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Crystal Pepsi


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Bought some at Walmart last saturday and have seen it in the UDF since then. It's just as bad as I remember it the first time around...except no van-Hagar theme song.


It's around. I have no idea why they brought this back. What's next? Zima?

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Zima was great......I had a Crystal pepsi......and if they made a diet one I would like it more since at the time when this was out originally I didnt drink diet.....but now anything but is far too sweet. They can for sure bring back CLearly canadian though.....I loved those things.
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Grabbed a 20oz on my way to CLE last weekend since I missed it the first time around. Nothing really special about it... didn't taste nearly as Pepsi-like as I expected, but it wasn't a 7-Up or Sprite clone, either. A general 'Meh' all around.
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Bought some at Walmart last saturday and have seen it in the UDF since then. It's just as bad as I remember it the first time around...except no van-Hagar theme song.


It's around. I have no idea why they brought this back. What's next? Zima?


Zima...now that takes me back to seeing commercials as a kid of awesome yuppies bringing packs of zima to their urban cookout.

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Zima...now that takes me back to seeing commercials as a kid of awesome yuppies bringing packs of zima to their urban cookout.


I remember those commercials, for some reason I remember something about string lights too....


That stuff came out when I was a senior in high school/freshman in college and I owe a lot to that drink for the bad decision making it inspired in the girls that I hung out with (since I was mostly the bad decision). It was basically all 18 year old females who hated beer would drink (which was all of them by my count). Eventually that would be replaced with other liquid candy alcohol like boones farm. Their Wikipedia page says it is still sold in japan.


Things like zima always make me question as to whether I really do miss the 1990's or just miss being the level of wildly stupid and optimistic that comes with being 18.

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Things like zima always make me question as to whether I really do miss the 1990's or just miss being the level of wildly stupid and optimistic that comes with being 18.


I think that's the big problem with getting older: the past seems simpler (largely, it is) and you long for what seems like fun times. In addition, high-school/college years are formidable times so who you are as an adult FEELS like it's formed through experiences during those times.


I say to keep an open mind and heart on the opportunities life presents all of us every day, and use the same optimism of our youth - rightfully tempered by wisdom gained as we grow in adulthood - to make tomorrow better than today.


Was gonna try one til I saw it had 69g is sugar. Holy shit that's an insane amount. no other soft drinks on the market have that much, not even Surge (56g). I'll pass on the mouth garbage.


That's pretty much your daily intake of sugar....and I'm assuming it's high-fructose corn syrup. :barf:

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Was gonna try one til I saw it had 69g is sugar. Holy shit that's an insane amount. no other soft drinks on the market have that much, not even Surge (56g). I'll pass on the mouth garbage.


It's 27 grams per 8oz serving, which is the same as Coca Cola or a Normal Pepsi. Actually almost all sugar based soft drinks have just about the same amount.


Up until recently the mfgs were listing only single serving nutritional information on the label, but now they are listing single serving and whole bottle for 20oz beverages. A 20oz coke always had like 67 or 69 grams of sugar in it, but the label said 27grams and 2.5 servings per bottle leaving the consumer to do the math.


As my father used to say: it's all poison. It's good for a once in a while fix but don't drink this crap regularly.


when Crystal pepsi was first released it had no caffeine and no preservatives, etc...it was billed as the healthy soda. I don't know how many of you remember but they didn't have to put nutritional values on soda till much later (oddly diet crystal pepsi used to carry a nutritional label in 1993, but regular just had a list of ingredients) so it's hard to say how bad the original was for you compared to now. It was probably about the same amount of sugar though.

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I tried one because of childhood memories. It tasted the same. I couldn't finish the whole thing. I poured 3/4 of it down the drain. I can't do the sugar anymore.


Another thing that came out recently is Hi-C Ecto Cooler. Amazon has it in the old school juice boxes. I love that shit but I can't drink it every day. That is more like a once a week desert/treat.

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