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mocking video on extreme liberals


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has anyone ever met an "extreme liberal?" i have not and i meet strangers everyday. no one has ever called me cis-gender, a rapist, or privileged.


these people only exist on the internet and are more than likely 4chan trolls... relax guys


They exist on college campuses and in neighborhoods within major cities (short north, brooklyn, etc)

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has anyone ever met an "extreme liberal?" i have not and i meet strangers everyday. no one has ever called me cis-gender, a rapist, or privileged.


these people only exist on the internet and are more than likely 4chan trolls... relax guys


I have, they are fucking insane.


On the flip side, I've also met just as many right wing nut jobs.


Both are about as annoying as someone who drives on the freeway in the left lane with their blinker on going 10 mph under the speed limit.


They exist on college campuses and in neighborhoods within major cities (short north, brooklyn, etc)


Bingo. Higher education has turned into the movie PCU, it is very funny.

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has anyone ever met an "extreme liberal?" i have not and i meet strangers everyday. no one has ever called me cis-gender, a rapist, or privileged.


these people only exist on the internet and are more than likely 4chan trolls... relax guys


My sister goes to Harvard, have a five minute conversation with any of her friends. You will want to kill yourself.

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privilege point system!!!




I know this has been posted before on CR, but this is the type of crazy fucks I think of when I see videos like this.

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privilege point system!!!




I know this has been posted before on CR, but this is the type of crazy fucks I think of when I see videos like this.


Love it. When will people understand that you're in my country, you'll play by my laws. You're in my state, you'll play by my laws. You're in my town, you'll play by my laws. And most importantly you're in my house, you'll play by my fucking laws!!

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privilege point system!!!

I know this has been posted before on CR, but this is the type of crazy fucks I think of when I see videos like this.



Mike, I have to thank you. I got one hell of a belly laugh.


You are raping me!!!!!

Edited by BBQdDude
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They exist on college campuses and in neighborhoods within major cities (short north, brooklyn, etc)


As a life long NY'er and former brooklyn resident I don't think you can really count brooklyn hipsters as "extreme liberals". From personal experience most are libertarian or at least Anti-big government, pro capatalisim and de-regulation, and many advocate living off the grid and stronger personal privacy protections. These aren't really "liberal" agendas (except that last one if you count Bush era invasion of personal liberty and privacy post 9/11 as part of the conservative movement). Also most of them are from rural midwestern towns and not actually from NY, what they don't want is to be called a sissy faggot by their extremest conservative kin because they want to wear tight jeans, collect obsolete technology, and dress like 1983 is still a thing.



these people only exist on the internet and are more than likely 4chan trolls... relax guys


This times a thousand.

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As a life long NY'er and former brooklyn resident I don't think you can really count brooklyn hipsters as "extreme liberals". From personal experience most are libertarian or at least Anti-big government, pro capatalisim and de-regulation, and many advocate living off the grid and stronger personal privacy protections. These aren't really "liberal" agendas (except that last one if you count Bush era invasion of personal liberty and privacy post 9/11 as part of the conservative movement). Also most of them are from rural midwestern towns and not actually from NY, what they don't want is to be called a sissy faggot by their extremest conservative kin because they want to wear tight jeans, collect obsolete technology, and dress like 1983 is still a thing.




This times a thousand.


Why am I not surprised the most out of touch person on here is completely out of touch with this Social Justice Warrior bullshit.

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Why am I not surprised the most out of touch person on here is completely out of touch with this Social Justice Warrior bullshit.


because it's about as fictitious as those stereotypes of armed religious militias in the woods. I am sure one or two examples exist somewhere in the wild but it is far less common than people think and no more or less elevated by the things that usually propel stereotypes - fear and ignorance. It's bacisally a catchall for any blogger or "journalist" you disagree with in the same way someone who corrects your grammar on the internet is a grammar "nazi". Tools of ignorance are only of use by the ignorant.


Also there is only room for your head up your own ass so I am not privy to the discussions you have with yourself about the social justice warrior and how it is coming in the night to take your liberties or your guns or some such bullshit.


To quote the now removed somethingawful forums:


"Hey what does SJW mean?"


