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Anyone here do Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) or take stab at doing it?


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PDR is a fine crafted skilled I'm sure. No doubt the same as anything. However, I was looking at our van the other day and after 10yrs and two kids and daycare (likely where most of the small dings originated) I counted nearly 12 dents and dings, most all of which are minor and look simple enough to remove.


I've had great luck on two occasions simply bringing my vehicles to John Shrek who but at an average of $85 per ding it wouldn't be cheap. They will give me a "break" in price for the van but the total still came to nearly $800+ for all of them.


I'm fine with them as it's just a van and they are like battle wounds. The paint is spectacular and it looks great regardless, but I've been toying with the idea of buying one or two of the various kits available for home use to attempt to knock out a few if not all of them. Heck, prices are cheap enough that it's nearly worth it even if I can pull only a couple of them out.


Just curious if anyone here has had experience with the?


Reviews seem pretty good and most offer a money back offer if not satisfied so I'm thinking there's not much too lose?


Insight and experience from folks here appreciated.


here's a link to a fairly complete kit that I'm looking at:




Nice little video, one of many showing how it works.


Edited by TTQ B4U
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Good find, I am thinking about purchasing this. I have some dings in the work truck. Worse thing that happen is that I will need to repaint something.


don't buy one just yet, you're welcome to use my kit. it's being delivered tomorrow.


like you, I figured it's not a big deal. It's not like there's not already a ding in the panel and popping off paint isn't likely as the vehicles isn't a re-paint. very, very slim chance of that happening. Instead of a ding I may end up with a high-spot I can't tap down but either way, there's still a ding.


if you're around this weekend or next we can meet up and give it a try on either your car or mine. I'm probably going to attempt two dings on the hood of our van Friday. wish me luck.

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don't buy one just yet, you're welcome to use my kit. it's being delivered tomorrow.


like you, I figured it's not a big deal. It's not like there's not already a ding in the panel and popping off paint isn't likely as the vehicles isn't a re-paint. very, very slim chance of that happening. Instead of a ding I may end up with a high-spot I can't tap down but either way, there's still a ding.


if you're around this weekend or next we can meet up and give it a try on either your car or mine. I'm probably going to attempt two dings on the hood of our van Friday. wish me luck.


Yeah, I would like to meet up and give it try.

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Interested to see how it works out. Tim, please post before and after pics.


Will do. I just counted 12 on our van. Damn daycare is what I blame most of them on. Good thing is most all are very shallow and ones you can see but barely feel.


Yeah, I would like to meet up and give it try.


Feel free to call or text.


I've watched Shrek so this. Don't rush it and let the glue setup well. Also make sure you use the right glue(I'm sure the kit has the right stuff. Also alcohol is to release the glue from the panel.


Agree. Going slow is key.

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Well the kit came in on time and Rick and I are going to test it out this weekend on his truck and our van.


Seems pretty solid for a China Made kit. Tools aren't Mac Quality but they are decent and hopefully will get the job done. The glue sticks are under the LED Light. Instructions are sparse but good enough.


The slide hammer is like 5lbs so it's a good size one. Should pull well on a larger dent. Rick has one on his fender and I have a small wide depression on the rear quarter of the van where my wife tagged the side of the garage one time. Wives :o


Worst case I hate it and return it and/or end up with an outty instead of an inny :p








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Where's the knock down?


There's two different hammers and an assortment of tips and plastic punches. I bought the most comprehensive kit there is. However, it's all new to me so I really don't know what I don't know. Been through the school of self taught before. Wish me luck :p


If only it was as easy as the YouTube videos I've seen where a guy heatgun's a dent, then sprays it with compressed air to pop it out.



With my luck, I'll pop the first tab off, pull some paint, crown the dent beyond repair and put an eye out all at once. Maybe I should reserve an appointment with Kevin Clifford for next week. :o


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If only it was as easy as the YouTube videos I've seen where a guy heatgun's a dent, then sprays it with compressed air to pop it out.

Lol, I did this when I bought my g8!! It worked well on a large "dent" with no creases or anything. The smaller cart dings I took to dent magic and they did a fantastic job.


Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

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Quick update and unfortunately no pics. Rick and I were having too much fun and knocking out some dents so pics and cell phones were not in the plan.


Long story short, Rick and I are both floored that this shit actually works and does what it says. We took out 6 of the 13 dents on my van. 1 is perfect, two others are 99% and for all intensive purposes perfect. The others are 95% and I know what needs done as I go forward.


We were being very conservative and careful and just needed to be a bit more aggressive. good news is the learning curve isn't steep at all, it just takes patients and time. I'd say it's a very solid kit and works very well. Can't wait to practice and work on the van some more.


Sure the push method used by the pros is faster and likely better but for a couple hundred bucks you can do it yourself with just a little bit of time. For me the kit has paid for itself in just a few hours this afternoon.

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