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Between two ferns: Clinton Edition


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Please, Tim...the argument Kerry builds against what you say only works if he paints you as sexist. Can't you fall in line like he wants you to? :gabe:


Or he just is but doesn't realize it/doesn't think he is, which would actually make him just like a lot of people who are tone def to issues or gender equality in this country. I don't want him to fall in line, just be a little more introspective as to how he thinks he his vs what he says.


Your argument that you don't like Hillary because of her personality and policies will only make Kerry type more.


He's a big boy, he can make his own decisions/mistakes.

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Or he just is but doesn't realize it/doesn't think he is, which would actually make him just like a lot of people who are tone def to issues or gender equality in this country. I don't want him to fall in line, just be a little more introspective as to how he thinks he his vs what he says.


Again, convenient for you to paint him with a color that suits YOUR argument.


Earth to SJW Kerry: Lack of liberal-approved action against inequality does not mean people don't understand. You may want to consider his larger sphere of influence and be cognizant of his good actions there.



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Again, convenient for you to paint him with a color that suits YOUR argument.
I am not painting him with anything. He uses certain words and I use other words to say how I interpret the words he uses.


Earth to SJW Kerry: Lack of liberal-approved action against inequality does not mean people don't understand. You may want to consider his larger sphere of influence and be cognizant of his good actions there.

Sphere of influence can only carry you so far. It's not the same thing as actual law making.




And for the record, I didn't say they were wrong or people weren't entitled to their beliefs. I have, however, pointed out that you can't speak for the general majority of people about personal feelings, and I encourage the person to own their own statements. I am not making a moral judgement - if you want to say sexist shit just understand the shit you are saying is sexist and be ok with it. Don't say sexist shit and then backpedal and say you aren't sexist, it doesn't work.


maybe if he had the integrity he claims the candidates so sorely lack he would admit that his statements could be read as sexist and that maybe it wasn't his intention instead of trying to argue that "bitch" is gender neutral. I am completely open minded to his point of view, the only one who doesn't seem to want to own his point of view is him.





Also these are all opinions. Nobody is discussing facts in any of these posts. Besides, I learned a while ago not to let facts get in the way of a good political discussion with Tim - least I end up reading some weirdo opinion piece he cites as a factual "source".

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So what you are saying is she would be prettier/more likeable/not a bitch if she smiled more often.


No, she would be more likable if she didn't lie so much, deny it when she's caught and called out and just own up to it, didn't walk around like her shit doesn't stink and live by her own set of laws that work differently for her than for others and sure, if she added a decent smile on her face besides the fake politician one she walks around with that might help too.:dumb:

However, many do not like her for gender-specific reasons.


Welcome to America. Some likely hate her for being white, rich and old too but who cares.


you make no case for it, and in fact, make a case for exactly the opposite by using very gender specific insults.


I'm not PC nor do I care to be and don't need to think about a non-white, old rich woman derogatory comment in order to make my point. She's actually more of a cunt if I had to really state my opinion but let's not let that get you all bent out of shape, shall we.


You seem to enjoy getting wrapped up in what others think of her and how they phrase it that I have to laugh. Very typical of so many of her supporters. Contrast that with a supporter of trump who could give two shits if you call him an orange angry prick who shits in a gold toilet.


What place is that Tim? in the kitchen making you a sandwitch?


by place I mean as the loser she really is. she's been called out and beat down with her own actions and it burns her to no end. we don't need her in jail,in fact just airing her lies is enough really. she could barely fend off Bernie and Trump, it's just killing her she's not 50pts ahead! Her rant the other day was so real SNL probably will just roll that segment as a clip in next season's show.


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Or he just is but doesn't realize it/doesn't think he is, which would actually make him just like a lot of people who are tone def to issues or gender equality in this country.


so now the woman who can't speak the truth is a victim of gender inequality? LOL. She's dawned the pant suit and is running for the office and likely has Bill's balls in a jar, she honestly needs to man-up for the fight.


it has to be embarrassing though even after all these years that her hubby, the POTUS tossed his seeds on the dress of an intern and humiliated them both on TV for months on end. I know just about any woman is scorned by such an acton but damn, he was POTUS and it made international news :eek: The fact that Trump has banged around a few woman in his past prolly just burns her to no end. She's stuck it out through all those 20-30 years will Bill to get to this point and can't even shake trump. priceless.


couldn't have happened to a nicer woman.


