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I wonder if it is quiet...


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The car has been parked outside of the shop for the past 5yrs and hasent been ran. NO attempt has been made to start the car at all, it rolls easy and in my opinion a new engine may be needed


I bet it's silent

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I feel like in honor of Geeto's traditional thread directions, someone needs to post some ridiculously passionate and otherwise irrelvant argument/opinion about what he posted.


How many hours of shop time were wasted on this? Instead of helping customers, all those over priced "tuneup and filter", or "you came in for this... but need this, this, and this" jobs paid for this to be done?


Typical example of the fleecing of the American Public by a corporate shop!




My first attempt at this type, how did I do?

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How many hours of shop time were wasted on this? Instead of helping customers, all those over priced "tuneup and filter", or "you came in for this... but need this, this, and this" jobs paid for this to be done?


Typical example of the fleecing of the American Public by a corporate shop!




My first attempt at this type, how did I do?


Not bad man! I do think a little bit more litigation speak (whether it's correct or not, the world will likely never know) and a couple low quality source links would have hit the nail on the head. :masturboy:

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How many hours of shop time were wasted on this? Instead of helping customers, all those over priced "tuneup and filter", or "you came in for this... but need this, this, and this" jobs paid for this to be done?


Typical example of the fleecing of the American Public by a corporate shop!




My first attempt at this type, how did I do?


I'd give you a solid B+ but if that was the angle you were taking you didn't highlight the plight of the proletariat enough. Also too short. :p

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How many hours of shop time were wasted on this? Instead of helping customers, all those over priced "tuneup and filter", or "you came in for this... but need this, this, and this" jobs paid for this to be done?


Typical example of the fleecing of the American Public by a corporate shop!




My first attempt at this type, how did I do?


Joking aside, its not those shops fault folks are retarded and literally believe blinker fluid is a thing.

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As I'm sitting behind the desk service writing today believe me I'm all too aware. If you've got the gift of gab and a flexible moral standard the money you can take from people who don't know any better is astounding.


Jeff, Audi has a special synthetic blinker fluid they use which we DO carry unfortunately its considerably more expensive than standard domestic fluid. However if you want to do the service, I'll work up a deal for you to save a bit of money on the entire ticket... ;)

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As I'm sitting behind the desk service writing today believe me I'm all too aware. If you've got the gift of gab and a flexible moral standard the money you can take from people who don't know any better is astounding.


Jeff, Audi has a special synthetic blinker fluid they use which we DO carry unfortunately its considerably more expensive than standard domestic fluid. However if you want to do the service, I'll work up a deal for you to save a bit of money on the entire ticket... ;)


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