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Spider experts, come on in, identify this.


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Some spider built a web in the corner of my back door. Been there for like a week. At night I turn on the patio light and all the bugs in the world fly into his death trap. I start furiously masturbating staring out the door watching the spider flip the fuck out chasing all these little things bombarding his web and I'm like MOAR MOAR MOAR



I feel that way about preying mantiseseseseses. Ses.


Been seeing males and females all over the place lately. Had one come in riding one of the dogs yesterday.


Bout that time of the season...

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Had to get a big ass orb weaver off of a heat pump today so I could work on it. Bastard started climbing up my screwdriver so I had to drop it and run away screaming like a girl

Haha I immediately had a visual of a grown man doing what you described.


I was cleaning out a pool one time in Texas. I pulled the cover off a leaf trap next to the pool and proceeded to put my arm inside. I pulled out the first load of leaves and threw them behind me. One huge one stuck to my arm. I reached in a second time and as I withdrew my arm, noticed the huge f'n leaf stuck to me had moved up my arm and... was not a goddamn leaf but a bigass tarantula. I screamed and flung that bastard into the woods. I immediately gathered my wits and went looking for it, though. (Couldn't find it.) I love spiders, I've had them as pets, had them crawl on me, etc. But when you get one on you "accidentally" it's a whole 'nother story. :p

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