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Where the F*** were the parents?? (CAUTION GEETO and TIM quote battle inside)


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Sorry. In the middle of tearing down an engine, must have missed the key by a half inch. Oh no, thanks for pointing that out. You were the first person to bring race into our conversation. I work in the medical field and trust me every race has its issues. But for some reason you brought up the race card to try and score cool points with the others by trying to make me look like a racist. Laughable attempt at best. Keep trying though. Your pussified liberal outlook on life is just mind numbing. Just keep getting the last word, because that's your "internet persona".


you saw a black unwed mother talk about her kid falling into a zoo enclosure and accused her of being a social sponge, welfare cheat, and a slut with no other evidence. I mean, is it just not obvious to you?

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you saw a black unwed mother talk about her kid falling into a zoo enclosure and accused her of being a social sponge, welfare cheat, and a slut with no other evidence. I mean, is it just not obvious to you?


I would have said the same if she was white, Mexican, Asian, Indian. You just assumed that's why I said it, and decided to try and be the white knight (no pun intended). You must think you know me, but you don't. Again your mouth just keeps writing checks your ass can't cash. So take your narrow minded racist self and go back up the beanstalk into the clouds, nobody wants you around here. You are seriously worse than herpes.

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But for some reason you brought up the race card to try and score cool points with the others by trying to make me look like a racist.


Not to jump between the wrestling match here, but your implying she must be on welfare, etc. sure sounded pretty racist. She's got 4 kids by the same dude...I'd say that already flies in the face of the stereotype you're trying to force this lady into. Between that and throwing around "liberal pussy" like you are you've painted a pretty ugly picture of yourself. But hey, you DGAF what anyone thinks, right?

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Nobody says you are alone in your position - the world is full of people and those people are full of opinions. Petitions are somewhat meaningless in that they are just one of the many forms of protest and probably the least offensive/effective, but they make everyone feel good by being a participant so....take it for what it is worth.


says a lot that so many came forth so quickly to have the parents held accountable.



This is just reactionary, it has not been "ringing" any dinner bell. Considering how expensive litigation can get and how little guarantee there is for payoff you have better odds in Vegas. this country is quick to lawyer up and sue because people don't always understand their rights and feel like they are being cheated, and the free market has covered the demand for a back end fix rather than front end pro-active education.


that front end pro-active education is called parenting. the mom and dad in question are not filing suite for anything but money. Just watch. This story has been played out over and over again.


but let's save those judgement for when the zoo decides to settle since a lot of zoos have been going to trial on these issues as of late.


glad you see my point.



For defendants, money is always a consideration in settling. it's the cost of the gamble vs the cost of the sure thing.


Thus why the parents filed and so many others do just the same. They are playing the odds and the lottery is stacked in the favor of rewarding their stupidity.


successful big pay outs are like plane crashes - newsworthy because of their rarity.


I'd call $150k big and that's chump change in a case like this. That's the figure my sister got for a whack on her head.


Please do me a favor and actually read up on the mcdonalds case. I defended a "coffee burn" case once and they are a lot more complex than you think. Esp when you factor in how small changes in temperature can go from mild irritation to skin graft levels of damage very fast.


Don’t need to. Considering filing a case against the next restaurant I eat pizza at and burn the top of my mouth on or the next place I take a spoonful of too hot of soup and burn my tongue. People need to use some common sense when handling hot beverages. Blow on it and test it out before you take a sip. Don’t multitask with hot liquid in your car when you should in fact be driving. Glad the case gave you employment. It’s the American Way anymore.


Warning labels on lawnmowers don't protect the end user from sticking their hand in the blades, they protect the company from getting sued by morons who think a proper way to service the lawn mower is to stick their hands in the blades.


Exactly. IMO if a dumb-ass sticks there hand under a mower and tried to file a lawsuit I’d ask the judge to make the plaintiff stick their hand under there again so the won’t ever forget how STUPID they were. So now the Cinci Zoo will likely have a bugger ridden plate of glass in front of the gorillas because baby mama and daddy were stupid.

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Not to jump between the wrestling match here, but your implying she must be on welfare, etc. sure sounded pretty racist. She's got 4 kids by the same dude...I'd say that already flies in the face of the stereotype you're trying to force this lady into. Between that and throwing around "liberal pussy" like you are you've painted a pretty ugly picture of yourself. But hey, you DGAF what anyone thinks, right?



You are correct, I don't give a fuck. But I guess we see it from different perspectives. I see a neglectful mother who hasn't taken any sort of responsibility for her actions. A father who hasn't taken responsibility either. A father who has a lengthy criminal record. A mom who'd rather "thank jesus" than admit she fucked up. To me that's getting to be a stereotypical welfare family. Maybe my comment about her letting the neighborhood in her bag was misplaced, as I didn't read much into the story at that time. But like I said earlier, I would have said the same thing regardless of race. At my job I see people of all types abusing the system. Either way I hope at a minimum the mom gets charged with neglect.

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says a lot that so many came forth so quickly to have the parents held accountable.


To whom? and why should it matter? it isn't going to change anything.




that front end pro-active education is called parenting. the mom and dad in question are not filing suite for anything but money. Just watch. This story has been played out over and over again.