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I'm not PC nor do I care to be and don't need to think about a non-white, old rich woman derogatory comment in order to make my point.

Saying you are not PC, it basically saying you are ok with being insensitive to others. That's fine. The tax you pay for that attitude is occasionally people are going to think of you as racist/sexist/etc....



She's actually more of a cunt

couldn't resist, could ya.



You seem to enjoy getting wrapped up in what others think of her and how they phrase it that I have to laugh.

Actually I am just enjoying watching you write these angry sexist tirades and then claim they are not sexist.



Very typical of so many of her supporters. Contrast that with a supporter of trump who could give two shits if you call him an orange angry prick who shits in a gold toilet.
Full of assumption and generalizations. Which is a polite way of saying full of shit and not substance. You love them stereotypes, dont'cha.


so now the woman who can't speak the truth is a victim of gender inequality? LOL.

All women are a victim of gender inequality in America, that's how gender inequality works.


She's dawned the pant suit and is running for the office and likely has Bill's balls in a jar, she honestly needs to man-up for the fight. t has to be embarrassing though even after all these years that her hubby, the POTUS tossed his seeds on the dress of an intern and humiliated them both on TV for months on end. I know just about any woman is scorned by such an acton but damn, he was POTUS and it made international news The fact that Trump has banged around a few woman in his past prolly just burns her to no end. She's stuck it out through all those 20-30 years will Bill to get to this point and can't even shake trump. priceless.


She's a bitch, she's a cunt, she needs to man-up, she's got someone's balls in a jar, she's a victim of infidelity but it's her fault....I mean come on Tim, it's comical at this point. You are just making my case.

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Be Kerry: want to have engaged political discussion on car forum during work hours, get all passive-aggressive when dialogue doesn't go his way.


Don't think my tone has changed at all clay and I've been consistent with my point. I don't expect the dialog to "go my way", mostly because I have a different opinion than most of the people on here.


Also, I didn't start this discussion, I just added to it. Don't want to have these types of discussions on a "car forum" it's easy to fix - institute a no politics rule and then have the moderators enforce it.


The point of this forum is entertainment....


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Saying you are not PC, it basically saying you are ok with being insensitive to others. That's fine. The tax you pay for that attitude is occasionally people are going to think of you as racist/sexist/etc....


Meh...can't please everyone. I'm nothing but clear.


couldn't resist, could ya.
Gotta entertain....

Actually I am just enjoying watching you write these angry sexist tirades and then claim they are not sexist.

See above comment. However, I'm not angry. I love this stuff.


Full of assumption and generalizations. Which is a polite way of saying full of shit and not substance. You love them stereotypes, dont'cha.
Stereotypes are based in truth. By nature they may not apply to everyone but the reality is many hit more than miss so I'm good.


All women are a victim of gender inequality in America, that's how gender inequality works.
I'd hardly say she has been hit with it. Sorry but the Clintons aren't victims of much except what they've brought upon themselves, which seems common with both her and him.


She's a bitch, she's a cunt, she needs to man-up, she's got someone's balls in a jar, she's a victim of infidelity but it's her fault....I mean come on Tim, it's comical at this point. You are just making my case.
You forgot the part where the bitch is supposed to make me a sammich. Hey, this CR, this is the internet and I seek to entertain as well as inform. Good Day sir!
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Don't want to have these types of discussions on a "car forum" it's easy to fix - institute a no politics rule and then have the moderators enforce it. The point of this forum is entertainment....


I think we had a rule once about politics and it was IMO not....well, I didn't agree with it and I'll leave my thoughts as that.


I agree with you on the last point.


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Meh...can't please everyone. I'm nothing but clear.

Still, you believe in a basic code of human decency right? I imagine you probably don't want to insult people as a general rule.


BTW, Political correctness isn't an exclusively liberal term. Or did we forget things like renaming french fries "Freedom Fries" when the french opposed us foreign policy and "Liberty Cabbage" when we were fighting the Germans during WWI. The goal of Conservative Political correctness is to shut down debate or discourse on a subject and make the people advancing the opposite viewpoint seem like traitors or enemies, where as the goal of liberal political correctness is to prevent offense.


I say fuck all forms of political correctness and just try to live your life as a decent human being, and that includes making an effort to not offend people within reason. If it is too inconvenient, or not macho enough, for you to find a word to describe someone that is not offensive, maybe you ought to re-evaluate your own value structure.



See above comment. However, I'm not angry. I love this stuff.

