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Invisible Speed Bump Rage


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Im usually not one to flip shit on anything or anyone, but I fucking lost it last night.


While coming home from a late night fishing trip I decided to take a backway home. Along this route are some very nice homes in a subdivison-like setting that backs up to the Scioto river $$$ (Just across from UA).


At any rate this road gets a fair amount of Traffic, and im quite certain 90% of the people who live on it wish it was a Private drive.


Here's where I about lost my head.


So im doing maybe 10 miles over the speed limit? (25) and as im coming around a dark corner I BLAST into something that sent my car/suspension into death-wobble mode. I absolutely flipped out, because honestly I thought I had run over a railroad tie or some other massive piece of construction equipment. So I turn around to have a looksy and what do I find? A JET BLACK hardend-plastic "ramp-style" Speed bump. No bright reflective signs warning of it, no reflection coming off of it, just essentially a low-profile black ramp in the middle of a poorly lit street. At that point I was pissed, but just said "eh, have to remember that for next time."


As I went to turn around I said to myself "man I better drive real slow incase there are more"


So about a block later Im going the speed limit, or less, while intently looking for another one of these suspension-feasting bastards, then all of a sudden BAMN! I HIT ANOTHER ONE, ANOTHER GODAMN JET BLACK SPEED RAMP POSITIONED IN A DARK STRECH OF THE STREET. No warning signs, no reflective markers indicating it's presence, nothing. I lost my shit. I straight laid on the horn for 3 blocks straight @ 1:00am. I mean it's one thing to have speed bumps with reflective marking and signage. But these are jet black and have no "bump" to them. They're also seemingly placed in the poorest lit sections of the street. I can't help but think the Residents dont want you to see them, then wind up blowing a fucking strut mount when you hit one doing the speed limit.


So enough with the rant, does anyone know if this is Legal? I've NEVER seen anything like it in my life on a public road, they're like something the Military would use in succession to stop an attacking vehicle, and they have no reflective markings what so ever. Every last speed bump I've seen has some sort of symbol/signage/reflective decal to alert you to it's presence. Always thought that was due to laws on alerting motorists to a potential hazard.


And who would I call within the City Of Columbus to express my frustration? Im not one to bitch about little shit, but when I run over what are essentially black parking curbs placed in the middle of the street I tend to get straight pissed off.


I'll try and get pics later.

Edited by acklac7
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I'm pretty sure I know the ones you're talking about. Yeah I have to be very very careful with how I hit those in the e36, or it scrapes even at crawling speed. They're some nasty fuckers for sure. Just take a crowbar down there and tear them out. Wear a hi-vis shirt so nobody questions ya
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The city of Columbus does not install or maintain speed bumps last I heard so they will probably take them out.


It's a City Of Columbus Street, I can't imagine anyone other then the City placing them there, wouldn't doing so be crazy illegal/open to all kinds of liability issues?

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I can't imagine anyone other then the City placing them there,


You underestimate how crazy homeowners can be.


Where I used to live there were speed bumps on a road near us (city installed years ago) and they actually came and removed them so they wouldn't have issues/have to maintain them.


Not to say these aren't temporary ones installed (by the city?) but no way the city would be involved and NOT put up some sort of signage.

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Unless they have been there a while, they very well could be temporary. They did that down by my parents in Canal. If you are familiar, Deitz (sp?) Drive runs through Westchester and a lot of homes. They had detoured all of Gender Road through there while they were putting in a round-about last year. They installed those bastards in two spots along Deitz at the time. I do think they had a sign or two up, but I dont really recall.
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Unless they have been there a while, they very well could be temporary. They did that down by my parents in Canal. If you are familiar, Deitz (sp?) Drive runs through Westchester and a lot of homes. They had detoured all of Gender Road through there while they were putting in a round-about last year. They installed those bastards in two spots along Deitz at the time. I do think they had a sign or two up, but I dont really recall.


