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Crumbling NYC


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I have family history in New York City, and worked through two companies in the area for a few years. I always said that I enjoy the city WITHOUT living there.


Hearing all the rebuild stories from Hurricane Sandy, it's just scary to think about the logistical issues people will have getting around.


I do love living in Columbus.

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Those repairs will make life very difficult for thousands no matter what route they decide to go. Very unfortunate but needs to be done. Realistically it needs done to all of the tunnels within the next couple of decades I'm sure.


I will report back if I run into an emergency shut down on the L train later this month lol.

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I love cities. I lived in the heart of Boston for 4 years, 2 of which were in Kenmore Square (2 blocks from Fenway). I was in a serious relationship with a girl from the Bronx for 2 years, spent many weekends visiting friends in NYU, and overally truly love NYC.


I would never live there for more than a year, and even that would just be some sort of Kerouac-esque experience in the concrete jungle rather than me trying to make a real life for myself there. It's not the rudeness, nor the pace of everything. It's just that everything there just sorta sucks more than everywhere else in America. The only thing that it really offers is a taste of everything within walking distance, and the opportunity for everyone to come disappear and be nobody.

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I grew up on the NYC subway system. Its one of the great people moving systems of the world in both volume and longevity. Stuff like this is part of life in NYC, ask anybody who is still waiting for the second ave north-south line that was promised 30 years ago. They will fix it and the city will keep going.


The subway is one of the many reasons I learned to ride a motorcycle. One of the great life skills you developing living in NYC is to never rely on one thing, always have two or three contingency plans for everything including transportation. I hated the subways when I rode every day, but appreciated them when I only rode them in snow season or on weekends. Being a car guy in NYC is extremely tough, but the subway is one of those things that make it easier because you don't have to rely on your car as a daily.


Once you live in NYC, anywhere else is boring.

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Remember when Jalopnik used to write good automotive stories? Yeah me neither.


PS - NYC sucks


(Lived south of Philly spent many weeks/weekends working for clients in NYC - train up to Penn then cabbing around. Hate that town now. Dirty everything. Unhealthy people. Bleh. Cali beats NY in every way imaginable.)

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Remember when Jalopnik used to write good automotive stories? Yeah me neither.


yeah it's been almost 7 years since they had "interesting" quirky car enthusiasts like Murilee Martin writing for them so it is possible you don't remember the good automotive stories. I used to have a lot of fun with the jalopnik people, but I don't think the content has kept up with the fresh blood.

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