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Turkey Shoots Down Russian Military Plane Near Syrian Border


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Remember the last time "refugees" came into this Country, and "killed" the indigenous population?





I'm trying to remember that one, it wasn't the Germans or the Japanese or the Irish or the 1 million Vietnamese or the million plus Koreans or the million plus Somali, immigrants or refugees....

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Heart disease doesn't speak English and you're all going to die from it. Quit worrying about refugees and terrorists. A few of you will be killed by turkey or crazy mates. Seriously, you knew they were f'n crazy and you're with them anyway. Why are you surprised she finally stabbed you after that comment about her "stuffing"?
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Heart disease doesn't speak English and you're all going to die from it. Quit worrying about refugees and terrorists. A few of you will be killed by turkey or crazy mates. Seriously, you knew they were f'n crazy and you're with them anyway. Why are you surprised she finally stabbed you after that comment about her "stuffing"?


Uh whhhhaatttt?


Is the turkey typing that too?

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Uh whhhhaatttt?


Is the turkey typing that too?


He pecks me until I get *ow!*.


No, there are no turkeys here. We love turkeys. They are the best and way smarter than chickens. Never eat turkeys or use them as a cover to attack other countries.




I mean me. Christian. I wrote this.

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We are a nation of immigrants, refugees, and cast-offs, homie.


I totally get it. BUT...if you were to relocate to a different country, for whatever reason, would you NOT learn that language? Since your relocation still within the US are you perfecting your Spanish so you can get along? If so, don't you find that a bit ridiculous? :)


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I totally get it. BUT...if you were to relocate to a different country, for whatever reason, would you NOT learn that language? Since your relocation still within the US are you perfecting your Spanish so you can get along? If so, don't you find that a bit ridiculous? :)



Yeah, you would. Regardless of what the "official" language is. Going to be difficult if you communicate differently than the majority of folks you interact with, however, if you can get by without doing so, then more power to you. I'm not disagreeing with you in that English is the most commonly spoken language, and those that move here would do well to learn it, I am disagreeing that it needs to be "official". Why? So that we can more efficiently discriminate against folks who haven't been here that long?


EDIT: Did you know that there are over 330 languages spoken by the folks of the USA, and that of those, something like 170 are INDIGENOUS to our country? That's crazy. Had no idea it was that high.

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Yeah, you would. Regardless of what the "official" language is. Going to be difficult if you communicate differently than the majority of folks you interact with, however, if you can get by without doing so, then more power to you. I'm not disagreeing with you in that English is the most commonly spoken language, and those that move here would do well to learn it, I am disagreeing that it needs to be "official". Why? So that we can more efficiently discriminate against folks who haven't been here that long?


EDIT: Did you know that there are over 330 languages spoken by the folks of the USA, and that of those, something like 170 are INDIGENOUS to our country? That's crazy. Had no idea it was that high.


Jesus H, you cant agree English is the official language of the United States?


When did you fall off the wagon? This isn't even a topic to debate. Who give s a flying fuck how many languages are spoken in the US, we are founded and governed in ENGLISH, its official, and it is not a means of discrimination.


To even asses it as discrimination is fucking dumb, really dumb, and just self loathing to and nth degree. I will admit I can see from the other side how you might be looked at differently if you cant speak the language, and yes you could be judged, tough shit, really. Allowing other languages is fine, that isn't the issue. Americans have been happy to empathize with their immigrants and refugees and aliens whose ever communication issues for a long time. Making accommodations to help them is fine. I have people that shop at my store whom I have learned Spanish for in order to help them get their orders in, however I ALSO help them learn English and they appreciate it greatly, its a mutual benefit, its not discrimination. Fuck me running back words though if we are so "evil" as to calling English the official language of the USA as a means of discrimination for those whom haven't been here long...come on man. What do you want the USA to for those "immigrants" just let them come over and govern, "yeah boys glad your here, guess what we are so nice tell you what, you get free money, housing, food, access to jobs, and you know what fuck it, what language do you speak, polish, great we do to now so you better fit in the us Americans"


I guess I am more efficiency being discriminatory by following the Constitution of the USA, oh well.

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Jesus H, you cant agree English is the official language of the United States?


When did you fall off the wagon? This isn't even a topic to debate. Who give s a flying fuck how many languages are spoken in the US, we are founded and governed in ENGLISH, its official, and it is not a means of discrimination.


To even asses it as discrimination is fucking dumb, really dumb, and just self loathing to and nth degree. I will admit I can see from the other side how you might be looked at differently if you cant speak the language, and yes you could be judged, tough shit, really. Allowing other languages is fine, that isn't the issue. Americans have been happy to empathize with their immigrants and refugees and aliens whose ever communication issues for a long time. Making accommodations to help them is fine. I have people that shop at my store whom I have learned Spanish for in order to help them get their orders in, however I ALSO help them learn English and they appreciate it greatly, its a mutual benefit, its not discrimination. Fuck me running back words though if we are so "evil" as to calling English the official language of the USA as a means of discrimination for those whom haven't been here long...come on man. What do you want the USA to for those "immigrants" just let them come over and govern, "yeah boys glad your here, guess what we are so nice tell you what, you get free money, housing, food, access to jobs, and you know what fuck it, what language do you speak, polish, great we do to now so you better fit in the us Americans"


I guess I am more efficiency being discriminatory by following the Constitution of the USA, oh well.


:lolguy: Brandon be losing his shit.


