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Talk me out of waiting to get married/having kids at 50


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Your comments on rearing kids are lulzy. It seems simple, and you've got it all figured out...but execution will be far from it I GAR-ONN-TEEE...


If you seriously want to talk more about this topic, we can get together for a beer.:nod:


LOL. Best post of this thread. You seem to have it all figured out but are far from reality. Good luck brother. :gabe:


Ha, well stated Clay.


So often things are simple in concept yet so drastically different in actual execution.




Hell im only 2 years into this parent hood thing and i had the same mind set of "i got this" :lol: quickly reliazed I didn't.

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Hell im only 2 years into this parent hood thing and i had the same mind set of "i got this" :lol: quickly reliazed I didn't.


1 is easy too. 2 is more than 2x as challenging. 3 or 4 is old hat by then but even more challenging still but again, by then parents got skills.

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Don't have kids ever. Save all the money you would be spending on them up till the age of 18 ($245,000). Take that money to retire and enjoy yourself. Do whatever makes you happy. If you want to live on a cruise ship who cares do it.


Don't have kids if you feel you can just let your wife/gf/whoever take care of them. They can play sports but don't use this as a way to get out of taking care of your children. If you can't be a FATHER and raise your offspring get fixed now. Anyone can be a dead bead Dad. Don't be that person.

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I took the opposite route I suppose I am 42 and am essentially 1 year from being an empty nester.


I would say if you plan to have kids - have them now. I would not advise my route but 50 is too old in my opinion. If you wait until you are "financially" ready for a kid you will never have one.

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We did the WAY early route. 39 and my wife is 38. Our son will be 22 in September and he already moved out last year. Then we have a 14 year old with Autism who may never move out. Not a big deal though.


As for you.. Russian Mail order bride and a pre-nup agreement.

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You guys are silly.


We're not the ones asking life-altering questions on a car forum, then scoffing at the wealth of experiences shared by trusted members.:D


"Hey guys, I'm bored with my life-on-cruise-control. It's pretty easy to grow some kids AMIRITE?"

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You guys are silly.


We're not the ones asking life-altering questions on a car forum, then scoffing at the wealth of experiences shared by trusted members.:D


"Hey guys, I'm bored with my life-on-cruise-control. It's pretty easy to grow some kids AMIRITE?"


Pretty easy just add lube. See below.



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We're not the ones asking life-altering questions on a car forum, then scoffing at the wealth of experiences shared by trusted members.:D


"Hey guys, I'm bored with my life-on-cruise-control. It's pretty easy to grow some kids AMIRITE?"



... in the Kitchen

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Are grandparents not able to take care of children?



For a few days? Yes no problem.


A week? Maybe, but they'd be struggling at the end


Kids can exhaust you. I have twins that are almost 8, and a 6 year old boy. I have them every other week for a week at a time. When I have them I still work full time as a surgeon, and have essentially very little help (nanny two days a week to pick the kids up from school). By the end of the week I'm exhausted. I miss them the minute they're gone, but there's no way in hell I'd be able to do this at 50.


Sometimes I have to sit back and laugh at how insane the schedule can be, but at the end of the day it's more rewarding than my job, house, cars, etc.

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