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Responsible Ohio LOL. Unfortunately sheeple will vote a monopoly into law not knowing there is likely a better way to go about things if they are patient.


I'm pro-medical and still on the fence about all out legalization (plus = taxes, minus = idiots moving to Ohio and being homeless for instance), but no one in their right mind supports Responsible Ohio.


Everyone should vote against this bill.


Then again Kasich loves helping out megacorps so I'm sure this will pass and he'll get a huge fucking kickback to his presidential PAC while appearing progressive enough to get some moderate GOP voters on his side.

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I'm pro-medical and still on the fence about all out legalization (plus = taxes, minus = idiots moving to Ohio and being homeless for instance), but no one in their right mind supports Responsible Ohio.


Everyone should vote against this bill.


Then again Kasich loves helping out megacorps so I'm sure this will pass and he'll get a huge fucking kickback to his presidential PAC while appearing progressive enough to get some moderate GOP voters on his side.


Government officials passing legislation for kickbacks? You don't say...

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SO I see people saying this is a monopoly, and I don't want to read through tons of stuff to figure out why....so can someone lay this out for me. I am not a Pot smoker, but I am for the legalization of such because I think at this point in time in the world we live in, its obvious its not going away, it doesn't really seem to hurt anyone anymore than say alcohol or cigarettes, and if it were legal....It would create tax revenue and if we (people) wanted to take an occasional toke....It would be nice not to watch over your shoulder. I do understand that legalizing it wont change requirements for employment, and I can here guy bitching already about losing their jobs for using a "Legal" substance even though its against company policy....But aside from that I don't see the downside to legalization in general. I was going to vote to legalize if it hit the ballot, so tell me why I shouldn't.
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It essentially says company x and company y can grow and distribute it and no one else. The investors and corperations that would hold all thw rights are all out of state. No matter if your for or against the concept you need to vote no on this verbiage.
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LOL at all the idiots on Facebook like "fuck yeah, let's do this!" They are the problem and the same idiots that vote for government officials without knowing what they stand for.


That said, legalize it- but in a different way. I've smoked pot twice in my whole life- didn't care for it either time. And being that I work in HR, I can hear people now and their stupidity about it being legal so they can smoke it if they want. Hell, Huntington terminates people for using tobacco and that's been legal for hundreds of years. It won't change in the workplace, so nothing will change anyway except I can go down the street and get it instead of dealing with a sketchy drug dealer.

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LOL at all the idiots on Facebook like "fuck yeah, let's do this!" They are the problem and the same idiots that vote for government officials without knowing what they stand for.


That said, legalize it- but in a different way. I've smoked pot twice in my whole life- didn't care for it either time. And being that I work in HR, I can hear people now and their stupidity about it being legal so they can smoke it if they want. Hell, Huntington terminates people for using tobacco and that's been legal for hundreds of years. It won't change in the workplace, so nothing will change anyway except I can go down the street and get it instead of dealing with a sketchy drug dealer.




The level of immaturity with the legalization movement is its biggest threat, honestly.


The way to look at Responsible Ohio's ballot measure is that it's not legalization. It's prohibition EXCEPT for a few investors.

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Responsible Ohio LOL. Unfortunately sheeple will vote a monopoly into law not knowing there is likely a better way to go about things if they are patient.


Its true. Responsible Ohio is a Monopoly and voters should vote down this Novembers bill. Next November their will be a better bill that isn't a Monopoly

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So lets say this does pass. What happens if i go to my local street corner and buy an 1/8th off Joe Schmoe, can i be arrested for possession?


Yes. If you don't buy from a licensed vendor then the punishment will be alot steeper, in the order of a felony...

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Even if smoking pot is legal, employers can still fire you if they have a no drug use policy


That's why I say a lot of the campaigning suffers from immaturity. The issue at hand shouldn't be "LOL I CAN HAS DOOBIE ON LUNCH BREAK", it should be more that the state and federal government should not spend any more resources enforcing excessively draconian laws for such a relatively harmless drug. Take away the illicit market and it's no longer a multiyear jail sentence for someone who happens to be a gun owner and a pot smoker. I guarantee this would have a nearly immediate and significant impact on prison overcrowding issues.

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I'm pro-medical and still on the fence about all out legalization (plus = taxes, minus = idiots moving to Ohio and being homeless for instance), but no one in their right mind supports Responsible Ohio.


Everyone should vote against this bill.


Then again Kasich loves helping out megacorps so I'm sure this will pass and he'll get a huge fucking kickback to his presidential PAC while appearing progressive enough to get some moderate GOP voters on his side.


Link to info on ResponsibleOhio and why they are so bad?


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