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I met Antonin Scalia and talked to him for 45 minutes and want you all to know it


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he's not even in the ground and already the conspiracy theories are coming fast and furious:



Having met the man a couple of times and even having a 45 minute conversation with him once about "original intent" I can only say it "couldn't have happened to a more deserving person".


anybody else got 2 cents they want to weigh in with?

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Guy was hilarious, fuck the haters.


being funny doesn't make you right. I will agree his literary tantrums were really funny, but they were funny in the same way your old dementia ridden grandpa's ramblings about the jews and irish are funny.


Dude got to make an analogy to applesauce and say Jiggery-Pokery in official court rulings (albeit the dissent), can't fault him for that. Learned Hand he is not however.

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Definitely the loudest of the current justices. I love that someone would see a 79 year old dying as something suspicious, lol.


As far as the replacement goes, I predict Obama gets a pick approved.


They have to or it will hurt the republicans in the election, and a liberal judge gets appointed anyway when Hillary appoints the Judge. :lol:

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I can only say it "couldn't have happened to a more deserving person".


anybody else got 2 cents they want to weigh in with?


You have got to be fucking kidding me.


You stir the pot and try to fight with members on here, defending and martyring the deaths of people that do not deserve your efforts, yet CELEBRATE the death of someone considered by many to be "one of the most influential judge(s) of the last quarter-century"?! Because what, you met the man for 45 minutes and he presumably disagreed with your over-opinionated self?!


I shouldn't be terribly surprised; you are the same asshole that assumes anyone that wishes others Merry Christmas as opposed to Happy Holidays is a 'presumptuous bigot'*. :rolleyes:


You make my head hurt.









*At least I know how to spell the word properly.

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You stir the pot and try to fight with members on here, defending and martyring the deaths of people that do not deserve your efforts...

I don't think you mean to be making the call as to who is deserving and is not. I don't think you mean it this way but it does come off as more bigoted than you probably intended. Also I don't martyr anybody, because you aren't using that word right - martyr as a verb means I would have killed them. Also there is no "-ing" on the end of martyr as a verb. It is just "martyr".


...yet CELEBRATE the death of someone considered by many to be "one of the most influential judge(s) of the last quarter-century"?!


first off all I am not celebrating anybody's death. Dude passed in his sleep quietly at the end of a long life - def a good way to go for sure and for that and I am happy that it was peaceful. I am celebrating the end of his tenure and the conclusion of his legacy which is more controversial than it is influential. Not all of his ideas were crackpot but his core structure, esp at the end of his tenure were frustrating and contrary to how government works in America (and yes I know government working in America is an oxymoron). I fear that further down the road his true legacy will be revealed to plating the seeds that allow certain types of discrimination to survive otherwise contrary majority opinions with which he disagreed.


Because what, you met the man for 45 minutes and he presumably disagreed with your over-opinionated self?!


Because I have read more opinions of him (and other supreme court justices) than you can ever hope to read. because I have the context. truth be told meeting him actually caused me to have more respect for him, a respect he then set out to further squander with some of his more "controversial" opinions that towed the republican party line more than they sought actual adjudication.


I find it pure comedy gold that you are chiding me for being opinionated about a man whose supreme court legacy was being a bully, dismissive, argumentative, and marginalizing. Oops, I left out over-opinionated, my bad.


I shouldn't be terribly surprised; you are the same asshole that assumes anyone that wishes others Merry Christmas as opposed to Happy Holidays is a 'presumptuous bigot'*.


yes, because being respectful and not presumptuous about other people's religion/culture is really an asshole thing to do. Enjoying your fictional war on Christmas?


You make my head hurt.



good, it means you are finally using those parts of your brain that house sympathy and compassion for your fellow man. Or you are banging your head against the desk. Either way...keep it up!!!!:thumbup:

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You have got to be fucking kidding me.


You stir the pot and try to fight with members on here, defending and martyring the deaths of people that do not deserve your efforts, yet CELEBRATE the death of someone considered by many to be "one of the most influential judge(s) of the last quarter-century"?! Because what, you met the man for 45 minutes and he presumably disagreed with your over-opinionated self?!


I shouldn't be terribly surprised; you are the same asshole that assumes anyone that wishes others Merry Christmas as opposed to Happy Holidays is a 'presumptuous bigot'*. :rolleyes:


You make my head hurt.









*At least I know how to spell the word properly.



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I don't think you mean to be making the call as to who is deserving and is not. I don't think you mean it this way but it does come off as more bigoted than you probably intended. Also I don't martyr anybody, because you aren't using that word right - martyr as a verb means I would have killed them. Also there is no "-ing" on the end of martyr as a verb. It is just "martyr".




first off all I am not celebrating anybody's death. Dude passed in his sleep quietly at the end of a long life - def a good way to go for sure and for that and I am happy that it was peaceful. I am celebrating the end of his tenure and the conclusion of his legacy which is more controversial than it is influential. Not all of his ideas were crackpot but his core structure, esp at the end of his tenure were frustrating and contrary to how government works in America (and yes I know government working in America is an oxymoron). I fear that further down the road his true legacy will be revealed to plating the seeds that allow certain types of discrimination to survive otherwise contrary majority opinions with which he disagreed.




Because I have read more opinions of him (and other supreme court justices) than you can ever hope to read. because I have the context. truth be told meeting him actually caused me to have more respect for him, a respect he then set out to further squander with some of his more "controversial" opinions that towed the republican party line more than they sought actual adjudication.


I find it pure comedy gold that you are chiding me for being opinionated about a man whose supreme court legacy was being a bully, dismissive, argumentative, and marginalizing. Oops, I left out over-opinionated, my bad.




yes, because being respectful and not presumptuous about other people's religion/culture is really an asshole thing to do. Enjoying your fictional war on Christmas?




good, it means you are finally using those parts of your brain that house sympathy and compassion for your fellow man. Or you are banging your head against the desk. Either way...keep it up!!!!:thumbup:



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OP pokes up his lightning rod then gets all defensive regarding his outlandish comments.


OP, point yourself out if we are ever at a meet together. I want to see what your idiotic e-presence looks like in real life.


6'5", 350-400, glasses, somewhere near clay's rectum.

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OP pokes up his lightning rod then gets all defensive regarding his outlandish comments.


OP, point yourself out if we are ever at a meet together. I want to see what your idiotic e-presence looks like in real life.


I lol'd. Thank you I needed that today.

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being funny doesn't make you right. I will agree his literary tantrums were really funny, but they were funny in the same way your old dementia ridden grandpa's ramblings about the jews and irish are funny.


Dude got to make an analogy to applesauce and say Jiggery-Pokery in official court rulings (albeit the dissent), can't fault him for that. Learned Hand he is not however.


You aren't allowed to speak on what is and isn't funny.


I find it pure comedy gold that you are chiding me for being opinionated about a man whose supreme court legacy was being a bully, dismissive, argumentative, and marginalizing. Oops, I left out over-opinionated, my bad.


The difference is that one of you was well liked and received by many and the other makes shitty post on columbus racing.

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6'5", 350-400, glasses, somewhere near clay's rectum.


6'5" 300-350. And I don't wear glasses.


OP pokes up his lightning rod then gets all defensive regarding his outlandish comments.


OP, point yourself out if we are ever at a meet together. I want to see what your idiotic e-presence looks like in real life.


I'll make you the same offer I make everybody, come to cars and coffee, come chat and I'll buy you a cup of coffee.



LOL Were some of you fucking Scalia or something?

i wonder how many of them would still feel that way if they knew he thought the second amendment was outdated and useless and often went out of his way to find gun controls even where they were unconstitutional.

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