Sometimes (not every time). Sometimes it is called investing in government funded education. Sometimes it is called more accessibility to higher education. Sometimes it is called underwriting the local library so they have decent books and programs.


When Republicans invested in education, this country went to the moon and invented personal computers. Government investment in educational programs works, Eisenhower proved it in the 50's. The downside is it led to a glut of engineers in the market place and eroding the national salary but that was temporary. Right now there is more incentive for the republican party to keep their supporters stupid so they can exploit their emotions to garner votes to make the ruling class richer. Has nothing to do with what's best for the general population.



glad you see my point.

I don't, I was just saying your assumptions about settlement were premature.




Thus why the parents filed and so many others do just the same. They are playing the odds and the lottery is stacked in the favor of rewarding their stupidity.

Actually staring at the cost of medical treatment for the kid is probably a large factor as well, and the potential for that cost in the future. Not everything is about money for nothing.



I'd call $150k big and that's chump change in a case like this. That's the figure my sister got for a whack on her head.

and what was her "net"? after the lawyers took their cut and she subtracts what she had to pay in costs for both medical and upfront atty costs - what was her real take home? Also something that big I have to imagine there was an allocation for future effects surfacing so she is taking a gamble that later on down the road she may not have a seizure resulting from this head trauma. How much "free money" was there really?



Don’t need to. Considering filing a case against the next restaurant I eat pizza at and burn the top of my mouth on or the next place I take a spoonful of too hot of soup and burn my tongue. People need to use some common sense when handling hot beverages.

and companies need to warn consumers when they do stuff out of the ordinary. if the pizza restaurant you are considering suing is handing you a pizza that was baked at 450 degrees when the industry standard is to bake it at 350, don't you think you ought to know that it will take longer for the pizza to cool down before eating it? I mean this is already one of the reasons why restaurants let plated food sit before being served instead of taking it fresh from the oven to your table and if they do why the waitress says to you "careful it's hot".


Don’t multitask with hot liquid in your car when you should in fact be driving.

Remember, when the mcdonalds case happened there were many new cars that didn't have cup holders yet. I mean it's really the American way to invent drive up food but not put a way to hold the beverage in the car for almost 40 years after. It's not about multi-tasking it's about holding a damn cup of coffee. Wanna know where the majority of liquid burn cases are? It isn't fast food, that well is dry - it's from nurses giving hot tea to drowsy patients post surgery and the issue is whether the nurse should have known better.



Exactly. IMO if a dumb-ass sticks there hand under a mower and tried to file a lawsuit I’d ask the judge to make the plaintiff stick their hand under there again so the won’t ever forget how STUPID they were. So now the Cinci Zoo will likely have a bugger ridden plate of glass in front of the gorillas because baby mama and daddy were stupid.


Are you really put out by a "bigger piece of glass?" Are you really enjoying the exhibit that much less? really?


warning labels and such are locked in the game of inventing the idiot proof trap and the world inventing the better idiot. The way to reverse this is to invest in public education. Put the money into the schools and watch what comes out the back end - last time we went to the moon, where will we go now.

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To whom? and why should it matter? it isn't going to change anything.


To the dumb ass mother and father. You're correct, won't likely change their method of parenting. Darwin is pretty much given another shot.


Sometimes (not every time). Sometimes it is called investing in government funded education. Sometimes it is called more accessibility to higher education. Sometimes it is called underwriting the local library so they have decent books and programs.
We already invest in education and libraries. We lead horses to water but we can't force them to drink. These parents aren't in a bubble and life isn't keeping them from picking up a book on how to parent. There are countless tools already at the fingertips of those you think are victims of life. They aren't using the tools they already have. That has to come from within.


When Republicans invested in education, this country went to the moon and invented personal computers. Government investment in educational programs works.
Agree, it does work. Nothing in that recipe of success has changed. Something along the way did change though and now the people who once aspired to be those engineers would rather sit on the porch and collect a check. Social programs that don't have the recipient put skin-in-the-game do nothing to help. They only foster lazy people.


I don't, I was just saying your assumptions about settlement were premature.
Don't think so. The accounts of those around her pretty much told the story that she wasn't watching her kid. The fact that he ended up in the mote is proof enough too.


Actually staring at the cost of medical treatment for the kid is probably a large factor as well, and the potential for that cost in the future. Not everything is about money for nothing.
If you don't think it's about the money then lets see if they simply settle for the cost of said out of pocket for his medical plus a little something extra for their time off work. Yeah......


and what was her "net"? after the lawyers took their cut and she subtracts what she had to pay in costs for both medical and upfront atty costs - what was her real take home? Also something that big I have to imagine there was an allocation for future effects surfacing so she is taking a gamble that later on down the road she may not have a seizure resulting from this head trauma. How much "free money" was there really?
Lawyer likely took 33% or so. At the end it and in reality she was 100% fine. Drama from a drama lama bitch who gamed the system. You'd have to know her. She's a turd. I could only hope she has a seizure. That's another story man. In the end she's a classic example of a scammer.


if the pizza restaurant you are considering suing is handing you a pizza that was baked at 450 degrees when the industry standard is to bake it at 350, don't you think you ought to know that it will take longer for the pizza to cool down before eating it?
I don't need anyone to tell me to let my food cool before popping it in my mouth. If I do so it's my fault and I'm not suing anyone. So to answer your question....NO. Common sense not a legal disclaimer is all that's needed.


