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Car Club flag?


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Does one exist for CR? Just thinking for when out to events/shows and such is that something that people would park around? Seems we have been gathering a few newcomers here and there, adds some nice visibility to the group.


Thoughts? Flames? Annnnd go!

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I've been around for a while and I still have no idea where to get one of those stickers from.

pm wannaracels1, shes one of the head honchos, she might have some still.




Problem with stickers is if you get pulled by the flashing lights people its a bit incriminating isnt it? Versus the flag we use at events the put away.


they are like 2 inch stickers :lol:

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Problem with stickers is if you get pulled by the flashing lights people its a bit incriminating isnt it? Versus the flag we use at events the put away.

Put a logo on that easy up you had out one time.

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We have a large banner and still have a decent amount of the newer style decals after a replacement order last year. We moved in November and just got around to unpacking both garages, so the banner should be located soon.


If you guys are able to bring them to the track day at the 29th, I can hand them out at that time to people that would like the.

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I could try and design one in my spare time. It's been awhile since i'v made something in vector and I could use the practice. :)


just throwing it out there. any size requirements? or ideas? I have a few in mind and you don't have to use it ever... i'm just looking for a way to re-spark my creative side.

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Put a logo on that easy up you had out one time.


I HAVE considered ordering a new cover for the easy up, I can put a graphic or logo on it if that makes sense however for non CR stuff I would need a general or garage logo'd one as well. So that's why the thought came up for the banner. I know I've seen some of the Porsche club guys and I believe one of the Corvette clubs with banners they put up at shows.


One thing I know can come into play with these is they can come off as elitist which I certainly don't want to promote. But as CR grows and matures just thinking maybe it was something to talk about.

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Go for it, I'd like to see what you can come up with.


Ultimately, keep a dimension that can be resized into 312x65, that's the size we use for the banners at the top of the forum.


Sounds good... lets see what I can come up with. Let me do a few sketches at lunch and I'll upload them to this thread

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Welp, sorry guys... I only had a 35 minute lunch today and I have to do a few meetings this afternoon, but I have a good load of ideas going that I wanted to share. I only had a pencil and a ball point pen so I apologize that these are really crappy.


http://imgur.com/a/o69ki (Going to hold back on Direct Linking...the size of these is to large and people seem to not like large images.)



My thought process for these designs were one of two ideas.

  • Simple and clean - Easy to identify logo
  • Original - Aggressive - attitude logo


CR to me... has been CR... anyone who talks to me in real life has always shortened the name to simply just CR. It seemed to me that many people in the community understand "Columbus Racing" by an acronym. I wanted to start here with a simple idea and design something simple - clean - and easy to understand. By using fonts with clean lines and smooth curves I was attempting to mimic the lines and curves on many of the cars we are so fond of. This was to give me some insight into what could develop into a large banner, flag, or logo. The design language is key to me and I wanted to keep things consistent by working small and then working bigger. These small acronym are just a small stepping stone to creating a consistent logo/design in my mind.


The second idea is merely an evolution of the first three by expressing more abstract ideas and aggression into the design. as cars have simple curves and flowing lines, they can also have an aggressive side with the rawr of the engine, the stench of burnt tires, or maybe the thundering charge of a drag race. My idea here was to attempt to inject a sense of aggression into the design.


The final bit are just some one liners I found online. I felt like since this was a racing community it could use something like that in the foot banner or a rotating line a phrases just like the CR sponsor's adverts rotate. Maybe a one liner then a sponsor? idk, was just an idea.




After my meetings today I will do a little more doodling and then take things to the computer and see what I can do from there. All types of feedback are welcome. If you know of any fonts or design language then please feel free to link me to anything and let me know. What should the CR logo/banner say when people look at it? Simple, elegant, and clean? Aggressive racing? Or maybe a little of both? I am more then accepting to feedback.

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No offence I think the current logo looks good, those are trying to hard. Im trying to find a picture of the current logo.


no offence taken... I'm just having some fun. It's just some pencil, ballpoint, and passion :)


This one looks nice in the patch design. It got cut off, but the idea is still there. I could have made it a bit thinner with the first tower in the R... but w/e



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I'm thinking something along these lines? Simple to put up and take down, gives us a marker of where we are and could be an easy conversation starter for people who don't know who we are. Just stretching my brain muscles

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Should do like a flag that has nothing to do with CR or a logo, it should be like a family crest or something. Something that if you looked at it you would not be able to figure it out. We would know from being here.




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I'm thinking something along these lines? Simple to put up and take down, gives us a marker of where we are and could be an easy conversation starter for people who don't know who we are. Just stretching my brain muscles


Would you like me to sketch a vertical design? I am actually having a lot of fun doing concept sketches. If anyone has any feedback for my designs so far please feel free to let me know. This is actually a lot more fun then I thought it would be :-)


This was all I had room left for. Little circles made from a quarter


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