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Tesla releases "Autopilot"


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Anyone see this? I got this e-mail today, and other news agencies are picking this up.





So a Model S can now drive itself. I can't believe this day has come. I like driving...

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Been using mine for 2 days now, very reliable and amazing.......it's the other retards with old fashioned manual steering that scare me! All emotion and no logic. Lol, all kidding aside.... it really is amazing. On the highway it is awesome. On city roads it drives like a teenager, a little erratic but makes its way. I drove 2 hours with it on and really enjoyed eating with 2 hands and checking emails. It will be a game changer on late night drives for those who get groggy. My prediction, is that this will be back up to "over the road" semi trucks in the not-too-distant future. Mercedes already has a full electric semi on the drawing board that drives itself. In between now and then, I could see making truck drivers safer by having a system that will assist them to stay on the road and drive safely. While this is the first generation of true self driving, for daily commuting....... our lives are about to change. Uber is already trying to negotiate a deal with Tesla for cars that fully drive themselves, you would use an app to call one to your location and send it to wherever you are going. My question is, if Tesla can do this, why the hell do they need Uber? Edited by Sledhead36
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Probably not looking to use a 100k car as a uber but use the technology for uber is much cheaper based cars, however then you run into the issue of cars driving without people, accidents, theft, parking all these cars who don't have owners wtc the list can go on forever.


I keep having flash backs to when Volvo had a demo of the self braking system and they ran the car straight into the back of a trailer


Or the video where they ran a guy over lol

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Great. One more step towards getting the zoned-out non-drivers in their appliance-mobiles to stop screwing up my commutes with their shenanigans.


At least until the sensors start failing or the software gets buggy.

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Probably not looking to use a 100k car as a uber but use the technology for uber is much cheaper based cars, however then you run into the issue of cars driving without people, accidents, theft, parking all these cars who don't have owners wtc the list can go on forever.


I keep having flash backs to when Volvo had a demo of the self braking system and they ran the car straight into the back of a trailer


Or the video where they ran a guy over lol


I agree, but we are two years away from a $35,000 car. I would see the driverless transportation being a vehicle without a driver and passenger seat but would be more like a carriage with 2 rows of seats facing each other. We are actually less than a year away from having the car park itself in your garage, or leaving a parking stall in a lot and coming to wherever your location. Whenever there is change, it's the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3. 1/3 love it, 1/3 will sit and watch and 1/3 hate it. Most of the money in the world has been made by the first group.

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I agree, but we are two years away from a $35,000 car. I would see the driverless transportation being a vehicle without a driver and passenger seat but would be more like a carriage with 2 rows of seats facing each other. We are actually less than a year away from having the car park itself in your garage, or leaving a parking stall in a lot and coming to wherever your location. Whenever there is change, it's the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3. 1/3 love it, 1/3 will sit and watch and 1/3 hate it. Most of the money in the world has been made by the first group.


We've been 2 years away from that $35k car for what, 4 years now?

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I agree, but we are two years away from a $35,000 car. I would see the driverless transportation being a vehicle without a driver and passenger seat but would be more like a carriage with 2 rows of seats facing each other. We are actually less than a year away from having the car park itself in your garage, or leaving a parking stall in a lot and coming to wherever your location. Whenever there is change, it's the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3. 1/3 love it, 1/3 will sit and watch and 1/3 hate it. Most of the money in the world has been made by the first group.


Mercedes says they will be here in 2030 with exactly the seat facing car your speaking of

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We've been 2 years away from that $35k car for what, 4 years now?



Yeah... it isn't happening.



4.9 BILLION in government subsidies and still operating at a net loss selling cars for 3x as much. Sooner or later they have to start working towards self sufficiency and getting itself of the .gov teet. And $35k cars that cost more than that to produce, are not gonna get them there.

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We've been 2 years away from that $35k car for what, 4 years now?


Patience grasshopper....... Elon sometimes speaks before he has the dollars and manpower to put towards these projects. Orders will be able to be replaced by March 2016 with delivery by the end of 2017. Elon has done everything he said he would do, maybe not exactly to the date, but everything he said he would do......has happened. Name one other company that is actually making these types of major changes and doesn't have some delays.

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Yeah... it isn't happening.



4.9 BILLION in government subsidies and still operating at a net loss selling cars for 3x as much. Sooner or later they have to start working towards self sufficiency and getting itself of the .gov teet. And $35k cars that cost more than that to produce, are not gonna get them there.


