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Does anyone have any good factual links to sites that show what Hilliary did wrong in Benghazi? or the whole email scandal? I am genuinely curious.


For the email scandal just rewatch comeys press release on it. He stated that she did send and receive classified info from her personal exchange server. (it was even marked classified at that time.) He also said she did in fact mishandle classified emails and any normal person would have received charges.


Yet here we are.

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Does anyone have any good factual links to sites that show what Hilliary did wrong in Benghazi? or the whole email scandal? I am genuinely curious.


Benghazi - Nothing, except maybe getting lulled into complacency because it was occupied by "our side" rather than loyalists, and thus not having a large enough contingent of Marines defending the complex. The thing about her telling the military to stand down has been debunked repeatedly, but Republicans keep carrying on as if it were fact. That, and military brass has also said that even if they were told to get their asses moving an hour before they were told to get their asses moving, they still wouldn't have gotten there in time to be useful.


Email - The FBI has basically said, "Yeah, she did it, and we can prove it. Problem is, previous SECSTATEs, of both parties, have publicly admitted to doing the same thing, so us going after Hillary now would be career suicide."

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Benghazi - Nothing, except maybe getting lulled into complacency because it was occupied by "our side" rather than loyalists, and thus not having a large enough contingent of Marines defending the complex. The thing about her telling the military to stand down has been debunked repeatedly, but Republicans keep carrying on as if it were fact. That, and military brass has also said that even if they were told to get their asses moving an hour before they were told to get their asses moving, they still wouldn't have gotten there in time to be useful.


Email - The FBI has basically said, "Yeah, she did it, and we can prove it. Problem is, previous SECSTATEs, of both parties, have publicly admitted to doing the same thing, so us going after Hillary now would be career suicide."


These were both kind of my thoughts too, just wasn't sure if there was actual proof of something horrible she did. Other than existing that is.

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Can you explain yourself?


He wants to privatize prisons, sign the TPP, wants to remove all trade tariffs, completely cut the federal Department of Education, has no interest in subsidizing alternative/clean energy sources, remove federal farming subsidies, wants to completely deregulate healthcare insurance, opposes all stem cell research funding, wants to raise the retirement age, wants to overturn Roe vs. Wade and let states decide (read: abortion becomes illegal in the south), wants to completely remove the death penalty in all applications, opposes Net Neutrality and wants to tax all internet sales.


But he wants to legalize weed, so the hipsters eat it up.


Seriously, he would be responsible for the US economy collapsing, health care costs skyrocketing, schools turning into even more of a haves-vs-have-nots case than they already are, and prisons being run FOR PROFIT as you work into your 70s to afford an even more expensive meal than you do today. This dude is much more dangerous to the country than Clinton or Trump could even imagine to be. It's like he's a mix of both candidates' worst aspects, but with legal weed.

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We all know what we get with Hilary......More of the same old shit that old family money and politics gives you. Incest isn't good with human genetics and its not good for politics either. The clintons represent everything thats wrong with politics today. They are treated differently because of who they are. Its fact. Dont argue that with me.


With the other option being Trump, I will take him purely because the establishment is terrified of him. He represents a changing of the way we will forever view politics. It ruins their game and it will force a 3rd party to become an option in the next 4 years. The Dems killed, and i mean absolutely obliterated the Bernie movement, forcing him to roll over and play to their fiddle and somehow think people will just vote for Hilary. The Bernie Bro's are livid...The walkout of 1,000+ delegates at the DNC was proof of that. Funny how media wont talk about it...

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We all know what we get with Hilary......More of the same old shit that old family money and politics gives you. Incest isn't good with human genetics and its not good for politics either. The clintons represent everything thats wrong with politics today. They are treated differently because of who they are. Its fact. Dont argue that with me.


With the other option being Trump, I will take him purely because the establishment is terrified of him. He represents a changing of the way we will forever view politics. It ruins their game and it will force a 3rd party to become an option in the next 4 years. The Dems killed, and i mean absolutely obliterated the Bernie movement, forcing him to roll over and play to their fiddle and somehow think people will just vote for Hilary. The Bernie Bro's are livid...The walkout of 1,000+ delegates at the DNC was proof of that. Funny how media wont talk about it...


Exactly my thoughts.

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The more I read the theories that people have about the "establishment" and conspiracies, the less I respect people here intellectually.


I feel like I've been saying this for months but, just because you are too stupid or don't understand something doesn't mean it is a conspiracy.

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The more I read the theories that people have about the "establishment" and conspiracies, the less I respect people here intellectually.