I mean this is already one of the reasons why restaurants let plated food sit before being served instead of taking it fresh from the oven to your table and if they do why the waitress says to you "careful it's hot".
I don't know any restuarants that tell their runners to let the food sit and cool outside a nice steakhouse that does so because steaks are best served that way. The Careful it's hot is again, common sense at play not instruction. I'm 110% on these statements too as I used to work in that industry doing Labor Analysis working along side Dennis Lombardi during my days in Architecture. Ops managers and trainers at Applebee's or Pizza Hut are not letting food sit purposely.


Are you really put out by a "bigger piece of glass?" Are you really enjoying the exhibit that much less? really?
Yes and it's not bigger it's Bugger Covered glass that is typically dirty on both sides. It's no where near as nice as looking right at the animals.


warning labels and such are locked in the game of inventing the idiot proof trap and the world inventing the better idiot. The way to reverse this is to invest in public education. Put the money into the schools and watch what comes out the back end - last time we went to the moon, where will we go now.
already addressed. the tools are already present but not being used like they need to be. Chicago murders aren't a result of poor schools, those rats killing other rats are just thinning their own herd of people who have zero interest in bettering themselves. Some do but the gang bangers and hood rats don't care. Their mama's are just waiting for one of them to get popped and then they will sue the cops. IMO the National Guard needs called in and the streets cleared of the trash dealing drugs.
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Because 4 year old children can read. #DUMBASFUCK


The fact that you think these signs are for toddlers is either funny or sad. Somehow I think they are actually intended for the guardians or parents of the kids but I suppose that they are only applicable if the parents are actually paying attention to the kids. :rolleyes: I agree #DUMBASFUCK


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You made a point about a sign.....and it being there telling you what to and not to do...like its not pretty fucking obvious not to jump 15 feet into an enclosure with a large, and wild animal.....However, the 4 year old who couldnt read this also doesnt have the capacity to realize that this is obvious.....so here we are.


Zoo's in the wrong....Payment to the family is all the proof one will need to see this.


Oh, and the fact that they WILL modify the exhibit.....I wil put any amount of cash youd like on that bet.

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You made a point about a sign.....and it being there telling you what to and not to do...like its not pretty fucking obvious not to jump 15 feet into an enclosure with a large, and wild animal.....However, the 4 year old who couldnt read this also doesnt have the capacity to realize that this is obvious.....so here we are.


No, we're here because two parents, three if you count the other mom that was witnessed with the mom in question, weren't paying attention to their 3yr old at the zoo.


You're correct, a toddler of that age lacks the capacity to realize the obvious thus why it's the role of the parent to actually parent. They failed to do so and I hope their kid realizes that when he gets older. I hope it sinks in that a beautiful animal was killed as a result of their irresponsibility yet mom went back on social media to say "accidents happen.' One would think a little empathy for the Gorilla would have been noted and perhaps some more heartfelt gratitude to the zoo employees who saved their son.


Zoo's in the wrong....Payment to the family is all the proof one will need to see this.
Parents fucked up and zoo will flip them some dollars to go away and give Darwin another shot at them and their kid.


Oh, and the fact that they WILL modify the exhibit.....I wil put any amount of cash youd like on that bet.
The exhibit is already under renovation and has been. Hard to bet on a game played last season.
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No, we're here because two parents, three if you count the other mom that was witnessed with the mom in question, weren't paying attention to their 3yr old at the zoo.
Now youre placing blame on a person whom isnt the childs mother just because she happened to be in the vicinity and she saw it.....You have stooped to a new level of retard....Seriously....you have.



I actually think the Gorilla was in on it...hes chillin' on a beach somewhere with Tupac sippin a Mai-Tai just waiting on his money to roll in. :fuckyeah:

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Now youre placing blame on a person whom isnt the childs mother just because she happened to be in the vicinity and she saw it.....You have stooped to a new level of retard....Seriously....you have.


Just pointing out the facts. Although blame is fairly applicable considering in society parents are the first line of responsibility for their own kids. Maybe not the case your world though. Fact remains we have a couple adults go to the zoo with a handful of kids including a 3yr old and no one watches what he's doing even after he pitched-a-fit about wanting to actually go in with the gorillas. Now I know who does that.


Thankfully "God" was there to watch over the kid. :rolleyes: But hey, let's blame the zoo not the parents. Welcome to 2016 in the US of A. Guess I'm not surprised given the father has a history of bad decisions as it relates to LEO's and the mother who had four kids with such a role model. Bad decisions seem to surround that household.


Too Soon?




Edited by TTQ B4U
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There are thousands of baseball games every year, only a small rail separates you from the players, lots of kids with parents, few if no signs with warnings, no 15' moat/wall.........You will be arrested if you go onto the field. Why? Because it is forbidden.


Drops mic.

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