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Calling All Gun Guys


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I'll vote for trump even though I don't like it. I need a republican in office. Trump favors the wealthy, so I like him. He favors my profession--or at least wants to fuck it less than the democrats. Obamacare literally guaranteed a 10% pay cut for me and made my job much more difficult.


I'll argue the president is simply a puppet, and the real work is done by congress. And this country needs an ass-kicking puppet who is a non-politician. That's my take. No one is taking everyone's guns, just not going to happen. The sun will rise tomorrow, and you can roll out of bed at noon and your TV will still work, obamaphone still have service


The fact that people who contribute zero in taxes (likely people just like you) are allowed to vote and have a say in what happens in this country, is the real travesty. People who would otherwise shrivel up and die if it were not for government assistance---of which i contributed high six figures to, last year, and likely still Owe high 5 figures when I get my tax return. No one I can vote for is going to change that.


I don't know if your posts are a reflection of not having a job, and having too much time on your hands to just post this garbage, or if you're truly nuts. Maybe both.



"Kirk...." thread

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A lot of people say that and I always think they must have forgotten about things like not having good interior light after dark, having to subsistence farm, and dying of your teeth in your mid-30s.


I'm not interested in living in our current society without the means to defend myself but I'm a lot less interested in living in the 18th Century.


I spend enough time living outside already without those things. Up with the sun, down with the moon, what do you need light for after dark? Yeah, I might miss my crest gum protection toothpaste but, I think I'll manage.

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The fact that people who contribute zero in taxes (likely people just like you) are allowed to vote and have a say in what happens in this country, is the real travesty. People who would otherwise shrivel up and die if it were not for government assistance---of which i contributed high six figures to, last year, and likely still Owe high 5 figures when I get my tax return. No one I can vote for is going to change that.


I don't know if your posts are a reflection of not having a job, and having too much time on your hands to just post this garbage, or if you're truly nuts. Maybe both.


I love how people assume that simply because one isn't working they have never paid a dime on taxes.


Paid taxes for since I was 14. I could claim SS right now but I don't ;). I like to work, thank you.


Be CR, Judge someone on 2 posts out of 50000000 :dumb:

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Can you elaborate on this? I am honestly curious what you mean by the last four words being a "weakness".


To me, the last four words are the strongest part of that amendment but I am also open to trying to understand what your viewpoint is. Honestly you seem to be very passionate about this and I want to understand your angle.


It's the strongest part of the amendment only if you have the balls to follow the first.


It's a weakness. A foe might someday say "hey, all these guys ever talk about is us infringing on their guns, but they seem to have forgot all about organizing Militias and using said guns to the Secure the Freedom of State, are these guys really that big of a threat?"


If I was a gun owner fighting gun ban legislation I would Organize a Militia. To send a Message more then anything.

Edited by acklac7
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I'll vote for trump even though I don't like it. I need a republican in office. Trump favors the wealthy, so I like him. He favors my profession--or at least wants to fuck it less than the democrats. Obamacare literally guaranteed a 10% pay cut for me and made my job much more difficult.


I'll argue the president is simply a puppet, and the real work is done by congress. And this country needs an ass-kicking puppet who is a non-politician. That's my take. No one is taking everyone's guns, just not going to happen. The sun will rise tomorrow, and you can roll out of bed at noon and your TV will still work, obamaphone still have service


The fact that people who contribute zero in taxes (likely people just like you) are allowed to vote and have a say in what happens in this country, is the real travesty. People who would otherwise shrivel up and die if it were not for government assistance---of which i contributed high six figures to, last year, and likely still Owe high 5 figures when I get my tax return. No one I can vote for is going to change that.


I don't know if your posts are a reflection of not having a job, and having too much time on your hands to just post this garbage, or if you're truly nuts. Maybe both.


BTW, Kirk, The thread was never really about Trump ;)

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Guys, you can claim SS way before the age of 63. Folks with disabilities do it all the time.


Given that, I'd say that probably 3 out of 5 of those who posted in the first four pages of this thread could make a legitimate claim.

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So you are 63?


I have a disability. Im losing the ability to walk.


Im not bitch-made though (unlike some people), Im not going to sit around and withering away while waiting on a check for the rest of my life.


Fucking CR. "Oh, he's not working, he must love not working, he's a lazy hand-out sucking bum, I got it all figured out because Im the absolute smartest guy that was ever born"



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I have a disability. Im losing the ability to walk.


Im not bitch-made though (unlike some people), Im not going to sit around and withering away while waiting on a check for the rest of my life.


Fucking CR. "Oh, he's not working, he must love not working, he's a lazy hand-out sucking bum, I got it all figured out because Im the absolute smartest guy that was ever born"




We are all dying one day at a time, doesn't mean we should all go on disability. Two weeks ago I had diarrhea, and thought I was melting. Almost had to contact the social security dept.


90% of the people I treat on SS under the age of 65 are on it for a bullshit reason. You'll have to excuse my attitude if you have ms, als, or muscular dystrophy,


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Bullshit. It takes less than six months, and the reasons people are on disability are crazy sometimes.


So how come about age 25 I got letter in the Mail stating that I had put enough $ into Social Security such that I was Eligible for benefits?

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We are all dying one day at a time, doesn't mean we should all go on disability. Two weeks ago I had diarrhea, and thought I was melting. Almost had to contact the social security dept.