Dude, what I'm saying is that I don't fucking care, and neither should any of the rest of you. We are all native English speakers, what does it fucking matter? Pushing for the .gov to make English "official" is just window dressing, and opens the door for shitty people to do shitty things just fucking cause. The .gov ALREADY works in English, so do all of the courts, the laws, yada yada. Why the fuck would you need a piece of legislation to "verify" that?


What wagon would I have fallen off of?


Um "Native Americans" we're immigrants at one point too.
Lol, of course they were. And they may have displaced/wiped out some group of indigenous folks as well. I'm not naive enough to think it's a new story, nor do I think it's ever going to end. It's the nature of people to make their environment suit them, instead of vice versa.
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:lolguy: Brandon be losing his shit.


Dude, what I'm saying is that I don't fucking care, and neither should any of the rest of you. We are all native English speakers, what does it fucking matter? Pushing for the .gov to make English "official" is just window dressing, and opens the door for shitty people to do shitty things just fucking cause. The .gov ALREADY works in English, so do all of the courts, the laws, yada yada. Why the fuck would you need a piece of legislation to "verify" that?


You are doing it wrong. what you need to do is convince them that declaring English as an Official language is a form of socialism and then they will all back away from that position like a hot turd on a lunch counter. I mean technically it would be communism because Socalism is about about economic social ownership and democratic control of the government where as Communism is the one that talks about equality among the classes but socialism seems to be the hot button word these days. It works like this:


Don't think it's communist? Then why did the USSR make Russian the "Official language" of their country and gave it priority over all other ethnic languages as a way to assimilate the populace to communism? It is a way of making everyone equal with no social status and leads to the decay of capitalism through language barrier. Let's face it - if you think English should be the official language and the US should recognize no others then you are a communist...er...I mean a socialist.



There I said it. come at me bros.



They will never understand that English predominance in this country is one of the many way in which we have adopted a form of institutionalized discrimination - I mean I agree with you Orion 100% but it's a hard sell to people who have bough a pretty shitty political party line of God, Guns, and Guts and don't understand how those three things might actually be in opposition.

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You are doing it wrong. what you need to do is convince them that declaring English as an Official language is a form of socialism and then they will all back away from that position like a hot turd on a lunch counter. I mean technically it would be communism because Socalism is about about economic social ownership and democratic control of the government where as Communism is the one that talks about equality among the classes but socialism seems to be the hot button word these days. It works like this:


Don't think it's communist? Then why did the USSR make Russian the "Official language" of their country and gave it priority over all other ethnic languages as a way to assimilate the populace to communism? It is a way of making everyone equal with no social status and leads to the decay of capitalism through language barrier. Let's face it - if you think English should be the official language and the US should recognize no others then you are a communist...er...I mean a socialist. [


There I said it. come at me bros.



They will never understand that English predominance in this country is one of the many way in which we have adopted a form of institutionalized discrimination - I mean I agree with you Orion 100% but it's a hard sell to people who have bough a pretty shitty political party line of God, Guns, and Guts and don't understand how those three things might actually be in opposition.


You can expect this from somebody that has been named Kerry. Any of you considering having offspring, please name them wisely.

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You can expect this from somebody that has been named Kerry. Any of you considering having offspring, please name them wisely.





also I am pretty sure rock god Kerry King would probably like to have a word with you:



Seriously, "official" country languages are Communism and Socialism. The National Socalist Party (or as you know them the Nazis) standardized High German as an official language for their own people and also for their conquered nations (an idea that came from Darius the Great from around 500 BC). Russians used it to drive conformity under communist rule. These are the kinds of people you get in bed with when you promote an "official" national language.

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They will never understand that English predominance in this country is one of the many way in which we have adopted a form of institutionalized discrimination - I mean I agree with you Orion 100% but it's a hard sell to people who have bough a pretty shitty political party line of God, Guns, and Guts and don't understand how those three things might actually be in opposition.


Um...:wtf:? You must be trolling just to troll now...


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Um...:wtf:? You must be trolling just to troll now...



no...a silly proposal requires an equally silly response. I could accuse you of trolling but somehow I don't think you see an "official" language as nearly as silly an idea as I find it.


Plus I actually have history on my side where as so far the only argument I have seen in support here is that it inconveniences the ancestors of an immigrant people who committed genocide against the non-English speakers who were already inhabiting this land. What I mean is...is it actually trolling if I am right that standardization of language has been used by fascists, communists, and corrupt politicians to discriminate against a population in their own countries for thousands of years (500bc if we are using Darius the great as the benchmark) under the false guise of equality?


How about we look at it another way in the Language of the modern conservative:




remember what that means? no let me help: "the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action "



or in other words "the right to do what you want". Want to be a "Christian" we have "Freedom of religion" that prevents there from ever being an "official" religion, so you can pray to Christ, or Buddha, or a spaghetti monster, or an abstract theory of time and physical space being a singular point in an otherwise infinite paradigm.....wait sorry I lost you there...where was I? Oh yes FREEDOM!!!!!!


Freedom of speech in this country isn't just restricted to content, it includes thing like foreign languages so guess what - my ability to speak Spanish, or

French, or Konkani from an obscure village in the western part of India cannot be interfered with by the federal government.


I mean, it can't be that hard to understand that by restricting to an "official language" you defacto discriminate against anybody who doesn't speak it - right? That is not freedom of speech - that is penalizing people for exactly their speech and expression. It's unconstitutional.


How about this: If you think the US should have an Official Language then you hate freedom. And hating freedom is Un-American. 'Merica Fuck Yeah!!!!

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