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Turkey Shoots Down Russian Military Plane Near Syrian Border


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So because you and I don't see it, that means it's not being done?


And you really think Geneva convention countries aren't slaughtering civilians? Of course they are. Wars are won through civilian casualties.


When did we drop nukes on Japan? 1945? How many people died? 90k-160k in Hiro and 39k-80k in Nag just on the first day? What percentage of those were civilian? When were the Geneva agreements made? 1949. Then the US was all like, "OK, we got our good lick in, so lets hurry up and make an agreement where no one can do that again. Glad we got ours in beforehand though." Wars are won through civilian casualties. Period.


POW's...let them live to fight and kill you another day.


I think you need to sit down and read the actual measures, or at least the wikipedia entries on it and Jus In Bello because you seem to be making some very incorrect blanket statements.


Treaties on war are as old as war itself. They are often reactive rather than pro-active as nothing drives new technology like war itself. Humanity had to fight an awful bloddy "World War" with chemical weapons that wiped out the majority of Europe's population before banning chemical weapons was even considered (and then it took years).





They are not outright prohibitions on civilian casualties. I don't think you can have something like that in the theater of war. There are however provisions that deal with Genocide, red cross, doctors, etc...


War is won through attrition, that is completely true. And Civilian Casualties are absolutely a part of attrition. And I don't really think there is an expectation of 100% compliance with these treaties for minor incidents - it's a conflict and shit happens, however if you do it a lot or make a policy out of it, the enforcing nations gang up on you and imprison and execute your offending officers and soldiers.


I think you would be surprised at how much actually gets followed in conflicts between adhering nations, and how much muscle is flexed post conflict for nations outside the treaties where atrocities happened (Rwanda, Croatia, Serbia, etc....). Again, the treaty's only real measure of power is post conflict punishment so these things happen. However, the only way to keep the enforcing nations from collectively shitting on your head as a country is to not be the next Hitler.


The problem with insurgents, people without a country, rebels, whatever you want to call them is it is very hard to punish them. They don't have land you can take away, they don't have a stake in world government that would cause their politicians to hand over their war criminals. They basically have nothing to lose - so they shoot pilots down under canopy, wipe out villages full of civilians for no military advantage, and basically do bad guy stuff. But if Germany started doing that stuff again.....

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I read that a rescue helicopter dispatched to look for the pilots by Russia was shot down by rebels with a US-made TOW missile. I have not seen that on a "reputable" site yet though.


I'm reading that it wasn't "shot down" so much as it was hit with a TOW while landed...not sure what it was on the ground for. Hitting a helicopter in the air with a TOW would take a fairly skilled operator. Not that it can't be done, just would be a damn good shot.

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I'm reading that it wasn't "shot down" so much as it was hit with a TOW while landed...not sure what it was on the ground for. Hitting a helicopter in the air with a TOW would take a fairly skilled operator. Not that it can't be done, just would be a damn good shot.


Yeah the story I read said the helicopter was forced to land by a missile hit and then destroyed by a TOW missile.

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Turkey was miffed that Russia was kicking ISIS's ass, so they are trying to play hard ball..


Whats even more interesting is the irony that people love to make note Reagon supplied Al Queada and now you have Obama supplying ISIS (funds and arms, indirectly and directly to "moderates"; moderates whom are now claiming this act)...Russia has been starting to grumble about this and I think the bear is angry.

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Yeah the story I read said the helicopter was forced to land by a missile hit and then destroyed by a TOW missile.


Dude...hop on liveleak Nd look up tow middle vids. The Syrians do some amazing things with them. Saw one dude hit a tank that backed up behind a wall. As to how he got that thing to drop at the right time, I have no idea. My brother said it was a one in a :ilkion shot. If I could fire any weapon I wanted just once...tow missile would be it.

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The news tonight said the russian plane crossed a 2 mile stretch of turkey arispace. SO if the jet was cruising at lets say 600mph. So at 60 mph it takes about 60 seconds to go 1 mile so to go 2 miles @ 600 mph would be about 12 seconds...really 12 seconds and the turk wan to start ww3 for 12 seconds..what idiots
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The news tonight said the russian plane crossed a 2 mile stretch of turkey arispace. SO if the jet was cruising at lets say 600mph. So at 60 mph it takes about 60 seconds to go 1 mile so to go 2 miles @ 600 mph would be about 12 seconds...really 12 seconds and the turk wan to start ww3 for 12 seconds..what idiots


Turkey said that they warned the jet 10x over a 5 min span. It doesn't make sense since like you said, it would only be seconds before the Russian Jet to cross that section of Turkish air space if it actually did. Turkey is fucked

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The news tonight said the russian plane crossed a 2 mile stretch of turkey arispace. SO if the jet was cruising at lets say 600mph. So at 60 mph it takes about 60 seconds to go 1 mile so to go 2 miles @ 600 mph would be about 12 seconds...really 12 seconds and the turk wan to start ww3 for 12 seconds..what idiots


^^ basic math makes my head hurt. @ 600mph to go 2 miles, 12 seconds? more like the blink of an eye.

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Turkey said that they warned the jet 10x over a 5 min span. It doesn't make sense since like you said, it would only be seconds before the Russian Jet to cross that section of Turkish air space if it actually did. Turkey is fucked


Yeah but they probably warned them in turkish, and what russians speak turkish? should have warned them in murican, cause erryone speaks that.


FUCK YEAH :fuckyeah:


maybe the su-25 piped the f-16, and he wasn't havin any of dat.

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Yeah but they probably warned them in turkish, and what russians speak turkish? should have warned them in murican, cause erryone speaks that.


FUCK YEAH :fuckyeah:


maybe the su-25 piped the f-16, and he wasn't havin any of dat.


lol did the mig do one of these?



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Yeah but they probably warned them in turkish, and what russians speak turkish? should have warned them in murican, cause erryone speaks that.


FUCK YEAH :fuckyeah:


maybe the su-25 piped the f-16, and he wasn't havin any of dat.


It would have been spoken in English. All pilots use English to communicate, it's the universal language for radio communication.

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