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Where the F*** were the parents?? (CAUTION GEETO and TIM quote battle inside)


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Originally Posted by Pntbll309 View Post

I work in the medical field and trust me every race has its issues.


Can someone explain this sentence to me please?


I don't care about anything else in this thread.


I'm quoting this because it's important we know the answer.

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I'm quoting this because it's important we know the answer.


What do you think the answer is? The answer is you are either too dense or stupid to follow along with the conversation. Since somebody implied my comment about being on welfare is "racist" or "bigoted", I simply am stating that every race abuses the system and has issues. Just because somebody is black doesn't mean they are scum, and just because somebody is white doesn't mean they are above all.


On a side note I also find it funny that calling somebody a "liberal pussy" somehow makes me more of racist. It is also amusing how, because some people instantly went to racial stereotypes, I must have too. :rolleyes:

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^^^I'm backing Brandon on this one: every race has it's issues because PEOPLE have issues.


I'm also backing Tim/Scott: Ultimately, itt's the responsibility of the parent to keep their children safe, and warnings are visibly posted, as well as an assumption of reasonable caution when anyone pays for a ticket to get into the Zoo. I expect to see kids running around, having fun and interacting with the world around them - I'm not expecting snipers stationed at every pen taking out endangered animals every time a kid falls into a 10ft deep enclosure. Accidents will happen, and they are unfortunate: it's the parent that protects their children and adults acting for their own protection that keeps the world a little safer.


Kerry's comments go from legal-basis explanation to bloviation, since he views CR as trolls poking other trolls. From what I've read, he also uses personal ideology as a tool to justify softening the world around us through litigation: If a fence isn't high enough to keep zombies out, sue the landowner and wall-builders, and the courts force a higher wall be built. "Reasonable standard" isn't so reasonable anymore.


I've never seen someone type so much on an internet forum, and achieve so little in communication. Of course, Kerry would blame everyone ELSE on CR for our lack of understanding. :eyes:

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On a side note I also find it funny that calling somebody a "liberal pussy" somehow makes me more of racist. It is also amusing how, because some people instantly went to racial stereotypes, I must have too. :rolleyes:


calling someone a "liberal pussy" doesn't make anything more racist - it just makes you look like a closed minded a-hole.


Publicly proclaiming a woman is on welfare, a welfare cheat, and the town bicycle because all you know about her is she is black, has 4 kids, and her kid fell in a gorilla cage...well...I hope you see how it makes you look now.

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calling someone a "liberal pussy" doesn't make anything more racist - it just makes you look like a closed minded a-hole.


Publicly proclaiming a woman is on welfare, a welfare cheat, and the town bicycle because all you know about her is she is black, has 4 kids, and her kid fell in a gorilla cage...well...I hope you see how it makes you look now.



When I first heard the story I thought the person was white. Keep assuming. When you act like a liberal pussy I'm going to call you one. Your liberal point of view is ok but mine isn't? You're a joke. Millions of people have been to that zoo, and I'm sure many with more than 4 kids, yet none of them have had this happen. But I'm sure that's the zoos fault isn't it? Matter of fact this spring I went to the zoo here in Columbus with 7 adults and 14 children (one huge family) and we didn't seem to have any issues. You keep implying and assuming I'm some racist. You don't know me, I don't care to know you, so believe what you want. Maybe you're the one who's racist? You see a stereotype and assume I'm talking about blacks. Yet I see the stereotype and I see welfare mooches. So please go multi quote this and write a book, nobody gives a shit about you're dumbass opinions just as you don't give a shit about theirs.


Edit : and if you back I said my comment about her being the town bicycle was off target. Keep grabbing for those straws big fella.

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^^^I'm backing Brandon on this one: every race has it's issues because PEOPLE have issues.


I'm also backing Tim/Scott: Ultimately, itt's the responsibility of the parent to keep their children safe, and warnings are visibly posted, as well as an assumption of reasonable caution when anyone pays for a ticket to get into the Zoo. I expect to see kids running around, having fun and interacting with the world around them - I'm not expecting snipers stationed at every pen taking out endangered animals every time a kid falls into a 10ft deep enclosure. Accidents will happen, and they are unfortunate: it's the parent that protects their children and adults acting for their own protection that keeps the world a little safer.


I don't think anybody here is saying parents don't have a responsibility to keep their kids safe. The Zoo however has a responsibility to make reasonable efforts to keep everyone that visits the park safe. The question litigation usually seeks to answer is "did the zoo make those reasonable efforts". The thing that bothers me about this "parents should take responsibility" mantra that seems to get thrown around here is you are letting property owners off the hook for their responsibilities, despite 100s of years of property and premises liability law.



...since he views CR as trolls poking other trolls.
seriously, read some of the comments here. I am pretty sure some of the more conservative members word things just because in their mind they are pissing off some imaginary liberal stereotype they have in their head. If that isn't a form if trolling then....what?



