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In case you live under a rock and check CR more than international news: Paris

El Karacho1647545492

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It's clear that in today's world what we accept as a "terrorist act" has morphed a bit since 9/11, fair or unfair, that happens when you extinguish three thousand lives in a single orchestrated attack. Though that act was as political as it was steeped in religious dogma, with a lot of those in Al Queda being largely disliked by ISIS members and leadership. However, how closely are they following the texts they hold so dear? Again in the bible there are plenty of verses to detest, but very few incidents of organized Christians bombing large public events, non-believers, or other innocent non-combatants.


I do not give a pass to fundementalist extremists of any creed, color, or nation. Buddhists extremists are as detestable as Muslim extremists, or Christian extremists, or political extremists.


I would also separate clearly mentally deranged lone-wolves (a lot of mass-shooters) from those unified under a common ideological flag though.

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Just played a show there 2 days ago with twenty one pilots


Paris is a cesspool of terrorists. Europe in general is. Someone needs to make the unpolitical, unpopular decision to do the hard thing and wipe these shit stains out already. This world doesnt have time for this anymore.


Now we have to have police with MP5's standing inside the concerts with us in Germany. I fucking hate this.


MP5?, MP5K?, or MP5sd?

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Not even going to comment since DJ will call me a load of liberal words including but not limited to, xenophoboc, islamaphobic, racist.


Wait, are you saying that there are people in 2015 that live in America that think there is a solution aside from "kill them all"?


They use tampax or kotex?


I WILL NOT restrain my viewpoint regarding my views regarding Islamic terrorists. i live in a free country where I may speak my mind. I don't care if it offends the sissies.

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can't you see that it's exactly that kind of thinking that creates this issue in the first place?


Yes but I think the video posted in this thread sums it up. Time to put away the PC culture and start getting shit done. The middle east and ALL of their people need to begin to start managing their OWN radicals and assholes in order to end these issues and fix the fallout they feel they are a part of.


They are clearly not doing that and IMO if they aren't part of the solution then they are part of the problem. Time for all their bullshit excuses to be put aside and the victim cards burned. THEY need to police THEMSELVES or continue to be seen as part of the problem.


I'm with Joe in that we need to put the names of who is doing what and who is hiding among the innocent aside and just do what needs done. Again, if there are casualties involved, them perhaps those people need to begin to step up and show a backbone that can be supported by the rest of us.


Time for the radicals to be eradicated. I don't give a shit what they worship or where they are from. Time to end them and their cowardly practices. IMO they are biggest fucking pussies on this earth.

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Learn something new every day. I was unaware that the US and various european countries were "peace loving" countries.


Fair, and sadly anytime we "miscalculate" a drone attack and bomb a hospital full of children, we create more terrorists. If someone bombed your kid's school, but claimed it was an accident, and collateral damage, who amongst us wouldn't go to war?

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Fair, and sadly anytime we "miscalculate" a drone attack and bomb a hospital full of children, we create more terrorists. If someone bombed your kid's school, but claimed it was an accident, and collateral damage, who amongst us wouldn't go to war?





I'd love to just annihilate the terrorists. So, let's do that, shall we? You just point them out, and I'll send a bomb or a SEAL team to do the work. Where should I send this thing?

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I'd love to just annihilate the terrorists. So, let's do that, shall we? You just point them out, and I'll send a bomb or a SEAL team to do the work. Where should I send this thing?


And that is why this will never be solved, ever. People don't want to pay the price of doing the job right.

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And that is why this will never be solved, ever. People don't want to pay the price of doing the job right.


Define "right", Wags.


Take off, nuke the whole place from orbit? Ok. Done. No more middle east. Shit, terror attacks continue, but from the other groups I mentioned earlier? Fuck, better nuke the scandinavian countries as well, or the south pacific, or mexico....


I believe the stat is that something like 97% of terrorists are male. Guess all of us penis having mutherfuckers can't be trusted...better take them all out, just to be sure.

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Define "right", Wags.


Take off, nuke the whole place from orbit? Ok. Done. No more middle east. Shit, terror attacks continue, but from the other groups I mentioned earlier? Fuck, better nuke the scandinavian countries as well, or the south pacific, or mexico....


I believe the stat is that something like 97% of terrorists are male. Guess all of us penis having mutherfuckers can't be trusted...better take them all out, just to be sure.


Well, I'm not a knuckle dragging right wing nut job that lumps all Muslim people into the same boat, so I would not think any of the above would work.


The other thing I'm not is a military expert on what is going to 100% work, but I do know to get that solution the idiot that lives in the white house needs to be left out of the process and given some non critical things to do, because whatever he has been ordering is clearly not working.


I would think it is going to take boots on the ground from all over the world, the non-asshole Muslims from other countries to help support this and show we are not invading, and finally it is going to take a whole bunch of killing. Will there be non-asshole muslims killed in the process? Sure, but I'm sure there are some smart military types that can mitigate that.


The bottom line is this bullshit of just airstrikes and hoping the locals can get the job done is not working clearly. Its a complex mess of a situation that is going to get worse before it gets better.


There are more of these fuckers running around the EU and this problem is only going to get worse for them. We should not let a single refugee into this country, period.


I don't care how small the percentage is, if you knew one of the 6 grapes you were about to eat was full of poison would you still eat any of them?

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It's easy to sit and shoot holes in suggestions, right or wrong, but what do you offer for a solution?


The solutions must come within their own communities, yet their communities dont want solutions. Think "you can take the boy out of the ghetto but you cant take the ghetto of the boy".


Europe is seeing this first hand, with their refugee crisis. They believe they can change these ideologies with modernization, and primary education, and luxuries. However the ill is so steep within these communities as estimated to be around 180 million that they stay ignorant and profess back to old ways.


Here is a piece of video, yes it has and agenda. Get over it.


There clearly is a multitude of issues, mainly I would argue as developing economies and clear autocratic governing bodies being the primary problems. DJ would like to point out it is education and public service possibly as being a fix, and he may be right. Or yet he may argue that we are crazy and this is not a Muslim issue and terror is just terror its all over, why pick on the Muslims. However with around 180 million of these "Islamic" radicals around, they have aligned themselves with a faith, and sadly they all get to join in a bad wrap, until they weed it out from with in there own ranks, I would like to see more clerics yelling "fuck these stupid fucking terrorists of Islam, they are not Islam and we will fight them" not "death to america...."


It is most definable as a issue of poverty with regard to the middle east. More crimes happen in poverty then else where, yet with all the PHD's in the US we cant fix Chicago, let alone a complex eco system of a differing culture and way of life.


The fix is to me, punishment to start, "pitiless" punishment, to those whom act and those whom support. This isn't hydra, two heads don't pop up from one. After the punishment, inflict strict sanctions and borders to evolve their communities from with in, DO NOT bring in outside influence as it is clear they do not want, they will only learn from those whom "defect" from radicalism, no blonde teaching western culture will work. Their governments need to find economic means beyond goat herding and in breeding. These are developing nations, they need jobs, they need purpose, and they need not their government to forget them, and the outside world will need to strategic plans to help with regard to this (honestly that part is beyond me, I am not a economist or sociologist). Finally its a 30 year battle, start at the youngest generation, like our wacky millennials now whom think college should be free. You can only affect change before the ill creeps in, why else do these terrorists train children... The only hope many of these radicals have is to take what was not created by them, by a "faith" of anything is better then this dust bowl where no one gives a shit about us.


Oh this can all be true about the African terrorist, buddists, chechians, ect ect ect.

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