"it doesn't actually mean anything but if someone sincerely uses the term it's a good sign that they're a piece of poo poo"

Edited by Geeto67
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because it's about as fictitious as those stereotypes of armed religious militias in the woods. I am sure one or two examples exist somewhere in the wild but it is far less common than people think and no more or less elevated by the things that usually propel stereotypes - fear and ignorance. It's bacisally a catchall for any blogger or "journalist" you disagree with in the same way someone who corrects your grammar on the internet is a grammar "nazi". Tools of ignorance are only of use by the ignorant.


Also there is only room for your head up your own ass so I am not privy to the discussions you have with yourself about the social justice warrior and how it is coming in the night to take your liberties or your guns or some such bullshit.


To quote the now removed somethingawful forums:


Actually I dont think that at all. They are the people who are stuck up their own asses. I'm not worried about them taking my guns, or liberties, or etc. It's just hilarious that you think they don't exist. I mean, there have been whole major protests and sit ins on college campuses recently over the same stupid safe space bullshit. People ARE that crazy. Do I think they have any real ability to change anything? Not really, because most see them as the immature crazies that they are. Honestly, if there is anyone on here that falls under or for any stereotype, it would be you and your "Iamverysmart" bullshit. Take your head out of YOUR ass, and maybe you can see the actual world around you. It's full of idiots that are of every type of race, religion or political affiliation.

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Actually I dont think that at all. They are the people who are stuck up their own asses. I'm not worried about them taking my guns, or liberties, or etc. It's just hilarious that you think they don't exist. I mean, there have been whole major protests and sit ins on college campuses recently over the same stupid safe space bullshit. People ARE that crazy. Do I think they have any real ability to change anything? Not really, because most see them as the immature crazies that they are.


if your viewpoint is far right, everyone is going to look like a lefty commie pinko etc...



Honestly, if there is anyone on here that falls under or for any stereotype, it would be you and your "Iamverysmart" bullshit. Take your head out of YOUR ass, and maybe you can see the actual world around you. It's full of idiots that are of every type of race, religion or political affiliation.


I am maybe moderately smart. and I paid a lot of money and worked very hard for that education and I traveled a lot and lived many places for a broad world perspective. I will agree there are idiots of every type everywhere and sometimes the bar is higher than you think it may be. Sometimes it might be higher than your eye level.


Catchall "phrases" like Social Justice warrior are meaningless because they are extremely subjective and depend on the viewpoint of the person using the term. It is not a standard for anything and basically lacks definition. If you look at the individuals who use it frequently I think I could probably best stereotype them as bigots, misogynists, facists, tea party members (I know that's being a little redundant), etc....I mean are these really the kind of people you want to associate with? I mean think about it....to a Neo-Nazi a mouthy jew arguing for religious liberty could be considered a "Social Justice warrior" and it's completely in line with the propagandist intent of that label in use by it's popularists.


And excuse me if I don't take your "college protest" comment seriously...There have been protests on college campuses since there have been college campuses and for everything from Women's Suffrage and Civil rights to not serving green jello in the commissary. I think I attended a protest against the break up of Soundgarden in the 90's - not that my college could have done anything about that. A "protest" is as much a part of the college experience as binge drinking and sex with many semi-anonymous inebriated partners. I mean it, the fact that you mentioned college protests actually made me laugh out loud.

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if your viewpoint is far right, everyone is going to look like a lefty commie pinko etc...


Or if you are a moderate like me you get to sit back and watch the crazies and butthurt from both sides.





Catchall "phrases" like Social Justice warrior are meaningless because they are extremely subjective and depend on the viewpoint of the person using the term. It is not a standard for anything and basically lacks definition. If you look at the individuals who use it frequently I think I could probably best stereotype them as bigots, misogynists, facists, tea party members (I know that's being a little redundant), etc....I mean are these really the kind of people you want to associate with? I mean think about it....to a Neo-Nazi a mouthy jew arguing for religious liberty could be considered a "Social Justice warrior" and it's completely in line with the propagandist intent of that label in use by it's popularists.
Typically these type of accusations come from people who agree with these protesters. Social Justice Warrior is used to describe anyone who takes a social justice ideal to the extreme. Real world example from the Missouri football team "In the letter and at the press conference, Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white privilege". The people who label anyone who uses this phrase as "bigots, misogynists, facists, tea party members (I know that's being a little redundant), etc." are typically the ones who agree with the extreme ideals of these people.


