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My pics from Putnam


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I think it is so cool when girls do this sport. So... where's the helmet off pics??;)

:D I was smart enough to avoid any trackside photos!! LOL they wouldn't have been that great ;)

Here I was expecting Lizard to come in and say oh do this, you're not doing blah blah well. Instead he comes in with a :leghump:.

I feel like I don't know you anymore.

:lol: yea that one threw me off!!

Nice pics Jess. I bet you are faster than a lot of the people on the forum! Get em girl!! :D

:cool: I try... I'm ready for more!!!

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Here I was expecting Lizard to come in and say oh do this, you're not doing blah blah well. Instead he comes in with a :leghump:.

I feel like I don't know you anymore.

I try keeping people guessing... But, in reality, she looks good on the bike. Could get off a bit more, but really, trying to evaluate from pics is tough. I see pics of guys that look like they can rip and when in action, they are dirt slow. It's just the way it is. I'd have to watch her going in a corner, setting up and going through and watching the exit. There's a lot of things to see and put together to really see what is going on.

From the pics, she looks good. What were your times, Jess? Not that times matter as many people have fish stories in terms of times, but it sometimes allows us to see where you fit in. I suspect you were in the 20s...

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1.26/1.27 consistently.. I need to work on smoothness and it will definitely help me out. I was getting kind of erratic and twitchy by the end of Sunday.

Kind of where I figured you'd be in terms of times. That's really good. I hope we cross paths sometime at Mid-Ohio or BG. I think women are easier to teach than men. Too often, the guys tend to think they know it all and are faster in their own minds.

It also is pretty cool to see a girl hand a guy his ass out there. Makes them sorta quiet down pretty quick...

Plus, i think you want to get better and that's a great thing...

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Kind of where I figured you'd be in terms of times. That's really good. I hope we cross paths sometime at Mid-Ohio or BG. I think women are easier to teach than men. Too often, the guys tend to think they know it all and are faster in their own minds.

It also is pretty cool to see a girl hand a guy his ass out there. Makes them sorta quiet down pretty quick...

Plus, i think you want to get better and that's a great thing...

I definitely want to get better! I am easy to teach because I listen and actually think about applying each piece of advice while I'm out on the track. Attackpainter ran out of gas in his session so he was stuck out in the deadbear cornerworker station when intermediate went out for our session. He got to watch me go through a whole session closeup and was able to give me some advice that really helped me improve from day to day.

Hopefully we'll run across each other in the near future! Let me know if you come across a day you think would be good for me!!!

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Hopefully we'll run across each other in the near future! Let me know if you come across a day you think would be good for me!!!

Only you can tell what dates work for you. I know you feel Mid-Ohio is too expensive, but consider this. Mid-Ohio offers a LOT of technical challenges that just are not offered at other tracks. What that then translates to is that you can take these things with you to other venues and use them to get better. I know you like Grattan and Mid-Ohio is VERY similar to Grattan, but with better pavement and a few more offerings to make you better. Tougher, sure, but better...

Maybe check the BG dates. I hope this next WOW event happens. I'll be running that event on the 13th so, I probably won't bring the race bike, but if you go, I can watch and take notes. I just hope BG is ready soon...

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