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Live Race Streaming: Speedvideo.com


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The main company I freelance for, Power Automedia is launching a streaming TV network http://www.speedvideo.com. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and sign up for e-mail updates so you know what events will be covered.


Right now I'll be working the drag racing side of things at events doing editorial, photo, video, and maybe on air work. I'm pretty pumped to say the least, its another step in the right direction for once.


I also want to take the time to thank all who have supported me and encouraged me on this journey. I will continue to never forget those who got me here and help promote the local car guys when I can.


It feels good to see the hard work pay off and stick it to those who got their laughs at my expense. I'm the kind of person that loves to prove people wrong, and now the bar just got kicked up about 11 notches :fuckyeah:


I now have companies coming to me wanting work done and it is now opening some really neat doors!

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The verity of content looks promising. Is this going to be similar to Motor Trend's "On Demand" service? I tried their site and the content is just not there yet... how much content do you think will get posted? how regularly?


Keep doing what you do man, always great to read your work :)

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The verity of content looks promising. Is this going to be similar to Motor Trend's "On Demand" service? I tried their site and the content is just not there yet... how much content do you think will get posted? how regularly?


Keep doing what you do man, always great to read your work :)


Well, check out Power Automedia's YouTube channel to get an idea and http://www.powerautomedia.com to see everything we do. I write for pretty much all the titles now in some form.

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Congrats Sir on making your passion into a career. You'll find as you step over the doubters that most of them are just people who refuse to scratch claw and work to make their own dreams come true.


Looking forward to some good content!


Its a nice side gig that allows me to do some neat stuff and make cash doing it. I'm not ready to make it my fulltime career yet, but if the right chance comes my way I'll do it.


They are really looking to get ahead of the fall of regular TV and address the underserved motorsports market.

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