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Cars and Coffee 8/29


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Decided to dust off my camera and make it back to car outings in Columbus after finally moving home a few weeks ago.


If the owners of any of these cars would like a High res copy of these images, shoot me a PM and i will send it your way.










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Tim, what editing software do you use? Photoshop? Lightroom? My father was having some of the same issues with his skys as well but managed to find a great fix for it in lightroom. If you want I can get more details and we can talk about it in PM.
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Tim, what editing software do you use? Photoshop? Lightroom? My father was having some of the same issues with his skys as well but managed to find a great fix for it in lightroom. If you want I can get more details and we can talk about it in PM.


I use Photoshop. I have tried Lightroom and it does well, but I've been using PS since it was born so I'm stuck in my ways :)


I've not edited the sky in these simply because of time. However I shot early so the tones aren't off too much as it was a hazy blue early on. PM or call my cell anytime. Always up to talk photography.

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I get that it is fresh from the camera and unedited but that blue gray sky in this pic is just screaming at me:




I think there is actually some interesting cloud patterns buried under the haze and you have potential to really make it pop. I guess I am just sensitive because I deal with it so much in my own work. When I get home tonight I'll post up some of my pics to show you what I mean. I am also pretty sure the monitor I am looking at these on is making it worse as well.

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just to be helpful the standards we used to use for crediting Photographers was:


Copyright <name of Photographer>, <year> under each image. If there was a home website the URL was provided as well. We wouldn't use the registered copyright symbol unless it was known that the photo was registered (all art has immediate copyright at the time of its creation but registering it entitles it to the mark).


I know we had some IRL conversations about social media publishing so thought this might help as it seems to be the professional common courtesy.

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Tim your shots are very clean and crisp. I need to invest in more glass i dropped my sigma lens and have been shooting with a cheap nikon 55-200 i miss the clarity ufrom the sigma. But for 70$ used glass it does decent


haha! Thanks. These are not from my SLR Though. It's a Panasonic FZ-1000 Bridge Camera :p Class leading glass out of all the bridge cameras out there. This is one of the most Leica influenced designs they've used. It's an F2.8-4.0 25-400mm lens.


I love it and it's going to be my new carry camera for a while as it's that good.

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