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Flag Desecration


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8. Respect for Flag.

No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the

flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, state flags, and

organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.


(i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner

whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or

handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or

boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising

signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.

(j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform.

However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel,

firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag

represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the

lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.

(k) The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for

display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning

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Someone please tell me why these guys can get away with desecrating the flag of the United States of America and no one is outraged?






Same reason no one bitches about shit like this?



But newborn photogs raped against the coals for photos like this



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The code you are citing was invalidated by judicial opinion years ago via two cases:





You can do anything you want to a flag as a method of statement or exercising the right to speech.


But let's be clear about something here - are a pair of shoes with stars on them really "the flag"? Certainly it is in homage to the flag and it is meant to invoke images of it, but not every combination of red white and blue used in clothing in the world can be considered "the US flag" even when paying tribute to it.


Also, if it is meant to be a symbol of solidarity then it's protected speech so.... it's probably fine.


I will bitch about it. They are both illegal.

no they aren't.

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As far as this NFL thing, big f'n deal... They have equipment rules, it's not personal.


As far as this statement goes: "If the league supports breast cancer by allowing the players to wear pink in October, then it is only fair that the league allow players to support and remember the attacks on 9/11."

Not the same f'n thing. :rolleyes:


As far as the shoes themselves? Who gives yet another fuck? Those are not "US flag" shoes, they're merely "patriotic" at best. :rolleyes:


I'm off to worry about important things, now. Have fun taking sides.

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Someone please tell me why these guys can get away with desecrating the flag of the United States of America and no one is outraged?




Do you need your safe space?

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I love that you brought up those 2 cases. This is a great read about amending the constituting to make it illegal. Maybe you already have seen this?




The shooting range is my safe space and I haven't been there in months. I hope you understand my uneasiness through this rough patch :)

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I love that you brought up those 2 cases. This is a great read about amending the constituting to make it illegal. Maybe you already have seen this?




They keep trying to amend the constitution to put in a flag desecration amendment and it keeps failing. Last attempt was in 2006.


But let's think about what something like this means in the context of America. To many a restriction on speech that criticizes the government, such as political statements that use the American flag, isn't in line with the ideals that an American Citizen is free from government intervention about speaking out about the government.


There was a time, when the flag of any country was merely a military or maritime standard, a means of identifying ships at sea and armies on the march. It has been corrupted by our political process as a symbol of patriotism as a means of manipulating the population. At the end of the day, America is the hearts and minds of it's citizens not a piece of fabric. If you want to use it as a proxy for expressing how you feel about the country, by all means you should, just keep in mind it isn't the same for everyone.

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I disagree with OP that this is desecration of the flag. I also disagree with anyone who says the NFL shouldn't care.


The NFL shouldn't care IF those shoes didn't have a logo on them.


Unapproved design + no logo = pure patriotic display, NFL shouldn't care


Unapproved design + prominent Nike swoosh included in the design = corporate shill disguised as patriotism, NFL has every right to care.


If Nike was doing it purely for patriotism reasons, they should leave their logo off. Right?

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They keep trying to amend the constitution to put in a flag desecration amendment and it keeps failing. Last attempt was in 2006.


But let's think about what something like this means in the context of America. To many a restriction on speech that criticizes the government, such as political statements that use the American flag, isn't in line with the ideals that an American Citizen is free from government intervention about speaking out about the government.


There was a time, when the flag of any country was merely a military or maritime standard, a means of identifying ships at sea and armies on the march. It has been corrupted by our political process as a symbol of patriotism as a means of manipulating the population. At the end of the day, America is the hearts and minds of it's citizens not a piece of fabric. If you want to use it as a proxy for expressing how you feel about the country, by all means you should, just keep in mind it isn't the same for everyone.


So first amendment best amendment ?




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Thought this was going to be about the trash that makes up BLM stomping on actual flags. I could care less about shoes.


We could talk about that. Stepping on the flag is desecration and wrong in my opinion. Go ahead and let me know if you feel otherwise.

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The flag is a living history and represents the sacrifices past and present made to preserve the Union, starting with the original 13 colonies.


It's a symbol of our history. A symbol of our nation, however, would be the freedom to burn the flag. Just like one should be free to burn a Torah, Quran, Bible, copy of the Constitution or Declaration of Independence, a picture of Barack Obama or George Washington. The freedom to express oneself through such a demonstration is far more important than the negative impact of such a desecration of a revered item.

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Burning, stomping on, spitting on, etc the american flag should be 100% legal. Thats all I will say on the issue.


I know quite a few people that served in the military and said that they would defend anyones right to desecrate the American flag in any way they choose. Not that they would like it, but they would be following the oath that they took when they joined.

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