From what I've read, he also uses personal ideology as a tool to justify softening the world around us through litigation: If a fence isn't high enough to keep zombies out, sue the landowner and wall-builders, and the courts force a higher wall be built. "Reasonable standard" isn't so reasonable anymore.


I don't know how you read "softening" the world from that. Litigation can serve as an incentive to improve things. There are some long reaching positive societal effects that come from getting an "official" interpretation of how things work, or forcing an industry to invest in industry wide improvements when it runs contrary to the bottom line. Everything from child labor laws to food service industry health codes, to automotive safety measures have their roots in litigation. Either you see that positive effect or you don't, but the nice part about it is that it exists either way.


And before someone brings up the free market argument history is littered with the free market suppressing things that benefit of the end user because it would have cost the industry development money. Preston Tucker is a pretty good example of this.


Kerry would blame everyone ELSE on CR for our lack of understanding. :eyes:


Depends on the person. There are people here who are open minded, and there are those that look at "liberalism" as if it were some sort of social disease. People who seek understanding ask questions and prod the conversation - the others? well no shortage of insults.


every time we get some thread like this the same cast of characters come out of the woodwork to bitch about people not taking enough "personal" responsibility. To what end? to feel morally superior in some way? The idea that people are less personally responsible now than in the past is a fiction. Advancements in legislation and enforcement insure that in general people take more responsibility than ever before because they have to. Sure it is the stick and not the carrot, but still it is improvement. There are no "good old days" the conditions of the past are always worse than where we are now, and the future will always be better - it's the way things work.


It is not "weak" or "soft" to be compassionate to your fellow man, and being callous regarding people in a tragedy don't make you look tough.

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When I first heard the story I thought the person was white. Keep assuming.
I don't have to assume anything - the previous posts to your comment include links to videos and pictures of the parents. Either you saw them and made your conclusion or you didn't and are just talking out of your ass. Either way, again what does it matter if I think you are a racist a-hole? you "IDGAF" remember?



When you act like a liberal pussy I'm going to call you one. Your liberal point of view is ok but mine isn't?
you are entitled to your opinion as am I to mine. you can think I am pussy all you want just as I am going to think your statements make you look like an asshole. is the problem that you don't want me to think your statements make you look like an asshole? because that isn't going to happen. the supreme court said even illinois nazi's are entitled to their opinion however unpopular it may be (it's a case about free speech - I'm not calling you a nazi, yet). If you really don't care about people's opinions then why do you care if I call you an asshole when you call me a pussy? you are weird.




Edit : and if you back I said my comment about her being the town bicycle was off target. Keep grabbing for those straws big fella.

I'm sorry, the term you used was "the neighborhood". Don't back pedal.

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I still find it funny that you're pushing this race agenda. I know you won't get off it, it's your one and only chance for you to fit in and sit at the table with the cool kids. I know how my comment was directed, you perceived it in your own way. I simply brought the paint and you painted the subconscious racist picture that you've made up, not me. You're right I'm an asshole. But since you are a liberal pussy you're going to keep playing the race card. It's cool though I don't care. Trust me I've been called worse by people who mean more to me than you. I lost no sleep over any of this, as I'm sure you were glued to the computer just waiting for your chance to multi quote. But yet again you keep trying to turn this around, I did say she let the neighborhood in her vag. Then you called her the town bicycle, and I was referencing that comment. But your too busy trying to make me look bad that you can't see that. So no there's no back peddling. I still think you're a fat slob with no life outside of this website, where most people can't even stand you. But you sit atop your imaginary moral throne and try to act like you're above all, having to use at least 1 100 point scrabble word per post because that's your persona. Think I'm a racist. Think I'm an asshole. I truly don't give a fuck what you think. Go ahead, get the last word in. I'm not going to waste my breath or the wear and tear on my thumbs typing you another response to try and justify anything. You're too stupid to get any of it anyways.
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It isn't a race agenda. You said some stuff that made you look like a racist and are now backpedaling to try and not look like one. the majority of everything else I have said here with every one but you has been about litigation.


here is a pro tip: if you don't want people to think you are racist, don't say racist shit.


I think we are done here.

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How long before you have to fill out waivers and have a background check completed prior to entering the zoo?


Right after obama comes for your guns. That's still a thing right? He's still coming?


The "battleground" in premises liability for this sort of thing these days is small. Often the changes that come are increased signage or standardization of language, maybe a change in internal procedures and protocols for how a company operates. Often times if a suit is successful there were already measures in place and they just weren't followed (like leaving locked gates in apartment complexes open) or the current actions in hindsight are contrary to common sense (aka reasonable standards).


But we don't have any drama without the chicken littles of the world saying the "pussification of America us upon us" because we are all going to have to sign waivers and give urine samples and whatnot.

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What do you think the answer is? The answer is you are either too dense or stupid to follow along with the conversation. Since somebody implied my comment about being on welfare is "racist" or "bigoted", I simply am stating that every race abuses the system and has issues. Just because somebody is black doesn't mean they are scum, and just because somebody is white doesn't mean they are above all.