Really bad Intel on this one.

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Exactly, Tesla will make cars in their factories and roll them straight out to the streets to take fares. They have big advantages in this area for many reasons. And this is not even mentioning the entire market of energy storage that they are starting.
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Please explain?



Tesla is a company that I WANT TO love, but I can't completely throw out everything I know about fundamentals because they make "cool shit".


There were some really poorly written articles by people who don't understand business.... that say Tesla does not make money on every car they sell. I have seen the results of those crappy Intel saying Tesla looses $5000 to $50,000. If you only look at their bottom ine, and look at what they spend versus what they take in, you could easily draw that conclusion. But you would be a business idiot. Every business start up has costs for infrastructure. Tesla decided from day one, they would have superchargers throughout the United States so tesla owners had a way to charge their vehicle while they travel. The supercharger infrastructure is exceeding dramatically the amount of money coming in from the vehicle Sales. The quick look says, they must be losing money. But if you cut out the profitability on the vehicle and take superchargers out of the equation, they are making tons of money. If they stop building superchargers and battery plants, the company would look like a absolute gem. But if you want to be a leader in this industry you need to invest in infrastructure. It be like you starting up a Subway franchise and buy a building as well as pay your franchise fee....... then somebody looking over your shoulder and says that you are losing money on every Subway sandwich! Because you clearly don't have any profit yet. .... Of course, until you pay your building off and your franchise fee, it appears on paper you are losing money. The other issue that people referred to, is the government tax abatements. Every business out there take advantage of these. There isnt a new business built that doesn't take advantage of them. Victoria secret moved some of their warehouses from Columbus to New Albany. The reason, 15 year tax abatements and incentives to move the business there. You wouldn't be considered a good business person if you didn't look for these opportunities at every corner. Tesla is a solid company. It's not going away. And the stock is going to be incredible. I recently double down on it. I still remember back in 2012 when all my friends told me to not buy Tesla at $25 and I watched it go to $250 in nine months. My friends that didn't invest, still say the company is going to fail. They were also the first ones to say that the model X will never see the light of day. With every change, there comes a huge opportunity for those willing to take some risk. There are those that make things happen, there are those who watch things happen, and there are those who wonder what happened.

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On another note, the U.S. Government keeps putting rules on manufactures to get better and better fuel economy. The pure fact that car manufacturers have gone into making the engine quit at a stoplight, is a last ditch effort to try to meet the standards. The fact of VW did what they did, to meet the standards, shows how far and wide spread the problem is. Don't be surprised if tesla and VW, link up soon to create more fuel-efficient VW vehicles......
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Take away ZEV credits (which should not exist in the first place) and Tesla goes under within 3 months.


Elon's promises and "good news" releases are just a bacon wrapping to the shit sandwich he serves his investors every quarter. And yet the stock price still rises.


It's been said many times before, but he's either the world's savior or an incredible supervillain. Only time will tell.

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I'm not hating on them for taking advantage of grants, loans, rebates, and abatements. Of coarse any business that has those kind of things available to them will take advantage of them.


I understand what you are saying about the superchargers, but you can't ignore that cost.


Musk might be a genius when it comes to most things, but thinking that you can bleed cash to the tune of 500 million dollar net losses annually isn't being a good business man, it's being arrogant and ignorant.


Your Subway franchise analogy is a little bit off.


This would more accurately describe the situation:


Joe opens a Subway. He is losing money because he is paying some large payment on the building, and a franchise fee. A lot of those costs will disappear in 10 years, and after that Joe will be greatly profitable.

Joe gets the bright idea to promise to have a sub he sells for $1. He can't make the sub for $1, and the store obviously has production limitations. So the only thing Joe is doing is ensuring his company loses MORE money. It will take time away from his sandwich artists who make $5 subs (which are profitable) as well.

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Take away ZEV credits (which should not exist in the first place) and Tesla goes under within 3 months.


Elon's promises and "good news" releases are just a bacon wrapping to the shit sandwich he serves his investors every quarter. And yet the stock price still rises.


It's been said many times before, but he's either the world's savior or an incredible supervillain. Only time will tell.


What incentives have the oil companies had over the past 100 years? Why do they still get them? How many billions in profit each quarter.....and still getting incentives? Wtf. Have you spoken live to Elon? Pure genius is all I can say. I drank that kool aid back in 2009. This is the future, hang on.

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