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Is This Real Life?


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unlike some of us most kids these days have no skills at confronting and solving problems. When a problem is presented to them they look for someone to solve it. That's basically what this is. They have no way of dealing with something or someone who is in direct conflict with their beliefs so they go over the top on drama to draw attention to themselves and hope someone else will step in and solve the problem.


This kinda thing will probably really piss my kids off because I force them to solve their own problems and find ways of solving conflict with each other. I only step in when there's blood and by then the conflict is usually solved. :D

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maybe I am in the minority here but an election year brings out all the dirty tactics. Were students offended? maybe one or two really sensitive ones, but really this just looks like a strategic play by a group that doesn't support trump to suppress on campus propaganda.


People aren't really more or less "sensitive" than they have always been. this "kids these days" stuff just sounds like a bunch of oldster "get off my lawn" nonsense.

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maybe I am in the minority here but an election year brings out all the dirty tactics. Were students offended? maybe one or two really sensitive ones, but really this just looks like a strategic play by a group that doesn't support trump to suppress on campus propaganda.


People aren't really more or less "sensitive" than they have always been. this "kids these days" stuff just sounds like a bunch of oldster "get off my lawn" nonsense.


I dunno about that, I was in college during Obama/McCain campaign. IMO that brought out far worse than this election and I never saw anything more than a simple anti-McCain or anti-Obama demonstration. No counter-protests, none of the venom/vitriol of this election cycle.

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maybe I am in the minority here but an election year brings out all the dirty tactics. Were students offended? maybe one or two really sensitive ones, but really this just looks like a strategic play by a group that doesn't support trump to suppress on campus propaganda.


People aren't really more or less "sensitive" than they have always been. this "kids these days" stuff just sounds like a bunch of oldster "get off my lawn" nonsense.


I agree. Not that I have a clue what it was like 5+ years ago but the way you deal with things seems different, not the people. Society seems to always change.

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maybe I am in the minority here but an election year brings out all the dirty tactics. Were students offended? maybe one or two really sensitive ones, but really this just looks like a strategic play by a group that doesn't support trump to suppress on campus propaganda.


People aren't really more or less "sensitive" than they have always been. this "kids these days" stuff just sounds like a bunch of oldster "get off my lawn" nonsense.


I'm normally pretty careful with how I throw around "kids these days" because I have kids. There is some truth though that *most* kids now are raised completely different than they once were. I don't come down on kids too much because kids now face completely different problems than I faced.....their world is a lot tougher than mine was as far as getting through it alive and not completely bat shit crazy. These kids raising this stink though needed more ass whippings when they were younger.....few of them need some now. :D

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I'm normally pretty careful with how I throw around "kids these days" because I have kids. There is some truth though that *most* kids now are raised completely different than they once were. I don't come down on kids too much because kids now face completely different problems than I faced.....their world is a lot tougher than mine was as far as getting through it alive and not completely bat shit crazy. These kids raising this stink though needed more ass whippings when they were younger.....few of them need some now. :D


In my experience a lot of kids are raised to not be able to deal with issues and are weaker in general.


I coached youth football and high school wrestling when I was younger, heck I even wanted to go into the family trade of being a teacher for a while.


I gave up coaching and wanting to be a teacher because I could not deal with the parents of these kids.


Everybody thought their kid was the next Tom Brady, Charles Woodson, Dan Gable, or Curt Angle. If their kid sucked, it was your fault, the other coaches fault, or the team's fault, not their little Billy's fault.


Mind you, little Billy would forget the play from the sideline to the huddle, or had zero killer instinct on the mat....


Point is, we are now seeing these feeble, entitled, and sheltered kids in the wild and they can't deal with the fact that life can suck and you are going to get knocked around a bit.


My brother in law is a college football coach that has had to take phone calls from moms and dads wanting to know why their kid is not playing at the COLLEGE level. This shit is not fake, its real life and we are doomed.

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In my experience a lot of kids are raised to not be able to deal with issues and are weaker in general.


I coached youth football and high school wrestling when I was younger, heck I even wanted to go into the family trade of being a teacher for a while.


I gave up coaching and wanting to be a teacher because I could not deal with the parents of these kids.


Everybody thought their kid was the next Tom Brady, Charles Woodson, Dan Gable, or Curt Angle. If their kid sucked, it was your fault, the other coaches fault, or the team's fault, not their little Billy's fault.


Mind you, little Billy would forget the play from the sideline to the huddle, or had zero killer instinct on the mat....


Point is, we are now seeing these feeble, entitled, and sheltered kids in the wild and they can't deal with the fact that life can suck and you are going to get knocked around a bit.


My brother in law is a college football coach that has had to take phone calls from moms and dads wanting to know why their kid is not playing at the COLLEGE level. This shit is not fake, its real life and we are doomed.



Can confirm this is a thing... I did plenty of teaching experiences in inner city schools and even some private schools and most parents think there kid is the king/queen of the world. There was an interesting documentary about our school systems made a few years ago called "Waiting for Superman", and in the film they show that American children rank #1 in the world at "

" link to the clip on the word. Though this is true many kids are falling behind in the world because they think that they are the best when in fact they are not. Like Wagner said, they are not prepared for "defeat" or understand how to deal with "tough situations" because their parents never prepare them for it and when they are faced with "defeat" its suddenly YOUR fault! I was lectured by so many parents at how I was a terrible teacher because little Billy got a D on a fucking art test about mixing two colors. it's unbelievable how none of these parents accept accountability for their children and actually take a fucking second to raise the properly. But why bother? society will raise my child while I sit in my government provided home, talk to my BAE on my government provided smart phone, and then when i'm done with that i'll go and eat a twinkly from my stash of government provided food. But life is so hard for me and my kids because the teachers are not good and I can't possibly take 5 minutes out of my day to teach my kid how to live in this world... so hard... i'm offended... these people are racist!!! ***Heavy Sarcasm***
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The funniest part of this thread is you guys think this is a new phenomenon.


I simply refuse to converse with you on the internet... you have no idea what you are talking about. Come talk to me at CC&C when a computer is not in front of your face and I would be more then happy to enlighten you on how wrong that statement is.

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No, its much worse now. My experience started in the late 1990's with coaching.


My brother has it even worse now coaching.


The social media aspect has made it easier for parents to communicate and much easier for the chicken little of the group to rile others up that might not have said anything before. But those chicken littles have always existed.


It's not an easy thing to inspire kids. It's sometimes harder to make parents see it shouldn't be adversarial teachers/coaches vs parents. I've been there and do not envy people in that position.

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The social media aspect has made it easier for parents to communicate and much easier for the chicken little of the group to rile others up that might not have said anything before. But those chicken littles have always existed.


It's not an easy thing to inspire kids. It's sometimes harder to make parents see it shouldn't be adversarial teachers/coaches vs parents. I've been there and do not envy people in that position.


You just triggered the shit out of me with your demeaning, contemptuous, disregard for the well-being of farm-animals whose only crime is being of a more diminutive stature. Perhaps some farm-culture sensitivity training is in order.

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