Good then I don't feel so bad laughing and smiling as we go back and fourth.



Stereotypes are based in truth. By nature they may not apply to everyone but the reality is many hit more than miss so I'm good.
I don't know where you got this from but it isn't true. Actually most studies on the subject widely recognize that stereotypes can grow in defiance of all the evidence. Political and national stereotypes tend to be the least consistently accurate.


I'd hardly say she has been hit with it. Sorry but the Clintons aren't victims of much except what they've brought upon themselves, which seems common with both her and him.


You recognize that there are people that, in addition to what ever hatred you are harboring, also hate her because she is a woman, right? And in running for president she is defacto having a harder time than an equally qualified male counterpart right? so that makes her a victim of gender inequality. how much it is affecting is hard to say but it is noticeable so there goes your argument.


You not wanting to feel empathy for them is not the same as things not happening to them.

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No, she would be more likable if she didn't lie so much, deny it when she's caught and called out and just own up to it, didn't walk around like her shit doesn't stink and live by her own set of laws that work differently for her than for others




Just replace she with he and you pretty much have Trump...minus all the racist shit he also says.

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Still, you believe in a basic code of human decency right? I imagine you probably don't want to insult people as a general rule.


Insults are usually done purposely. What I'm not leveraging as a general rule though is trying to appease cupcake crews who take offense to minor things. Calling her a bitch is minor IMO. That said I see no reason to belabor my view of her.


I say fuck all forms of political correctness and just try to live your life as a decent human being, and that includes making an effort to not offend people within reason. If it is too inconvenient, or not macho enough, for you to find a word to describe someone that is not offensive, maybe you ought to re-evaluate your own value structure.

Anyone offended about me calling Clinton a bitch is welcome to disagreeing but as I do where applicable, they should seek thicker skin or skip over my posts. Call her an God and worship her if you wish, won't offend or bother me.


I don't know where you got this from but it isn't true. Actually most studies on the subject widely recognize that stereotypes can grow in defiance of all the evidence. Political and national stereotypes tend to be the least consistently accurate.
I don't doubt you found a study that does so.


You recognize that there are people that, in addition to what ever hatred you are harboring, also hate her because she is a woman, right? And in running for president she is defacto having a harder time than an equally qualified male counterpart right?
don't see point one being of relevance to her and the seond point, don't care. if she's not up to facing challenges and is going to cry foul on every issue in life then get in line with the rest of the Americans who play victim more than victor. Life isn't fair and if she's waiting on perfection before she runs, then please, step down and conceed.


You not wanting to feel empathy for them is not the same as things not happening to them.
I'm sure she has her big-girl panties on and I have no concerns for the challenges she faces. Being a woman is like 1,234th on the list of shit impacting her. 99.9% is due in part to her own doing. Edited by TTQ B4U
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You recognize that there are people that, in addition to what ever hatred you are harboring, also hate her because she is a woman, right? And in running for president she is defacto having a harder time than an equally qualified male counterpart right? so that makes her a victim of gender inequality. how much it is affecting is hard to say but it is noticeable so there goes your argument.


Such a huge blanket statement...I'm shocked! Literally the exact same argument can be said for a male counterpart, can it not?


Curious...what kind of law do you specialize in again?


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Such a huge blanket statement...I'm shocked! Literally the exact same argument can be said for a male counterpart, can it not?

nope. Unless you meant to quote something else and captured the wrong sentence instead.


It's one thing to say there is something going on (as evidenced by all the gender based insult T-shirts, and bumper stickers, memes, and other pop culture artifacts) but we don't know the size and total affect, and something quite different to say "all liberal behave in 'x' manner". I mean this concept isn't lost on you right?



Nice try, keep trying.

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nope. Unless you meant to quote something else and captured the wrong sentence instead.


It's one thing to say there is something going on (as evidenced by all the gender based insult T-shirts, and bumper stickers, memes, and other pop culture artifacts) but we don't know the size and total affect, and something quite different to say "all liberal behave in 'x' manner". I mean this concept isn't lost on you right?



Nice try, keep trying.


so you are saying that no woman in America hates Donald Trump because he is a man?

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so you are saying that no woman in America hates Donald Trump because he is a man?


no I am saying that there aren't any "Donald Trump has cheated on all of his wives" t-shirts floating around but the number of Hilary T-shirts that reference blow job jokes are numerous. (and by T-shirt I mean other pop culture references as well: memes, bumper stickers, lay people referencing it in TV interviews)

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