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Car Club flag?


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I'm working on some concepts this morning at work. Today is a slow day (knock on wood) and I have a few Vector Ideas that I will post around lunch.


Finding a design language is hard, but I think i'm on the right track. Feedback on my doodles is always welcome.

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Here is the first round of logos and concepts I made this morning for CR. These are JPEG conversions and for those who don't know what that means, it means the edges look jagged and not very clean because they are compressed. The actual files are very crisp and clean. I also understand that these will probably will never be used... but I just felt like I would share.






I wanted to build off of my sketches from yesterday and continue my ideas. Simple and Clean was the name of the game this time around and I wanted to try and create something that would be instantly recognizable by people within the community and outside as well.


I am keeping things black and white until I can figure which design language to go with. Once I know more or experiment with designs, I will add color, graphics, and other items.


**Note** The JPEG conversion process derped on the last image. the actual font is "Good Times"


Feedback and comments are more then welcome.


What do you like? What don't you like? What can I improve?

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On a flag like that do you do a vertical logo? Or a horizontal one turned sideways?


Depends on if your logo is squared off or not. If you have a logo that is even on all sides then that does not mater much in the long run. On a flag, you can get away with design choices like cutting things off or just showing parts of the logo or design.


From an aesthetic point of view, it would be more pleasing to the viewer to not fight instinct and begin your image from "top to bottom". we tend to read everything from the top of something then move to the bottom. So starting your idea near the top of the flag would be the best move if you want to draw in the most people. Just my two cents.

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**Note** The JPEG conversion process derped on the last image. the actual font is "Good Times"


Feedback and comments are more then welcome.


What do you like? What don't you like? What can I improve?


Page 4 I'm digging two of those personally

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Thanks for the feedback guys. Anthony is more then welcome to use any of my work if he wants. CR is something special to me and I would really like to give back in anyway I can. I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel here, but i'm in the creative mood and I think these ideas could be good with a little more work.


Bruce - I like the S into the R idea with a race track, Making the pattern with a vector cutout should be simple enough. I will try some more ideas at work on Friday and post again before lunch.


Austin - which ones do you have your eye on? What can I improve on them?

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The last one and the smaller one above it to the right I like. What about putting something like a dotted, two solid lines in on it to make it look "road like"? Like solids around the corners and dotted through the straights like a passing area would be..?


The creative process!

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Well, I'm a little disappointed that I did not have much time to work on these this morning and my boss was micromanaging to the point where it was throwing me off a bit... but this is what I have *SO FAR*




I'm toying with the road course idea, but at the same time trying to keep things simple. I may hop into Rhino this afternoon and create the shapes I need and import them into Inkscape. These, as always, are just concepts of what could be.


If these designs are on the right "track" (lol, see what I did there?) Then let me know and I will continue to develop them based off the feedback. My afternoon is clear so I should come up with more as the day goes on.


Enjoy :)

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