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Double parked and in a Handicapped spot, and a work truck with company info?


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yup. that's the start of the next headline for florida man. "Florida Man attacks family with hammer over parking dispute"


that's some funny shit right there.....and probably accurate.



People in general have just quit giving a shit I think. I tell you what would look good on that truck.....4 flat tires. I wouldn't side wall him because it's not a side wall punishment level offense. Just let the air out. It's a pain in the ass to deal with but not nearly as bad as it could've been.

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For all we know hes a 75 year old man that owns the company and maybe he has a permit...dont see a pic of his rear view mirror to verify....and maybe he forgot to put it up in a hurry....Just a thought.


They make permits for douchebaggery and general poor parking?

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Yeah, something isn't clicking here... He's an asshole enough to double park plus park in a handicap spot, but not quite asshole enough to back in? hmmm


Well, asshole is asshole, but he wasn't a jackass ...

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Ten seconds and a pair of dikes. Then it's up to the driver to decide whether to call the cops on himself to file a vandalism claim for insurance remittance, or learn the lesson and pay out of pocket.


this but in today's world you are likely on camera somewhere.

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I tell you what would look good on that truck.....4 flat tires. I wouldn't side wall him because it's not a side wall punishment level offense. Just let the air out. It's a pain in the ass to deal with but not nearly as bad as it could've been.


Valve stem removal tool.

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As upset as I am about the rampaging douchbaggery of that parking job, I am possibly even more upset about the misused apostrophe in his graphics. Why do people not at least use spell check or run it by someone who speaks good English before they make a sign and advertise their stupidity to the world?
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