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Defending yourself has no line for sex of the aggressor. He was dismissive, he made several attempts to create distance. He even took a hit and several shoves. Rule of three states; the attacker is going to continue or be more aggressive. He defended himself.
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Defending yourself has no line for sex of the aggressor. He was dismissive, he made several attempts to create distance. He even took a hit and several shoves. Rule of three states; the attacker is going to continue or be more aggressive. He defended himself.


I agree 100%. He exercised more restraint than I would have. I would have utilized my fist and broke her face.

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Not sure what the guy did, or if he actually did anything, to provoke her but I bet she learned not to physically attack someone who could obviously beat the shit out of her.


The only time I've ever laid my hands on a woman was in 9th grade. Very similar situation but on a bus. I had done NOTHING to provoke her. I'm still a bit confused to this day. haha After wrapping her up and holding her multiple times with no help from the driver or other students, and obviously no place to get away, I let her up once again still pleading with her to stop - she'd been yelling, cussing, and hitting. She promptly started swinging again and then kicked me in the nuts. My right fist just shot out reflexively and, pow, right in the nose which promptly dropped her and started gushing. I felt fucking terrible and thought I'd get one hell of a shit storm at school. Once everyone found out what happened, it was pretty much dropped, though.


Anyway, I simply won't put up with that shit especially in a relationship. The first time you touch me, I'm out. Not later, not after a talk or counseling; I don't care how hot or rich you are. Fuck you, bitch. I'm out.

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What happened to the 50-60 year olds who produced the generation of trash who produced this generation of trash


if anything like my parents, pretty much everything handed to them while they were growing up.


my mom, who was considered middle class in the 50-60s, had a maid growing up.


my dad, again middle class, pitched a goddamn fit when his younger sister got a brand new car when she turned 16 years old. he was mad because his car, that was given to him, was a couple years old at the time.


they call my generation entitled, pssh. i've been working ever since i was 16 and my first car was a 12 year old toyota

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