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Go Fund Me


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Your sister with 3 kids and no dad in the picture; her double wide burns down, and they have no where to go. You take them in until they get back on their feet, but they have lost everything. I get it, start a go fund me account for people to donate to them to get back up and running.


Blow all your cash on lotto tickets and then be surprised when you don't win, go fund me. Nooooooo! Go fuck yourself. You gambled the rent and the food money, and now you are broke. Child services's probably should take your kids. It's obvious you aren't making safe decisions to keep food on the table and roof over the head.


You drive a newer $30,000+ car, and the engine blows. It'll be $5k-$6k the rebuild and get going again. You have $4k, and set up a Go Fund Me account for raising the rest of the money. How about live within your means? How do people have no shame, where they think it is "ok" and of good character to ask for hand outs from people."Well I see other people do it". Who fucking cares! What happened to being an adult and solving your own fucking issues? I'm sure we have all had help at some time. I get it. This has become the new pan handling and these mooches are pathetic. How about crash and burn in life and LEARN from it?


I want a new gun. It's a silenced rocket launcher, and is also a shotgun and a squirt gun. It cost $10,000, and I feel I need it to teach concealed carry classes. All my money is wrapped up in ammo. I need you guys to Go Fund Me.

Edited by Mojoe
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Go-Scam-People is more like it. I've seen people try to get money for builds, new camera gear, money to go to races, all kinds of shit.


When Big Chief wrecked he told people to NOT donate to any go-scam-people ads because they were not his, he did not support them. After Daddy Dave's wreck people set up accounts and kept the money.

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For realio advice, you've got to let people like this just go. Too much bad shit in life already and problems of our own to sit there and get frustrated about how other people live their lives. There will always be a ton of idiots/scammers/evil people to concentrate on if you let it bother you too much. Something about inner peace or some shit like that.
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I saw the lottery one on fb. My favorite part is when she said she was "expecting" to hit the powerball. Another one that I see way more often than I should and really pisses me off is when someone starts one to build their car. Like "gaiz, i needz racecar partz". Those douches can fuck right off with the rest of the people expecting a free ride.
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If someone on CR or in your friends group of social media has a hardship, I get it, pitch in and try to help. But, these go fund me pages are popping up for people that are just pathetic.


Get up and got to work. Take on a second job. Down size. Hell, barter if you can. But, these fucking hand outs have to stop. These next generations are never going to take responsibility for their action and situation, if they keep getting bailed out. Valuable life lessons are learned from crashing and burning.


The mom spending her money on the lotto and the blown motor are both ones that popped up this week. WTF?

Edited by Mojoe
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For realio advice, you've got to let people like this just go. Too much bad shit in life already and problems of our own to sit there and get frustrated about how other people live their lives. There will always be a ton of idiots/scammers/evil people to concentrate on if you let it bother you too much. Something about inner peace or some shit like that.


I tend to be pretty relaxed or very passionate about things. Venting here in hopes people that are in the "maybe" zone of setting up a go fund me, for something stupid, reevaluate the situation.


The blown motor was posted on a local forums FB page today. I wrote up my blast on the guy. However, the good folks running the page deleted the guys post. Good on them.

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If someone on CR or in your friends group of social media has a hardship, I get it, pitch in and try to help. But, these go fund me pages are popping up for people that are just pathetic.


Get up and got to work. Take on a second job. Down size. Hell, barter if you can. But, these fucking hand outs have to stop. These next generations are never going to take responsibility for their action and situation, if they keep getting bailed out. Valuable life lessons are learned from crashing and burning.


The mom spending her money on the lotto and the blown motor are both ones that pooped up this week. WTF?


There was a "photographer" that laid out this big sob story in the drag racing group I'm in that included a gofundme pitch. This group is full of the best in the world when it comes to drag racing photographers, editors, and writers.


What REALLY pissed me off is I bit in hook line and sinker. I tried to set her up with some editors for paid work, even tried to help her find a job since she was local in SC to a friend of mine who said she would help her.


A few others offered to help her, she never replied to our offers, and pretty much was looking for a handout(s).



She got ate-the-fuck-up on so many levels. Now she can't get a single job in the industry due to her fuckery.


Just one example of the abuse of this site I've seen.

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These next generations are never going to take responsibility for their action and situation, if they keep getting bailed out. Valuable life lessons are learned from crashing and burning.


It has nothing to do with generations, it's people in general. Not everyone my age is lazy, just like not every gun owner is a killer.

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It has nothing to do with generations, it's people in general. Not everyone my age is lazy, just like not every gun owner is a killer.


Agreed, however if people are seeing this going on and think it is acceptable, they too will be likely to do the same. It's not an age group thing. It's a people doing dumb shit and our soft society is very influenced by anything with easy money.

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Agreed, however if people are seeing this going on and think it is acceptable, they too will be likely to do the same. It's not an age group thing. It's a people doing dumb shit and our soft society is very influenced by anything with easy money.


Everyone wants easy money and the world is mostly dumb people. I don't think this has ever been any differnt. What's changed is there is twice as many people in the us as there was in 1965.

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People going after the handout or easy money may be as old as time, but with the internet and social media, the reach people have is far greater. This escalates the rate at which stupid is spread by influence. The more there are people and the more of them that are doing fucked up things, just makes it harder on the rational and realistic living people.
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this stupid gofund me post has bled into other groups and it pisses me off because I try to run a clean group. I let the original post take care of itself .. But then someone screenshot it and reshares it after OP deleted it amd encourages continual flaming and someone else did the same and shared to other groups...
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Ive donated to 1 GoFundMe. It was unsolicited by the recipient. It was a girl I went to college with. Her husband fell into a Grain-Feed Mixer and was chopped up. They had 2 kids together and she was 7 months pregnant with their 3rd. I dont give a damn if she spent the $25k on Starbucks and Uggs. She experienced the unimaginable and if spending the money on that made her happy, then so be it.


FYI the lotto ticket one was satire.


Ive also seen people scam GoFundMe where they raise cash for something, received the service, then never paid.

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