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Reddit admin vs. r/FatPeopleHate


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I never said anything about moral high ground, I'm talking about your reputation as an arrogant keyboard warrior. Your "character" is extremely self-conceited and you try to put yourself above others to belittle them in lieu of an actual argument. I didn't ask you to prove "that having three cocks in your ass doesn't make you a raging homo" because you believe I'm a homophobe, as I'm quite far from one. I said it because I don't like you and I wish you the unpleasantness of three cocks in your ass.


Look at me guys, I'm Geeto67, I don't want to hurt anybodies feelings but I want you all to know that I am better than you for doing so.


I don't have to belittle you - I don't agree with the things you say and I make a case for it. And I don't have to make that hard of a case. If you feel belittled maybe you are more emotionally invested in this argument than I am.


nobody is disagreeing with you that reddit is lousy about it's enforcement policy. and nobody is disagreeing that there are uglier and more hateful subreddits than the currently banned one.


But nobody is agreeing with you that "no harassment happened" because it is a statement you can't support. Also, the way you have phrased your argument and included "whiny bitches" implicitly puts you on the moral side of the argument that hate speech should be allowed to continue. If you have missed this, then I'm sorry but it isn't me being condescending so much as you not comprehending the point you are really making nor understanding how when you make an assertion of fact you need to be ready for someone to call you to the carpet (and by the way, now I am being condescending just in case there is some confusion). this is the internet, if you are reading tone in to my writing it has more to do with your reading and interpretation than my writing.


As far as being a keyboard warrior, clearly you missed the point where it was my living to do this sort of thing in real life for a while as well. There is such a thing in this world as civil discourse, people can have disagreeing viewpoint. If you open with an agressive one like "whiny fucks" be prepared for someone to respond in kind (and also prepared for them to have a better argument than yours). That's all for now, class dismissed.

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If you feel belittled maybe you are more emotionally invested in this argument than I am.



this is the internet, if you are reading tone in to my writing it has more to do with your reading and interpretation than my writing.


Never said I did. I think you need more help with interpretation than I do.


But nobody is agreeing with you that "no harassment happened" because it is a statement you can't support. Also, the way you have phrased your argument and included "whiny bitches" implicitly puts you on the moral side of the argument that hate speech should be allowed to continue. If you have missed this, then I'm sorry but it isn't me being condescending so much as you not comprehending the point you are really making nor understanding how when you make an assertion of fact you need to be ready for someone to call you to the carpet (and by the way, now I am being condescending just in case there is some confusion).


Like a skipping record blah blah blah


As far as being a keyboard warrior, clearly you missed the point where it was my living to do this sort of thing in real life for a while as well. There is such a thing in this world as civil discourse, people can have disagreeing viewpoint. If you open with an agressive one like "whiny fucks" be prepared for someone to respond in kind (and also prepared for them to have a better argument than yours). That's all for now, class dismissed.








And because it didn't get included with my last post,


by the way, please tell me you get the irony of being bothered by my differing opinion yet you are arguing for people's right to make hate speech on the internet. I would hate for that little nugget to have sailed over your head like a 747 at cruising altitude.



Can you really sink lower? I mean it's possible, but do you really want to?


The irony is that you still haven't figured out that this isn't about hate speech, it's about selective moderation and hypocrisy. I'm not bothered, not sure why you continue to believe I am.


Yeah, lets see how low this ship can sink.


I went out and drank with friends, solved 10 work issues and got laid while you fuckers "debated" this stupid shit.


High Five!

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I went out and drank with friends, solved 10 work issues and got laid while you fuckers "debated" this stupid shit.


Nice! I rebuilt a rack and a half of motorcycle carbs sitting at the desk. I am surprised you could do all that in 2 hours.

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The irony is that you still haven't figured out that this isn't about hate speech, it's about selective moderation and hypocrisy. I'm not bothered, not sure why you continue to believe I am.


I get that you think that's the point you are trying to make. It's sad that you don't see how the things you have said have tied back to it. nobody is arguing that selective moderation happened, you just don't have any proof that it happened the way you say it happened. nor is the way you say it happened neutral to the hate speech side of things.

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I'm not defending the behavior. The thread title is Reddit admin vs. r/FatPeopleHate. My argument is about the reddit admins hypocrisy in the whole situation.


Your argument was that FPH didn't violate the rules. Do you disagree with the evidence that was presented? Is there a mea culpa forthcoming? Do you know acknowledge that FPH violated the rules, but are simply moving the goalposts so that your argument is now just that they enforced the rules inconsistently (which I've already admitted may have merit)?


Then great, the Reddit admins are inconsistent. Call that hypocrisy if you want. Woopty doo.


But that's not really what happened. What happened was that a bunch of knobs went on a rampage about how Ellen Pao is a cunt and a bitch (your word) and a Nazi. For enforcing the rules inconsistently. On a free website.


Makes sense. And you've decided to hitch your wagon to that train.

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I went out and drank with friends, solved 10 work issues and got laid while you fuckers "debated" this stupid shit.





I don't have the slightest clue what's going on in this thread. Normally I'd be a little embarrassed to admit it. From what I gather this seems to be a debate about some bullshit website



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Great, post a dozen examples of r/SRS harassing people outside of its own borders and I'll support it's banning.


Technically, every fucking thread is. Since they're all links to other posts and twisting their words.


Again, ban the users, not the subs. That's restricting the free speech they proudly tout.

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I don't have the slightest clue what's going on in this thread. Normally I'd be a little embarrassed to admit it. From what I gather this seems to be a debate about some bullshit website





The website Reddit (known for and built off free speech) had a sub-section called FatPeopleHate... The admins removed it. In the past few years the admins have been cracking down and shutting down different areas on Reddit they deemed "bullying" and "harmful". Butt hurt and rage form the community followed.




This is nothing new, Many sub-reddit have been censored and silenced for no reason. The website for the most part is ok (in my opinion) but most of the content is censored so only certain things make the front page or see the light of day.

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Today I learned there are two types of humans, fat humans, and non fat humans. It seems like non fat humans are mad at fat humans and humans are mad at humans. Some special humans banned a group of humans that didn't like humans and other random local humans got mad at other random local humans. Also I personally love humans and you should all die in a fire because humans.


Thanks Eric

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