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2 officers shot at protest about police shootings in dallas


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If you're going to shoot anything, shoot your TV.


I've been on FB for a couple likes, messages with friends, and CC&C posts. I watched "Gladiator" on Netflix, until I fell asleep about halfway through it last night. Proud to say that - while tragic - I didn't know at all about this until CR this morning.


I'm trying to keep friends and family first. This world is crazy, has always been crazy, and isn't going to settle down. If I can't see your face or hear your voice in a personal conversation within a reasonable amount of time...best of luck to you out there because I can't help you or be expected to care.



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If you're going to shoot anything, shoot your TV.


I've been on FB for a couple likes, messages with friends, and CC&C posts. I watched "Gladiator" on Netflix, until I fell asleep about halfway through it last night. Proud to say that - while tragic - I didn't know at all about this until CR this morning.


I'm trying to keep friends and family first. This world is crazy, has always been crazy, and isn't going to settle down. If I can't see your face or hear your voice in a personal conversation within a reasonable amount of time...best of luck to you out there because I can't help you or be expected to care.
















































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Lol, that sign is made up of only 7 or 8 names. Wouldn't a small amount of research greatly further your point?? (Not you personally, signs creator). Oh wait, those are the media's favs. Point taken Clay, it's tough to do anything but try to put your family in the best situations possible.

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I'm about as critical of the police as anyone can be, I feel those in government positions (police acting as the enforcing arm of the government) deserve scrutiny of the highest order, and that misconduct needs to be punished swiftly, and severely after a proper investigation is complete. This is strictly because misconduct that's taken lightly, or seemingly protected, erodes trust in the entire public apparatus. Look no further than the leading Democratic presidential candidate. I've taken flak from family(police officers themselves), friends, or even strangers on social media that see criticism of police, as a hatred of police officers. The constant digging of our heels into our particular sides quest for lone moral superiority has to stop.


There are shithead cops, or just plain stupid cops, that do not deserve to wear the badge, and it's because there are shitheads, and stupid people that simply exist. Just like there are shitheads and stupid people in every place, occupation, race, religion, nationality and so on. No one group has a monopoly on good, heroic, and trustworthy, and no one group has monopolies on the inverse qualities.


The cowards that shot these officers, officers that had nothing to do with the situations in Louisiana, or Minnesota, are shitheads of the Nth degree, and there is no excuse for their despicable behavior. I don't believe in hell, but if there is one may they rot there eternally.


Not other gun owners, not other BLM activists, just them.

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Got it



LOL...what's your point here...cops kill more whites than blacks? Look at the population difference...77% to 13%. Simple math should tell you there will always be more encounters from white people than blacks with police. That's not the point of this 'black lives matter' movement, which I think is BS. Like someone else said, 'all lives matter'. Regardless of your race, you shouldn't be shot down if you're unarmed. These cops have so many options on their belts...taser/baton/mace yet deadly force is what they resort to.

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LOL...what's your point here...cops kill more whites than blacks? Look at the population difference...77% to 13%. Simple math should tell you there will always be more encounters from white people than blacks with police. That's not the point of this 'black lives matter' movement, which I think is BS. Like someone else said, 'all lives matter'. Regardless of your race, you shouldn't be shot down if you're unarmed. These cops have so many options on their belts...taser/baton/mace yet deadly force is what they resort to.


Actually there are more encounters with blacks than whites. This means that you are more likely to be killed by the cops during an encounter if you are white.

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Actually there are more encounters with blacks than whites. This means that you are more likely to be killed by the cops during an encounter if you are white.


How can there be more encounters with blacks than whites, all while arguing cops kill more whites than blacks?

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Because the all lives matters crew doesn't really care about all lives. People only preach "all lives matter" when black people start caring about their own lives.


Also.. if white people are killed more by cops then blacks then why are they not marching and protesting side by side against police brutality? Why is it that only black people care about it?

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Because the all lives matters crew doesn't really care about all lives. People only preach "all lives matter" when black people start caring about their own lives.


Also.. if white people are killed more by cops then blacks then why are they not marching and protesting side by side against police brutality? Why is it that only black people care about it?


Truth bomb

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Also.. if white people are killed more by cops then blacks then why are they not marching and protesting side by side against police brutality? Why is it that only black people care about it?


Excellent question.

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How can there be more encounters with blacks than whites, all while arguing cops kill more whites than blacks?


Because they are not mutually exclusive

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How can there be more encounters with blacks than whites, all while arguing cops kill more whites than blacks?

I think you answered your own question. I believe what he is saying, is that there are a higher total number of encounters with black people, but a higher number of deaths with white people. Meaning that the percentage of deaths to encounters is much higher for whites.

Or he's a space cadet and I have no idea, lol.

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On a car related note, (I know, crazy) if you were a cop, wouldn't you rather have a vehicle with higher ground clearance? In a situation such as this, you could roll under your vehicle for temporary cover.

Not as handy in a high speed chase, but I'll take the opportunity for keeping bullets away from me.

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Also.. if white people are killed more by cops then blacks then why are they not marching and protesting side by side against police brutality? Why is it that only black people care about it?


Idiots probably deserved it.

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