way he did in game 5. This shit is over.

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I feel it goes 7 as well, it would be devastating to have the Cavs lose this series in Cleveland. I feel we're going to see Lebron chuck up 40-50 shots tomorrow night and try scoring just as many points. There is debate already, that even if the Cavs lose the series LBJ could and should win the finals MVP...
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My Takeaways....



1. Sad to see it end the way it did. But looking forward towards next year (not sarcastically).


2. Kevin Love will stay. Kyrie will get healthy. They will have another run next year.


3. Lebron isn't the greatest (yet). But he played his ass off. It's tough to produce with a tired cast and being down 2 stars.


4. Steph Curry is a great player. Watching him scramble/shoot is mind-blowing. Buy doesn't even need to plant. Bravo to him.


5. Blatt is good, but not great. He should have played Mozgov 2 games ago for more than a "cup of coffee".


6. As a born and raised Clevelander I am still proud to have Lebron back. You can hate, but he is an asset to any team. Glad he came home. The city was ignited by his return. CLE needs that.

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He should have played Mozgov 2 games ago for more than a "cup of coffee".


This x100. Mozgov was the 2nd best player on their team and Blatt should feel like a dumbshit for only playing him nine fucking minutes in game 5. You only have Lebron, a good player in Mozgov, and then just a bunch of guys. Shumpert is 100% useless offensively, Thompson and Smith are too inconsistent, Jones is a marginal role player, and Delly just comically throws it up whenever he gets near the paint.


Would've liked to see more of Mike Miller who is still a decent player and hasn't forgot how to hit a 3, but for whatever reason Blatt forgets he has guys like him on the bench who can also contribute. I know Shawn Marion is washed up but some people probably think he's dead since you never see him, but apparently he's on their active roster. Could've fooled me.

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My Takeaways....




3. Lebron isn't the greatest (yet). But he played his ass off. It's tough to produce with a tired cast and being down 2 stars.



He actually had the best performance EVER in a Finals series

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