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In case you live under a rock and check CR more than international news: Paris

El Karacho1647545492

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Terrorist attacks last night in Paris. Source of assault is unknown, though many sources currently point to ISIS. Obvious speculation is retaliation for Jihadi John strike, but unknown as well. Over 100 people killed, many of them young people including Americans at Eagles of Death Metal show at Le Bataclan. Multiple suicide belts/vests/non-vehicle bombs involved, as well as assaults with automatic rifles.


Curfew was imposed on Paris last night, and French borders closed, both for the first time since WWII.


An attack on anyone in the peace-loving world is an attack on all of us.

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Yeah, there was a thread and its disappear now.


Hope it didn't devolve into racist tirades, I was more hooked into AP/BBC tv news last night and didn't really pay attention to CR, when I looked this morning there was nothing which surprised me.

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Terrorist attacks last night in Paris. Source of assault is unknown, though many sources currently point to ISIS. Obvious speculation is retaliation for Jihadi John strike, but unknown as well. Over 100 people killed, many of them young people including Americans at Eagles of Death Metal show at Le Bataclan. Multiple suicide belts/vests/non-vehicle bombs involved, as well as assaults with automatic rifles.




Curfew was imposed on Paris last night, and French borders closed, both for the first time since WWII.




An attack on anyone in the peace-loving world is an attack on all of us.




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Remember though, multiple terrorist organizations claimed responsibility for the Charlie Hebdo attacks. I won't believe it until it's verified by multiple intel communities.

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Yeah, there was a thread and its disappear now.


Hope it didn't devolve into racist tirades, I was more hooked into AP/BBC tv news last night and didn't really pay attention to CR, when I looked this morning there was nothing which surprised me.


It was deleted by the OP by the time it hit page 2. CR has a wide rage of views. This is a tough topic that comes with many opinions.

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It was deleted by the OP by the time it hit page 2. CR has a wide rage of views. This is a tough topic that comes with many opinions.




There are many Christians who espouse hate for Muslims, not realizing that Islam is a religion of peace. It's like saying that all Christians are just like the Westboro Baptist Church just because they get a lot of TV airtime.


What's awful to me is that people blame Islam, but people who do that are part of the problem. The enemy is hatred for fellow man based on differing beliefs. It's not something that can be shot or bombed or destroyed with weapons, only something that can be destroyed with education and compassion.

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There are many Christians who espouse hate for Muslims, not realizing that Islam is a religion of peace. It's like saying that all Christians are just like the Westboro Baptist Church just because they get a lot of TV airtime.




What's awful to me is that people blame Islam, but people who do that are part of the problem. The enemy is hatred for fellow man based on differing beliefs. It's not something that can be shot or bombed or destroyed with weapons, only something that can be destroyed with education and compassion.



There is no other religious based group today aren't running around targeting to kill civilians for their non-beliefs. Westboro vs. ISIS is not a fair comparison.

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The whole, "not all Muslims are terrorists" is obvious and those speaking out about not allowing 10s of thousands refugees into our country fully understand that.


The second people show concern about this topic, we're talked down to and called racist. Islam isn't a race and it certainly is not 100% "peaceful".


Can we all agree to "fuck the terrorists? "

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There are many Christians who espouse hate for Muslims, not realizing that Islam is a religion of peace. It's like saying that all Christians are just like the Westboro Baptist Church just because they get a lot of TV airtime.


Funny I agree, I swear I have read this somewhere before....

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Just played a show there 2 days ago with twenty one pilots


Paris is a cesspool of terrorists. Europe in general is. Someone needs to make the unpolitical, unpopular decision to do the hard thing and wipe these shit stains out already. This world doesnt have time for this anymore.


Now we have to have police with MP5's standing inside the concerts with us in Germany. I fucking hate this.

Edited by Panduh
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Just played a show there 2 days ago with twenty one pilots


Paris is a cesspool of terrorists. Europe in general is. Someone needs to make the unpolitical, unpopular decision to do the hard thing and wipe these shit stains out already. This world doesnt have time for this anymore.