90% of the people I treat on SS under the age of 65 are on it for a bullshit reason. You'll have to excuse my attitude if you have ms, als, or muscular dystrophy,



I fully understand your attitude, which is why I really wasn't that upset with your earlier comment.


And yes, I have one of those 3. Even then i'd rather not go down the SS route. Personally, I want more for myself then that. And despite widespread misconception life isn't all that fun when your "unemployed".

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Do you have any actual facts or are you just waiting for a hardcore anti-trump anti-bush guy to step in and take the spotlight?



"Kirk...." thread


I'll wait here for the backpeddaling


Dear Grant: Please Refer to Lesson #1 to avoid embarrassing yourself, again, in the Future.



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Dear Grant: Please Refer to Lesson #1 to avoid embarrassing yourself, again, in the Future.




You've yet to provide any facts relating to your original posts that were on topic.


Kirk roasted your ass, kind of like how I did but he left you with 3rd degree instead of some flash burn.


You back pedal on everything so it's amazing you didn't on this. Congrats, you are making progress. I thought maybe your one week break was enough to get your life, your posts in this thread showed it only made it worse. Seek help and dont buy a gun

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It's the strongest part of the amendment only if you have the balls to follow the first.


It's a weakness. A foe might someday say "hey, all these guys ever talk about is us infringing on their guns, but they seem to have forgot all about organizing Militias and using said guns to the Secure the Freedom of State, are these guys really that big of a threat?"


If I was a gun owner fighting gun ban legislation I would Organize a Militia. To send a Message more then anything.


I understand what you are trying to say and you make good points. I guess to most people they don't see the "war on guns" or "a call to arms" these days.


I own a gun, I was once an active NRA member for a while back in College which was a really great experience. After my experience with multiple NRA members I noticed that some people simply don't understand guns or gun culture, much like people don't understand car culture. "I drive a

to work, It's a car... it drives... what more should a car do?". Much like this understanding of cars, people will forever look at guns and say "It's a gun, it shoots bullets, so you kill people and are dangerous and we need to get rid of the dangerous things."


Here is something to think about. you know the teenagers in their dad's old riced up Honda civic? ya know, the ones who think that "Louder MEANS FASTEEEERR!". I'm talking about the ones who rev their engines at a red light to just about anyone they can because they are so JACKED on testosterone that they need to satisfy their need for speed( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)? When people see this display, some think to themselves... "Oh my lord Gerald, look at that boy over there! Car people are dangerous and need to drive a Prius like us and only drive to the store and buy milk on Sunday."


I'm speaking very stereotypical, but the point I am trying to make here is that when people see car guys act like idiots on the road or highway, they generally begin to think that ALL car enthusiasts act this way by association. In my opinion this happens to gun culture as well. People look on the news and see "man shot to death by maniac" or "ISIS purchases more guns" and try and attack gun culture here in the states. I don't think a negative trumps a negative here, so a positive example needs to be shown what guns can do for the better in our society. I think what is happening here is people have forgotten that yes, guns are dangerous but when handled and used correctly they are no dangerous then any other household item. People need to been shown an example, a good example of how guns are actually used by REAL professionals and educated enthusiasts.


Just my two cents, but I understand your passion for the topic.

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How well did things turn out for that group in Oregon?

LOL I wouldn't stand a chance against a private fresh out of basic. A militia vs the US military. Good one. Get the fuck out of here you need a gun to protect youself from the government. They will come take them and your life when you decide to fight back, and in the end, they get exactly what they want.


I hear oh I have friend "X" in the military and they say they will not obey that order... I say bullshit the majority will follow order X,Y, and Z, and do what they are told.

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I fully understand your attitude, which is why I really wasn't that upset with your earlier comment.


And yes, I have one of those 3. Even then i'd rather not go down the SS route. Personally, I want more for myself then that. And despite widespread misconception life isn't all that fun when your "unemployed".


You're losing the ability to walk, and you're posting on this forum instead of living life to the fullest?


Since you're too young for ms and als, and most common form of md is essentially fatal at this point, I'd guess Becker muscular dystrophy or another mild variant.


You should be giving motivational speeches to others with the condition, or to inner city kids. Companies love hiring people with disabilities to prove how progressive they are. Use that to your advantage. Most people in this country would have zero issues for someone with a disability using that to get themselves a higher paying job as opposed to giving up to SS. Put your middle finger up to Darwinism and prove that he was full of shit.


Stop making pointless threads on this site. Political arguments never ever end. It's like trying to convince someone that they are wrong for liking steak instead of chicken, like you.

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No. Not the same. This is different. His own party is absolutely terrified he's about to get the Nomination. This has Happened maybe once or twice in the Country's History.





Him winning potentially opens the door to more then you can possibly fathom. History is on my side.


Who knows, maybe everything goes fucking peachy. I doubt it.


Personally, If he wins the Election, I'll buy a Gun. Count on it.


You personally need to stay away from guns, nothing good can come from you having a gun in your possession.

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That shit is pretty damn funny. I love it when people get killed.


People? Person as I read. As the male caucasian folk here always say, should have done what the upstanding officer told him to do and he wouldn't have been shot. Running from the police is just asking for it. Also didn't help telling law enforcement he would never be taken alive. The rest are alive and in jail, that's more of my point was.


That and my LOL is laughing before and during my thought of warfare between myself and well trained military members, I wouldn't last 10 minutes. Way to cut the rest out to twist it.


Can't believe you love it when people are killed, sicko.

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