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Vote Trump, convince me

Forrest Gump 9

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Vote 3rd party. Never has there been a more ripe time to make a splash. Don't like Hilary because she's a proven-corrupt, liar? Good, vote 3rd party. Don't like Trump because he's a boorish, loudmouth bully, devoid of any decent platform beyond "I was born with a lot of money and bought real estate". Good, keep a clear conscience, and don't vote for any evil. Rest assured scaring you into trying to keep "insert dipshit" out of office is all part of the shell game.


If everyone who was unhappy voted for a 3rd party, that party would win.



I wasnt surprised at all that i was siding mostly with the 3rd prty.

I took this pretty well laid out quiz sent to me by some friends.

I encourage others to look into it as well. Its very detailed so give yourself some time to take it.


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I kinda want it to go to Congress so they'll pick Kasich and completely alienate their voterbase and guarantee Democrat supermajority for everything afterwards for the next couple political cycles.


The GOP is a fucking idiotic wreck right now. Like him or hate him, Trump is exposing it. They have/had a MASSIVE opportunity to work WITH Trump and damn near guarantee the election, but nooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo.


EDIT: FWIW, I am socially liberal, fiscally conservative. Will be voting Trump.

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I wasnt surprised at all that i was siding mostly with the 3rd prty.

I took this pretty well laid out quiz sent to me by some friends.

I encourage others to look into it as well. Its very detailed so give yourself some time to take it.





Third party will never get elected. Vote 3rd party and you will only guarantee that Hillary wins.

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I wasnt surprised at all that i was siding mostly with the 3rd prty.

I took this pretty well laid out quiz sent to me by some friends.

I encourage others to look into it as well. Its very detailed so give yourself some time to take it.




:lolguy: that thing's broken it said I side with Bernie and Trump. never in a million years would I vote Bernie, regardless of how socially librul I am.

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Sounds like you may just be in denial.


While a majority of my family may hail from a democratic socialist state that has decriminalized all drugs and has great social programs and support for families to live comfortably, they also are facing something like 55% young adult unemployment. My 32 year old cousin has 2 masters degrees because education is damn near free (a la Bernie) but can't do shit with those degrees because EVERYONE has 2 goddamn masters degrees now. I've been trying to convince her to come to the U.S. but she's terrified of how Americans view immigrants.


That's one of the reasons I can't support Trump, his racist/jingoist bluster is actively hurting America's ability to attract qualified foreign workers who want to come to the U.S, become citizens, pay taxes, and live the dream of creating a better life for their children.

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:lolguy: that thing's broken it said I side with Bernie and Trump. never in a million years would I vote Bernie, regardless of how socially librul I am.

Gotta remember this is not a candidate picker just a way to see who you politically align with based on your views.


Mine was

83% Johnson

73% Clinton

73% Trump


I can tell you this much Clinton/Trump are NOT getting my votes.

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Im pretty sure he lags the SP500. I vaguely remember reading an article stating that if he would have put his inheritance into the SP500 index in 1982 he would have 10 billion more in net worth today then what all his businesses are worth today.


Ironically so would 95% of investment funds.


Index funds over time have for the most part proven better net returns then "private guru managed" funds as it would turn out.




I do like how he bad mouthed Brussels as a hell hole in January and everyone cried and moaned about how he's xenophobic, and blah blah blah, and then we have now realized it was a hell hole oozing terrorists...He nailed that one.

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I do like how he bad mouthed Brussels as a hell hole in January and everyone cried and moaned about how he's xenophobic, and blah blah blah, and then we have now realized it was a hell hole oozing terrorists...He nailed that one.


So then you would agree that Columbus is a hell hole oozing human traffickers, so we'll get what's coming to us, right?


Because if you haven't noticed, Columbus is a hell hole oozing human traffickers, and it's not just the Somalis.

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So then you would agree that Columbus is a hell hole oozing human traffickers, so we'll get what's coming to us, right?


Because if you haven't noticed, Columbus is a hell hole oozing human traffickers, and it's not just the Somalis.


Sure. I will be honest, I do not really know about this issue here in Columbus, so you could be right; I will try and look for some news on that as a local issue. Obviously I know like most about the Somalis and their failures for assimilating to America/Ohio...Calling it a failure indicates as if they tried, however it is clear that is (by and large) not the case. A nicely thought policy carried out with complete ineptitude, which is standard for the majority of public operations IMO.


Circling back to Drumpf and the Brussels rhetoric. He clearly knew as most of the intelligence services around the world how Brussels specifically the Molenbeek district was a "hell hole" and ISIS"s home away from home (Raqqa). It should have come as no surprise that much of the terror happening in Europe is linked to this area, they lost control under poor policy and social justice bullshit. I just dont mind some of the crass coming from Drumpf, these fuck heads running for example Beligum, need to pull their head out of the sand, and stop pretending to masquerade around failed policies.


I loved NBC's first analysis of the attack linking drumpfs comments and stating "this attack could give more fuel to the right wing in Europe, and cause major shockwaves"...Well yeah no shit clowny mcdumbfuck, turns out policies allowing terror cells to operate in your capital didn't turn out to good either. Blows my mind.


Back the subject why vote for Trump. I know people say change for the sake of it...Really I wouldn't mind that idea either even though Trump gives me the creeps, but that might just really be what America needs; it sure as fuck doesnt need another Clinton. Especially when you have cronies like Obama and his buddies just fucking running rick roll on the American taxpayers with no checks or balances.


Example Eric Holder. Thanks.


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So then you would agree that Columbus is a hell hole oozing human traffickers, so we'll get what's coming to us, right?


Because if you haven't noticed, Columbus is a hell hole oozing human traffickers, and it's not just the Somalis.


Then move the fuck out of Columbus and live in Dayton and deal with the Meth heads and OD's.

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I read both Trumps books back before he was on TV. I didn't inherit money when he got started, nor was he a poor common man. He got a loan from his dad. Made millions then lost it all. But got back up and did it again even better.


People mention about his failed businesses. The last list I saw had 10 of them. But there were over 100 successful ones. Not every business risk pays off and he is beating the average.


Yes Trump will do stuff that benefits him just like he has in business. But in the process his businesses benefit. So now he business will be the country and it will benefit.


People say he is unpredictable. Yes and no. In the larger scheme of things he will be predictable in the details he won't be. That's how he has succeeded in business. You don't want your competition knowing what your going to do. Now your competition are enemies. Kind of like not telling the enemy when you pulling out of county.


I tend to lean toward the libertarian and conservative side but with some realism. Trump want to cut the size of government, pull back regulations that hurt businesses here, and stop giving money (aid) to countries that hate us. That goes to the libertarian side. He wants to secure the country and make it strong in the world. That goes the the conservative side.


Trump want to shake up and clean out Washington. The "ruling class" has destroyed the country while living very well for themselves. It's time for the "ruling class" to go. The people should rule the country not a small group that think they no better.


Yes Trump is rich, he's not one of the little people. But that's what it takes to go up against the establishment. The RNC has said for years that they wanted some one that can get independents, young, and democrats. Trump has done that and they fight him. Why? They can't control him and they will loose power.

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I read both Trumps books back before he was on TV. I didn't inherit money when he got started, nor was he a poor common man. He got a loan from his dad.


you are burying the lead there a little. Both he and his father have received federal subsidies, which are not usually available to regular investors. He may have gotten a "loan" from his dad but he was already working in the family business and worth close a million before graduating college. Generational wealth is not limited to "inheritance". Actually Trump's father is not self made either - although he probably had the greatest growth, his parents (donald's grandparents), got started in the real estate business with bungalow rentals in the rockaways.

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