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Election '16


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So much for Trump not playing "Their" game. Just endorsed Ryan and McCain. Same ole Same ole, bought and sold, and does what he is told.


if he didn't cause himself so much baggage he probably would have had more room to choose his battles.

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I find this election highly entertaining. One of my co-workers who is as liberal as they come admits what a scum suckling turd Hillary Clinton is.


I'm hearing more people talk about voting third party for the simple fact they can't vote for the dumb bitch or the idiot with the bad wig.


Trump says to much stupid stuff to get my vote, and Hillary is just nothing but pure evil in a bad pants suit.

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I'm hearing more people talk about voting third party for the simple fact they can't vote for the dumb bitch or the idiot with the bad wig.


Trump says to much stupid stuff to get my vote, and Hillary is just nothing but pure evil in a bad pants suit.


This can really be all there is to it, for going third party right now. No one is ever going to like 100% of any candidate.

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This can really be all there is to it, for going third party right now. No one is ever going to like 100% of any candidate.


The more I educated myself on each main candidate, the less I wanted to vote for them.


Besides the legislative branch has more power over my daily life than the sack of shit that lives in the Whitehouse.

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Stein's platform is socialism. Worse than Bernie. Trump is the only one who doesn't support Net Neutrality.


Lol, don't get it twisted. Johnson is against ANY sort of regulation of the internet - Net Neutrality included. While that sounds good, complete freedom is what's allowing the internet providers to be terrible. You and I both know that in 2016, internet access needs to be classified as a utility and regulated as such.


I honestly wonder if Johnson supporters actually know his platform. It's pretty shitty.

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