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Black Lives Matter activist commits suicide outside the Ohio Statehouse


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I understand what you're getting at, I just think it is narrow-minded to assume there is nothing preventing someone from being a billionaire and that everyone has an equal chance. Some of those reasons are self-inflicted, others are not. Maybe sociology classes gave me a biased view, who knows.


Remember, plenty of lazy people become billionaires too :).


Billionaire was a stretch. My point was, you're never going to amount to anything if you sit around crying "pity poor me, the world is out to get me".

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If nothing is preventing anyone from it' date=' why isn't everyone a multi-billionaire?[/quote']


Everyone isn't a billionaire because we all have varying levels of ambition, direction, discipline, creativity, and ... Luck. Mix in a little "what are my priorities?" plus a bunch of "I want to have money more than I want to be comfortable" (i.e. - going out and "getting" it) and there you have it.


No one ever made a success of themselves by "being comfortable" while trying to hit theirs goals.


"You gotta get uncomfortable" because high levels of success are caused by high levels of activity in servitude to others. Meaning, you can't get what you want until you help others get what they want. Take a minute and think about how that statement works on every level of business from the owner, down to the leadership, to the non-managers, who are ultimately serving the customer.

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"You gotta get uncomfortable" because high levels of success are caused by high levels of activity in servitude to others. Meaning, you can't get what you want until you help others get what they want. Take a minute and think about how that statement works on every level of business from the owner, down to the leadership, to the non-managers, who are ultimately serving the customer.


^^ this. The phrase I tell my people is that they need to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Do that and combine it with some common sense, good business sense, a set of thought out plans, the ability to change and grow applying learnings constantly to the plan and a sincere drive to achieve your plans and you will be successful.


IMO everyone should have an Individual Development Plan for themselves. If you're just going to work everyday and going through the motions then you're not guiding your own outcome.

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I will say 1 thing about income equality and this applies to all races, until the poor quit having a crap load of kids out of or in wedlock they will always be poor and will suck the government tit until it bleeds.

There need to mandatory drug testing if you want welfare, if you are unmarried having kids you need to get a job and you will receive no help until you help yourself.

Yeah I know it's an unpopular,elitist view so what.


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There need to mandatory drug testing if you want welfare


Every instance where this has been implemented has proven to cost taxpayers more than it saves. I'm not saying that you should be allowed to be on drugs, I'm just saying that it turns out that a vast majority of those who receive welfare assistance are not on drugs.


What we need to do is have mandatory vasectomies at age 10, and then when you turn 18 you're allowed to take a test to see if you're qualified to have kids.


the test would be something along the lines of:


"You have $10. you want some gatorade. your kids need diapers. how do you allocate your funds?"




"What is a 401(k)?"




"approximately how much of the burden of child rearing should society take on if you decide to reproduce?"

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"You have $10. you want some gatorade. your kids need diapers. how do you allocate your funds?"




"What is a 401(k)?"




"approximately how much of the burden of child rearing should society take on if you decide to reproduce?"


Maybe they should start teaching these things in public schools first.

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Billionaire was a stretch. My point was, you're never going to amount to anything if you sit around crying "pity poor me, the world is out to get me".


That I can agree with. My main point though is that there are socioeconomic factors (among other things) that can put someone at a severe disadvantage over someone born into a better situation. Not saying that it is impossible for someone to overcome those hurdles, but the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality that people think is the answer to the problems of this country is a huge oversimplification.

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In a turn for the surreal, I agree (mostly) with Geeto on this subject. Clay is right, though. This is definitely not the forum to engage in this sort of discussion.


Also, reading ShowHBK call ANYONE on this site ignorant is straight comedy gold.

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and no matter how hard you try to teach them value, it just never fucking sinks in. :mad:

yup, they grew up in an age where things are just handed to them. Things are just a click away and we are parents are afraid to say no. (well I have no problem saying no... mom on the other hand... the only person she says no to is me)

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I spent $465 to have my shit clipped. Insurance reimbursed me all of that.


Take home: Both the Insurance company and I know how expensive those little fuckers are and it's infinitely cheaper to permanently prevent them in the first place.


Except their business model depends on them being born....

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yup, they grew up in an age where things are just handed to them. Things are just a click away and we are parents are afraid to say no. (well I have no problem saying no... mom on the other hand... the only person she says no to is me)


preach it brother

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  • 2 months later...

Evidently black lives don't matter.....especially given the way he was treated after being knocked out. People just leave him there, do nothing to the dick who punched him, rifled through the dudes pockets and left him in the gutter to be run over by a Taxi! (video on nightly news is shocking) Really? I'm speechless after seeing it.


Amazing but not surprising that the family is going after 7/11 for money. Guy hasn't been dead one day and they are suing for money. Never-mind the rest of the community and the fact that they treated this guy like a pile of dog shit. Their own community they clearly don't feel black lives matter. Sad for all of humanity.



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