I feel like I've been saying this for months but, just because you are too stupid or don't understand something doesn't mean it is a conspiracy.


I mean, Hillary's camp absolutely, factually, objectively conspired with the DNC and the media... did you read the emails?

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The more I read the theories that people have about the "establishment" and conspiracies, the less I respect people here intellectually.


I feel like I've been saying this for months but, just because you are too stupid or don't understand something doesn't mean it is a conspiracy.


We arent talking about a "theory". Its not a complete house fire like the right want it to be, but its also factual and should be VERY worrisome for anyone casting a vote this fall.

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I mean, Hillary's camp absolutely, factually, objectively conspired with the DNC and the media... did you read the emails?


You just don't understand what a conspiracy is then. The DNC is a private organization, of course they favored Clinton over Sanders, Clinton is actually a Democrat who has raised money for Democrats and supported them for decades, Sanders was an independent until the last year.


Maybe if the RNC leadership had any kind of organization or balls they would not have Trump as a candidate.


WOW, the emails are soooo shocking. To think someone in a political campaign would discuss possible attacks on another candidate, I didn't think that was what political campaigns did.

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We aren't talking about a "theory". Its not a complete house fire like the right want it to be, but its also factual and should be VERY worrisome for anyone casting a vote this fall.


Yes it is a house fire, you just don't know any better to recognize it.

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His win certainly opens up the conversation much more than it has in the past....


Will it though? Candidates always accomplish what they campaign about. :dumb:


I mean it's rumored he offered foreign and domestic policy to Kasich, dude is running for President and wants to delegate his entire responsibility....

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Does anyone have any good factual links to sites that show what Hilliary did wrong in Benghazi? or the whole email scandal? I am genuinely curious.


Vice news did a special on the Hillary email-gate a few months ago. They were actually the news outlet who submitted the FOIA paperwork to attain as much info about ALL of the emails as possible. The lead reporter made a really important observation in that it's not so much exactly what Hillary and her cabinet did wrong, its the fact that at every opportunity they felt no need to explain themselves or their actions to anyone. That Secretary of State Clinton was, in so many words, above the law and all reproach.


I thought this was a very interesting observation as you can see it in the way Hillary has acted in the past. Remember when Wild Bill put her in charge of reforming healthcare in the 90's? She demanded complete secrecy and when her plan came out it was unanimously criticized and rejected by EVERYONE! Lets not forget her role in Watergate, travelgate, Vince Fosters death, using the Clinton foundation as a backdoor to accepting "donations" from foreign governments, dictators, special interest groups, towards her presidential campaigns. Basically using her position as secretary of state to shake down other nations and line her own pockets.


There was a decent video explaining a lot of her scandals over the years. Another that is literally just her lying for 15 minutes, and not just hearsay but video of her saying one thing on one date and another on another date.


EDIT: Forgot to make this point. Hillary has never been convicted of anything. But it always seems like there's a lot of smoke around her. She's always somewhat liable for something then miraculously she gets off and pretends she never did anything wrong in the first place.

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There should be a disclaimer next to everyone's political observations for the next 4 months, "Just b/c what I'm about to say might criticize and attempt to discredit one candidate doesn't mean I'm advocating for the opposing candidate either, just so we all know ok?"
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Forgot to make this point. Hillary has never been convicted of anything. But it always seems like there's a lot of smoke around her. She's always somewhat liable for something then miraculously she gets off and pretends she never did anything wrong in the first place.


She's a politician, and you get that with every politician. She just gets more scrutiny because of gender bias, same for Elizabeth Warren, Geraldine Ferraro, Shirley Chisholm, or any other woman politician eyeing spots traditionally held by men. It's a cycle that goes back hundreds of years and is unbroken.


As for "morals" or "flip flop" of position, you don't elect a politician because they are moral and you definitely don't want them to be stagnant on their position. Idealistic is ok but you'll be waiting till the apocalypse for a moral politician. Doesn't mean they won't do the right thing, Ted Kennedy did a lot of great things and he killed someone, but idealistic and moral are not mutual things in politics and "politician morals" are not relatable to outsiders. Assuming the government system even works a little politicians are advocates of the people they represent and like everybody their positions on things change because people change and society changes. You want the politician who rolls with the times, not one who is so stuck in the past they are still advocating something stupid like segregation.

Integrity in a politician is not how firecly they hold a particular position whether it is popular or unpopular, it's how often and effectively they advance the will of their constituents over their own self interests.

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