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KYB gets tagged for price fixing? You don't say!


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Not at all shocking for anyone who's been down this path, strangely I don't feel like that fine is very significant given the sheer amount of revenue they generate from sales.

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Not at all shocking for anyone who's been down this path, strangely I don't feel like that fine is very significant given the sheer amount of revenue they generate from sales.




It is not shocking to see this type of business practice. It seems to spring up from time to time, then prices rebound back to even keel. These companies seem to strut around, thinking they are above the law until they get jounced back to reality. The fine seems pretty stiff but you know what they say, those are the brakes. Er...

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I'm sure they were under a lot of pressure. Competing in their industry requires a lot of handling.


This is just a bump in the road. I'm sure once they get a feel for the terrain it'll be smooth from there on out...




You keep that up you're gonna get suspended from the board. Don't expect anyone to spring you from e-jail. I'm sure you'll rebound gracefully, but every bump stops you from advancing in life. As long as no one shuffles off their mortal coil over this, though, we'll all be ok.

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I don't get this. KYB sells some of the cheapest shock absorbers out there. If they wanted to go after "price fixers", try the bigger names.


It's not about the consumer retail market, it's about the supplier market for vehicle manufacturers.


Denso recently dealt with the same issue



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