And excuse me if I don't take your "college protest" comment seriously...There have been protests on college campuses since there have been college campuses and for everything from Women's Suffrage and Civil rights to not serving green jello in the commissary. I think I attended a protest against the break up of Soundgarden in the 90's - not that my college could have done anything about that. A "protest" is as much a part of the college experience as binge drinking and sex with many semi-anonymous inebriated partners. I mean it, the fact that you mentioned college protests actually made me laugh out loud.
So first you want to argue that these people don't actually exist, but then you acknowledge they do, but want to laugh because many are college students.


Look I was a arrogant and know it all as you when I was 22, but I grew up. Maybe you will someday and realize that your viewpoint usually won't be the correct one. Reality is, it's almost always something in the middle.


I say you see these extreme liberals in Brooklyn.

You claim that no no, people that live in Brooklyn are from the midwest, dress a certain way, but are definitely libertarian.

Reality- Brooklyn is an extremely progressive borough and has a lot of diversity. Their progressiveness attracts all type, including the elusive social justice warrior that you claim doesn't exist, but wait they do exist.

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I think classifying people is a fruitless cause in America, because our society is such a melting pot you'll never encapsulate a given group unless you widen the sampling until it doesn't matter anymore statistically.


I'm going to go with "Stupid is as stupid does", and leave labeling people to those who don't have the mental/financial capacity to broaden their horizons, have too much time on their hands, or a combination of both.

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Or if you are a moderate like me you get to sit back and watch the crazies and butthurt from both sides.


You hardly come off as a "moderate". I'm going to godwin's law this mutherfucker and say even Hitler thought he was reasonable. If you are using the SJW term I don't think you get to claim be be moderate, or maybe it is just that you don't understand it's a made up word whose definition relies on the personal opinion of the user. It has no more relevance that calling a bunch of people idiots because you don't agree with them.


Typically these type of accusations come from people who agree with these protesters. Social Justice Warrior is used to describe anyone who takes a social justice ideal to the extreme.

You are making a big inaccurate leap there. but whatever I expect that kind of reaction from someone who believes in "social justice warrors", and probably the lochness monster, bigfoot, and little green men from mars.


Real world example from the Missouri football team "In the letter and at the press conference, Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white privilege". The people who label anyone who uses this phrase as "bigots, misogynists, facists, tea party members (I know that's being a little redundant), etc." are typically the ones who agree with the extreme ideals of these people.


You do realize you are taking the "real world example" you are citing out of context right? Stand alone it does sound extreme to the point of being silly - however in the context of the larger civil rights protest that was occurring at Mizzou in the scope of much borader allegations of racial discrimination that occurred under Tim Wolfe's administration (for which he would be responsible). From a tactical point of view it makes sense in the broader scope, It's cut off the head of the chicken symbolic. But whatever - the majority of "news" sources reporting this issue are conservative pundit style sources who are also taking it out of context. I am not surprised you are just parroting a fairly one sided viewpoint.



So first you want to argue that these people don't actually exist, but then you acknowledge they do, but want to laugh because many are college students.


I said it very clearly in all my responses so far - maybe extremists exist but their numbers are much smaller than perceived because the SJW label is more a insult designed to marginalize a class of people. There are going to be extremists in every group but they are not the majority, however the term is meant to speak to the majority group and derogatorily classify them as extremest. If you really want a label just call them "assholes with opinions", then at least you would have something in common with them.


Look I was a arrogant and know it all as you when I was 22, but I grew up. Maybe you will someday and realize that your viewpoint usually won't be the correct one. Reality is, it's almost always something in the middle.
No you are still an arrogant know it all - your position has just changed. As the Who said "the parking on the left is now the parking on the right". As you get older your ability to justify otherwise narrow opinions as broad and reasonable gets better.


You claim that no no, people that live in Brooklyn are from the midwest, dress a certain way, but are definitely libertarian.

I claimed a subset of people who live in Brooklyn who were referenced in an earlier post were not as the stereotype traditionally portrays them. I did not speak to the many hard working individuals of all walks that live in that borough that I called friends, family, and neighbors for a long time. Tell me what experience do you have with this aside from what is fed to you from wikipedia?


Reality- Brooklyn is an extremely progressive borough and has a lot of diversity. Their progressiveness attracts all type, including the elusive social justice warrior that you claim doesn't exist, but wait they do exist.


Yes Brooklyn is extremely diverse. that is about the only thing you have said that is remotely factual.


I am just going to echo Clay's sentiment here - labeling people is a waste of time.

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