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I'm looking for..

16gb RAM

Windows 7, 8, or 10

SSD for quick startup

Don't care about HD. Whatever is cheap at Microcenter


That's about it. It will be a garage PC to run my CNC. I just need to run the software and browse the internet. Nothing else


Can I buy a $200 refurb and upgrade?

Start from scratch?



Thanks! I built my current one so that's not an issue, just not good with all the specs and latest hardware

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Buy prebuilt system with a good case(Something that has extra bays and PCI slots) and decent specs at microcenter. Wipe the OS that came with it then reload it yourself.


Manufacturers get discounts on parts that is unbeatable if you try to piece one together yourself. You should be able to use the key on your case when reinstalling windows. Windows alone is like $100.

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Do I need a certain speed processor or whatever to upgrade them RAM on those refurbs? I haven't build one in 5 years and I just had the guys at MC tell me what to do when I did ...little out of date on this stuff
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Do I need a certain speed processor or whatever to upgrade them RAM on those refurbs? I haven't build one in 5 years and I just had the guys at MC tell me what to do when I did ...little out of date on this stuff


Certain processors/motherboards can only handle so much.

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Unless you WANT to build one you can get good deals on refurbed PC's for dirt cheap. I watch Woot all the time. I've bought a few laptops off there and threw some RAM in them after the fact.


The only time building is better is around custom/gaming PC's. Sounds like you just want a basic PC though.

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Get a HP Z800 off ebay. Dual quad cores or single hex core should be nice. Also FB-DIMM memory is dirt cheap on ebay as well. Will make a hell of a cad machine for the money. Just toss in a small/cheap SSD and you'll love it.



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So the license on the case still works? Like to switch over to a SSD for the OS? That's what I'd want for quick boot up times right? Since it's a garage PC I don't want it powered on all the time. But I don't want to wait for it to power on either.... I can deal with it but if it's an easy fix then why not
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So the license on the case still works? Like to switch over to a SSD for the OS? That's what I'd want for quick boot up times right? Since it's a garage PC I don't want it powered on all the time. But I don't want to wait for it to power on either.... I can deal with it but if it's an easy fix then why not


thats going to vary by seller


"--Operating system is not included. Please note that you must install your own copy of Windows."

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thats going to vary by seller


"--Operating system is not included. Please note that you must install your own copy of Windows."


That's fine too. Windows 7 goes for like $40 anymore. Not even worth trying to download.


Anything non-SSD is stone age. Make that a priority.


That's what I thought. Cool

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The software I'm using is CAD/CAM/CNC in one. I'll be using the CAD mainly on my office PC but the garage PC still needs to run everything. Basically, it's not a $20 PC running XP and Mach3.



The company I'm using recommend 8gb. That's why I said 16gb :)

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The software I'm using is CAD/CAM/CNC in one. I'll be using the CAD mainly on my office PC but the garage PC still needs to run everything. Basically, it's not a $20 PC running XP and Mach3.



The company I'm using recommend 8gb. That's why I said 16gb :)



8 cores/16 threads and 24gb ram for $340 shipped. Oh, and the GPU is intended for CAD work too as a bonus.




edit: or this http://www.ebay.com/itm/HP-Workstation-Z600-2x-QC-Xeon-E5520-2-27GHz-16GB-RAM-500GB-HDD-ATI-FireMV-2250/351796687884?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D37579%26meid%3Dbab63261b222462b91b0f89560564340%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D272344597645


tons of great deals on ebay, used workstations are a bargain.

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