No we have to have police with MP5's standing inside the concerts with us in Germany. I fucking hate this.


We live in a crazy time.

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Hope it didn't devolve into racist tirades, I was more hooked into AP/BBC tv news last night and didn't really pay attention to CR, when I looked this morning there was nothing which surprised me.


One post in and it has devolved tremendously- it lasted to page two before it was disappeared. It was a smart move.

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The problem is anytime someone criticizes Islam, folks immediately start pulling the "you're a racist" card, and it's complete bullshit. I don't want to restate the exact same points I made in yesterday's thread, which none refuted with any semblance of reason, or logic, just emotional "stop the racism!" nonsense. ISIS is following an incredibly literal interpretation of the Qur'an. Do most Muslims? No, of course not. Is it because of their skin color? No, of course not. Are there a disturbingly high number of radicalized followers? Absolutely, look at the Pew Poll numbers. Now the ideas in most "ancient holy books" are horribly backwards, and inconsistent with modern values. The "Big 3" are all chock full of despicable views, but which of those three currently has followers numbered in the millions, exercising the hateful, violent commands in their precious holy books, with alarming regularity? In statistically significant numbers, only one, and the ideas are deserving of critique.
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I'm reading we need to "get rid of the terrorist's". I'm reading "not all Islam is bad", "not all Muslims are bad", "we should not blame the refugees".


So who is the bad guy? It is said to be Isis. Who is Isis? For well over a decade we have fought a non uniformed enemy. Al Qaeda, Taliban, Isis and several other pop up labels for what we are told are different groups. We are told, regardless of the name, each time that the hate is driven by the Muslim religion for the Western way of life and our involvement over sea's.


Let's take the name away and understand how real the threat is. There are cells of these Haters all over the world. They are ready to execute their plan at a moments notice. I feel that is what happened yesterday in Paris. Early yesterday in a news release, Britain said they can pretty much confirm the death of "Jihadie John". http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/13/middleeast/jihadi-john-airstrike-target/

Britain raved about how US was their greatest Allie. The attack in Paris is either the biggest coincidence in world events, or IMO, the rebuttal from those I refer to as the Haters. I see several messages in the action. 1) Any Allie to the US can expect to be targeted. 2) I think they intend to target our easy Allies with open borders and unarmed citizens. I'm simply making a point, not going all Second amendment in this thread. 3) In a perfect situation the Allies withdraw support of the US actions to stop the deaths of their country's citizens. There's no way this would get to this point for a long while. But, The Haters would love to see the US be abandoned of support and go through all motions to maintain or recover the friendship. this could include US forces in these other countries to support that countries military in destroying the enemy. Imagine Europe as as a war zone again. This would be the best time for the Haters to execute their plans in the US. IMO, it would be larger scale and several bombs, mass shootings, and likely something nuclear. Many of you will say this is far fetched, it is. Because we hope to break up anyway of this being about to happen.


Other than for the US to get out of other counties, not be a super power, and that our way of life is despicable. What do the Haters want in the end?

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Obviously, there are people who sincerely view themselves as Muslims who have committed horrible acts in the name of Islam. No violent Muslims can make the case that their actions are not based on any part of the faith but on their own political agenda. But they are Muslims, no denying that.



However, and this will probably shock many, so you might want to take a breath: Overwhelmingly, those who have committed terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe aren’t Muslims. Let’s give that a moment to sink in.


Now, it’s not your fault if you aren’t aware of that fact. You can blame the media. (Yes, Sarah Palin and I actually agree on one thing: The mainstream media sucks.)


So here are some statistics for those interested. Let’s start with Europe. Want to guess what percent of the terrorist attacks there were committed by Muslims over the past five years? Wrong. That is, unless you said less than 2 percent.


As Europol, the European Union’s law-enforcement agency, noted in its report released last year, the vast majority of terror attacks in Europe were perpetrated by separatist groups. For example, in 2013, there were 152 terror attacks in Europe. Only two of them were “religiously motivated,” while 84 were predicated upon ethno-nationalist or separatist beliefs.