Good call, 5th Ave bridge is about to undergo major construction (they've got zillions of orange barrels up already), and it's a stones throw away. But still, they city is going to catch hell from me about it. I mean you can't see them for shit at night, even if your intently looking for them. And they rape, RAPE your suspension, even when going the speed limit. Honest to god it feels similar to driving into a 2ft deep ditch, then plowing back up onto the road.

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The city wouldn't have put them there without visibility and signage. It would most likely be a subcontractor or a resident.


Submit a 311 request and add your contact info and they will keep you updated on the status. You can also do this via the City of Columbus App.

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hey dude, now you know not to go 10 miles per hour over the limit in a location with a 15mph speed limit. shouldn't have been texting on your phone bro. we pay sweet taxes on our mansions not to have riff-raff drag racing on them.





yeah, that would be irritating. i try to hit shit like that full speed in my truck to see what happens

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Along this route are some very nice homes in a subdivison-like setting that backs up to the Scioto river $$$ (Just across from UA). At any rate this road gets a fair amount of Traffic, and im quite certain 90% of the people who live on it wish it was a Private drive.


So im doing maybe 10 miles over the speed limit? (25) and as im coming around a dark corner I BLAST into something that sent my car/suspension into death-wobble mode.


So you're in an affluent area of town where you believe it's likely the residents are frustrated and wish it was a private drive....aka don't want you using their obscure roads as a cut through...and rightfully so because you're doing 35 in a 25 and not likely alone in doing so and you're the one who is pissed? Even 25 on a road that's labeled 15mph....


Just looking from it from the other side man, becauseI live in a very quiet subdivision and I have zero problem approaching people going 35mph down the street and telling them to slow their ass down. It's 25mph for a reason. Kids, private homes, etc. It's not a secondary road or main thoroughfare.


Shitty what happened, but it doesn't sound like it hurt your car and honestly....you won't likely be cutting through using their street again :p

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When travelling through a neighborhood like that, you should perform automotive "wind sprints" between each speed bump (when you can see them).


I need to find a neighborhood w/speed bumps so I have a good place/excuse to speed up and slam on the brakes a few times to break in these new pads/rotors. :p

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So you're in an affluent area of town where you believe it's likely the residents are frustrated and wish it was a private drive....aka don't want you using their obscure roads as a cut through...and rightfully so because you're doing 35 in a 25 and not likely alone in doing so and you're the one who is pissed? Even 25 on a road that's labeled 15mph....


Just looking from it from the other side man, becauseI live in a very quiet subdivision and I have zero problem approaching people going 35mph down the street and telling them to slow their ass down. It's 25mph for a reason. Kids, private homes, etc. It's not a secondary road or main thoroughfare.


Shitty what happened, but it doesn't sound like it hurt your car and honestly....you won't likely be cutting through using their street again :p

Let me see... Sooo, you are justifying illegal activity for the affluent? :)

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So you're in an affluent area of town where you believe it's likely the residents are frustrated and wish it was a private drive....aka don't want you using their obscure roads as a cut through...and rightfully so because you're doing 35 in a 25 and not likely alone in doing so and you're the one who is pissed? Even 25 on a road that's labeled 15mph....


Just looking from it from the other side man, becauseI live in a very quiet subdivision and I have zero problem approaching people going 35mph down the street and telling them to slow their ass down. It's 25mph for a reason. Kids, private homes, etc. It's not a secondary road or main thoroughfare.


Shitty what happened, but it doesn't sound like it hurt your car and honestly....you won't likely be cutting through using their street again :p


the issue isn't whether the speedbumps should or shouldn't be there - the issue is really were they visible and properly marked (which they were probably not).


Having visible marked speed bumps makes them effective at serving their purpose as being a deterrent to speeding. People see it, they slow down so as not to damage anything, and everybody wins.


Having unmarked "surprise" speed bumps decreases their efficiency, potentially causes damage to the property of a person who has a right to use the road, and generally helps no one. Plus it is most likely illegal


There is no argument you can make that justifies an "invisible" speed bump at night. none. good day sir.

