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Tons of shooting this weekend.


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So, as many of you have posted in, and read about, Howard and I did a Pistol 1 ( P1 ) class this on Saturday. First, we want to say thanks to the people who could make it on such short notice of the class. And also, to those who have PM'd and posted wanting in on future classes. I'm not sure who had more fun Saturday, the instructors or the students. Everyone knows Howard and I will shoot all day, every day. But, when at the end of the day a student a pretty exhausted student, says "This is the most fun I've ever had shooting", as instructors that makes our day. Saturdays was HOT, DAMN HOT! Our risk assessment identified the demand of the course and the heat issues. Five people went through just over 40 bottles of water, not to include what the students had brought. Training under those conditions it tough enough, let alone running demanding drills over and over again. Let's just say everyone earned their shower that day. Our end of the day shooter evaluations showed noticeable improvements on shot effectiveness and decrease in time to take shots.


We sunday was a private class with a husband and wife that had been students in our CCW class. They reached out to me a couple months ago wanting to learn the AR15 better. We went over the basics, made some changes in equipment, and they were dead on. This weekend, they wanted to focus on continuing the information and skills from the CCW class. The P1 class wasn't their focus right now, as they wanted more fundamentals training. We worked in some target transition shooting, mag changes, and hitting those basics over and over. And once again, it was HOT out there. After 3 hours, we wrapped it up and both shooters, again showed great improvements.


Should have dates for next classes posted this week. Feel free, for those interested, to post future dates you know would work for you and we will do our best to target those dates. Thank you.

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