We are talking about groups like France’s FLNC, which advocates an independent nation for the island of Corsica. In December 2013, FLNC terrorists carried out simultaneous rocket attacks against police stations in two French cities. And in Greece in late 2013, the left-wing Militant Popular Revolutionary Forces shot and killed two members of the right-wing political party Golden Dawn. While over in Italy, the anarchist group FAI engaged in numerous terror attacks including sending a bomb to a journalist. And the list goes on and on.


Have you heard of these incidents? Probably not. But if Muslims had committed them do you think you our media would’ve covered it? No need to answer, that’s a rhetorical question.


Even after one of the worst terror attacks ever in Europe in 2011, when Anders Breivik slaughtered 77 people in Norway to further his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and pro-“Christian Europe” agenda as he stated in his manifesto, how much press did we see in the United States? Yes, it was covered, but not the way we see when a Muslim terrorist is involved. Plus we didn’t see terrorism experts fill the cable news sphere asking how we can stop future Christian terrorists. In fact, even the suggestion that Breivik was a “Christian terrorist” was met with outrage by many, including Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly.


Have you heard about the Buddhist terrorists? Well, extremist Buddhists have killed many Muslim civilians in Burma, and just a few months ago in Sri Lanka, some went on a violent rampage burning down Muslim homes and businesses and slaughtering four Muslims.


Or what about the (dare I mention them) Jewish terrorists? Per the 2013 State Department’s report on terrorism, there were 399 acts of terror committed by Israeli settlers.

Back in the United States, the percentage of terror attacks committed by Muslims is almost as miniscule as in Europe. An FBI study looking at terrorism committed on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 found that 94 percent of the terror attacks were committed by non-Muslims. In actuality, 42 percent of terror attacks were carried out by Latino-related groups, followed by 24 percent perpetrated by extreme left-wing actors. One only has to look just south of America to Mexico to find an entire WORLD of people carrying out daily atrocities on one another. Ever met a Mexican Muslim? Neither have I.


This issue has come up before, and I said it then, and I'll say it again. If you think that the majority of the worlds terrorist issue is with Muslims, you are not diving deep enough into the issue.

Edited by Orion
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Stopping your U.S. stats at 2005 is kind of a cop out.


When I see Islamic groups make threats, take credit for attacks and celebrate in the streets after attacks, forgive me if I'm not their biggest fans.


PS, wherever you copied that from, you pasted part of the same paragraph twice.

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Stopping your U.S. stats at 2005 is kind of a cop out.


When I see Islamic groups make threats, take credit for attacks and celebrate in the streets after attacks, forgive me if I'm not their biggest fans.


PS, wherever you copied that from, you pasted part of the same paragraph twice.


And asshole is an asshole, it's just that the hate group du jour associates itself with Islam.


Plenty of Americans, horrible ones at that, celebrated when white supremacist Dylann Roof murdered innocent African-Americans at a church. He was not radicalized by Islam. If anything he was radicalized by white supremacists, the KKK, and the persecution of George Zimmerman. Does that mean that everyone who believes George Zimmerman's shooting of Trayvon Martin was justified should be seen as someone who sympathizes with Roof and other white supremacists who see the murder of African-Americans as justified?

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Stopping your U.S. stats at 2005 is kind of a cop out.


When I see Islamic groups make threats, take credit for attacks and celebrate in the streets after attacks, forgive me if I'm not their biggest fans.


PS, wherever you copied that from, you pasted part of the same paragraph twice.



Thanks for the heads up. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Microsoft Word?


In answer to your question, how many terror attacks have there been on US soil since 2005? I was surprised by the number. Also surprised by the number that had nothing to do with Islam. Check out this database;




Compiled by just one guy. Haven't yet checked all of his sources, but it looks pretty exhaustive.





I'm not going to hate on you for for being angry at those who celebrate these things. I'm angry as well. Throwing that hate on a whole people group, though...can't you see that it's exactly that kind of thinking that creates this issue in the first place?

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