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Black Lives Matter activist commits suicide outside the Ohio Statehouse


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That's nice and idealistic and all, but how are you going to change people's behavior. Where is the actual solution?


I appreciate your confidence in my abilities to change the world, but that's a task that neither you me, nor the next POTUS or even King Obama himself can do. Changing the behavior of people starts from within. Thus my ENTIRE POINT throughout this who discussion. Those people have to bring about the change. We all have to overcome our own objections and challenges in life. Others can help but the heavy lifting comes from within. It's what i'm referring to when I say they need to look in the mirror. Step 1, look in mirror. Step 2 might be to make a commitment to ones self to be a part of the solution to your own problems. 3 might be to seek a solutions vs trying to place blame. Noble steps I think. YMMV.


Life is full of disappointment. for instance, I am disappointed that you seem to have distilled a family's sense of loss, grief, and outrage into "gold digging". You are assuming that they didn't love him and let him down in some way, and your "proof" is that they are suing. ugh.
My judgements like this are based on what they, the family, are showing me. I see a son that was killed and an immediate finger pointing to 7/11 with a lawyer crying out for big Justice $$. That was a pretty swift and IMO telling reaction. Again, just making the call from my vantage point based on the actions they are taking.


That is not even close to the core issue. that is what you think a partial solution without any real implementation plan looks like.
I can tell you my points will never likely be to place blame on the rest of society and look to gov't to fix it for everyone. To me, I stand by the fact that there were a lot of people in that 7/11 situation that didn't give a fuck and to me that tells a lot about their personal values. No need to spend years contemplating it.


WWCRD if they saw a guy get knocked the F-out and fall into the street? I can guarantee I wouldn't pick his pockets and leave the dude in the gutter. Doubt you would either. Step 1 might be for parents everywhere to have this type of discussion with their family or friends or loved ones.

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