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There is no argument you can make that justifies an "invisible" speed bump at night. none. good day sir.


:yuno: You take CR way too seriously.


In the end, the residents don't likely give a fuck about people who don't live there yet "have a right to use the road."

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So you're in an affluent area of town where you believe it's likely the residents are frustrated and wish it was a private drive....aka don't want you using their obscure roads as a cut through...and rightfully so because you're doing 35 in a 25 and not likely alone in doing so and you're the one who is pissed? Even 25 on a road that's labeled 15mph....


Just looking from it from the other side man, becauseI live in a very quiet subdivision and I have zero problem approaching people going 35mph down the street and telling them to slow their ass down. It's 25mph for a reason. Kids, private homes, etc. It's not a secondary road or main thoroughfare.


Shitty what happened, but it doesn't sound like it hurt your car and honestly....you won't likely be cutting through using their street again :p


the issue isn't whether the speedbumps should or shouldn't be there - the issue is really were they visible and properly marked (which they were probably not).


Having visible marked speed bumps makes them effective at serving their purpose as being a deterrent to speeding. People see it, they slow down so as not to damage anything, and everybody wins.


Having unmarked "surprise" speed bumps decreases their efficiency, potentially causes damage to the property of a person who has a right to use the road, and generally helps no one. Plus it is most likely illegal


There is no argument you can make that justifies an "invisible" speed bump at night. none. good day sir.




R.I.P. pdqgp 7/16/2015

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Sorry, that's my street. We put those invisible speed bums to deter people passing thru. If you live on the street you would know the code and punch it in thru your smart device, if you do that the speed bums would retract so you can pass thru without any problem. We always activate them after 10pm and when ice cream truck passing thru.
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So im doing maybe 10 miles over the speed limit? (25) what

There you have it folks, maybe try not be a tool bag and speed through a neighborhood.


the issue isn't whether the speedbumps should or shouldn't be there - the issue is really were they visible and properly marked (which they were probably not).


Having visible marked speed bumps makes them effective at serving their purpose as being a deterrent to speeding. People see it, they slow down so as not to damage anything, and everybody wins.


Having unmarked "surprise" speed bumps decreases their efficiency, potentially causes damage to the property of a person who has a right to use the road, and generally helps no one. Plus it is most likely illegal


There is no argument you can make that justifies an "invisible" speed bump at night. none. good day sir.

I disagree, with this, cause all there going to do is speed, then slow down for the bump, then speed right up.


I like the all blacked out, so you fuck up your ride for speeding through a neighbood. Would be nice to see a few flats, or busted up suspension by it.


Bet somebody in the neighborhood got some sweet footage of the jump.

God i hope so, they are probably getting a kick out of all the good footage.

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Did you really need to ask TIM that question? :dumb:

Haha It was basically rhetorical.


Its been proven, rich people can do whatever the fuck they want.

It's fucking science, I believe.


I disagree, with this, cause all there going to do is speed, then slow down for the bump, then speed right up.


I like the all blacked out, so you fuck up your ride for speeding through a neighbood. Would be nice to see a few flats, or busted up suspension by it.

From the sounds of the OP's post, these speed bumps were dangerous even at the posted speed limit. I'm familiar with these kinda of speed bumps and they are bs. Wait until some jackass goes speeding through one of those corners, jumps a bump they didn't see, loses control and careens into one of the fucking cars or even one of the houses there. All because Paul wants to be an asshole. :p

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Haha It was basically rhetorical.



It's fucking science, I believe.



From the sounds of the OP's post, these speed bumps were dangerous even at the posted speed limit. I'm familiar with these kinda of speed bumps and they are bs. Wait until some jackass goes speeding through one of those corners, jumps a bump they didn't see, loses control and careens into one of the fucking cars or even one of the houses there. All because Paul wants to be an asshole. :p



:fuckyeah: I call it how i see it good buddy.



Sorry but you cant hit one of these and go all out of control and wreck if you were going the speed limit.


Hell i used to hit these things in my ranger tapped out didnt faze me :lol:

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