On a side note I also find it funny that calling somebody a "liberal pussy" somehow makes me more of racist. It is also amusing how, because some people instantly went to racial stereotypes, I must have too. :rolleyes:


LMAO! Yes, everybody else is stupid, or dense. You work in the medical field after all, and "every race has it's issues."


Let me help you since you are either too stupid or dense to understand that it's not a "race" issue in any way, shape ,or form beyond being correlated. Someone black, or white, or whatever may abuse whatever system, none of which can possibly imply that that particular race, or races, has proclivities towards whatever un-desirable behaviors that are in play. In summation the behaviors undesired are the product of an as of yet unknown mixture of genetics, rearing, and various socio-economic factors.


Now maybe, that's what you meant, but the sentence you wrote was too monumentally stupid, dense, or just vacuously unaware of it's own hilarious un-readability. Seriously re-read what you wrote. It's a shit sentence. Hence my reply. Hey, maybe if you call people names that will make you right?

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My solution--- Kill all lawyers. Seriously, the world would be a better place without them.


No need for any money to exchange hands. Zoo is penalized by bad publicity through all media outlets, forcing them to re-evaluate safety and upgrade



Mother is penalized through all media outlets, and has to pay sons medical bills, hopefully forcing her to re-evaluate her parenting skills.


As a single father of three young kids, I travel often with them, and take them to waterparks, zoos, Atlantis, Florida, Hilton head, etc. it's impossible to keep eyes on them 100% of the time, when all 3 might want to go in three different directions. It's so stressful to take them to these places it's insane---and unless you've been through it, you haven't the slightest clue. But I refuse to not let my kids have the experiences of vacations, etc. that being said, it doesn't sound like she was nearly as attentive as she should have been.


The real question is do you value the (potential) life of a human over a super-endangered animal? We don't know for sure the kid would have been harmed by the gorilla

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I do feel bad for the kid...this event is going to follow him around at least through his teenage years. Dude's going to be psychologically scarred.


He'll have quite the monkey on his back.


I hope he can swing it.

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Right after obama comes for your guns. That's still a thing right? He's still coming?


well little by little they are. just look at the restrictions NY and CA have going for them. Obama's an idiot when it comes to understanding the crime / gun / shooting issues. he's a legend in his own mind who can't lead half of the people in Washington. he'd have been fired from any other company for such inabilities.


But we don't have any drama without the chicken littles of the world saying the "pussification of America us upon us" because we are all going to have to sign waivers and give urine samples and whatnot.
it's already happening. America is filled with pussification and leftists that are promoting the gov't will save everyone. add in a large group already living off gov't programs as their main-stay of life and another large group who think they are entitled to everything on the backs of others. I'm no longer surprised when I see people struggling and others completely lost with no clue how to help themselves. Let's see if Obama and his buddy in Chicago will actually go help his home town inner city people.
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well little by little they are. just look at the restrictions NY and CA have going for them.


Tim, your new nickname is chicken little. Seriously I am going to call you that from now on. In person.


it's already happening. America is filled with pussification and leftists...


The fictional land in which you live must be spectacular.

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Tim, your new nickname is chicken little. Seriously I am going to call you that from now on. In person.


I'll still be respectful and kind and call you Kerry. You can do whatever you feel fits you.


The fictional land in which you live must be spectacular.


I spend lots of time in both Cali and NY and would never live in either as they are both way to liberal pussified states.

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I'll still be respectful and kind and call you Kerry. You can do whatever you feel fits you.


I mean, I can't be the first to point out the sky is always falling attitude, right? This isn't news to you.


I spend lots of time in both Cali and NY and would never live in either as they are both way to liberal pussified states.


please define what makes something a "pussified" state? gun control can't be the singular issue...

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The fictional land in which you live must be spectacular.


This seems to be your "go to" saying when you think you have a better outlook than whom ever you are debating. Pretty sure this is about the 6th time I've seen you post it.


How is it everyone else is in this fictional land? It can't be that YOU are the one with an unrealistic view of things.


Let's go back to the puns of the situation. Those were getting entertaining.

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This seems to be your "go to" saying when you think you have a better outlook than whom ever you are debating. Pretty sure this is about the 6th time I've seen you post it.


How is it everyone else is in this fictional land? It can't be that YOU are the one with an unrealistic view of things.


Let's go back to the puns of the situation. Those were getting entertaining.


I use that when I come to the sad realization that the persons outlook is based on a flawed core belief. It's a fiction that they invent to justify some behavior that the hold on to with a religious fervor and the transition point from an open mind to a closed one.


E.g. If you truly believe everything is equal and fair and everyone has the same opportunity in America because it helps you sleep better at night, the facts don't support it and it's fundamentally not true but there is nothing I can do about it because you sleep better at night.

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