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Eating Carolina Reaper Peppers

Das Borgen

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These are actually pretty good when not fully ripe (young). But are as hot as video when they are. Guy I used to work with dried those, ghosts, and habs to make hot pepper with. Was actually good unless you put too much on.
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Someone brought these to CC&C and I ate one. Wasn't bad but it was a slow build. It's fucking hot that's for sure, but the worst was coming out, not going in. Ruined my tastebuds for the rest if the weekend too.
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We grew 2 Carolina Reapers this year. As well as 2 Scotch Bonnet, Trinidad Scorpions, Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Pepper) and Thai Chilies.


The Reapers are the hottest damn pepper I have EVER had. I ended up taking the final harvest into a Powdered Death Dust / Powder. Holy hell!!! :lolguy:



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My father in law can eat a ghost like a pickle...pretty crazy shit. His first degree is in cross-pollination herbology, so he makes peppers that don't really even exist. When we have dinner together I can hardly breathe near some of the peppers he casually eats.


If anyone is ever interested in some of his hybrids, let me know. He grows and cans 100's of them, to the point where he has a fridge dedicated solely to his peppers.

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