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Between two ferns: Clinton Edition


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Never said I was smarter. The fact that I am continuing to "argue" with people here is probably proof that I am not. :p


This place has a shitty dynamic where if you have a differing opinion from the core herd you basically get bullied into being silent or leaving. I don't really want to leave, and I have never been one to be silent. so....what other option is there? Besides, didn't you get the memo? arguing with people is what the internet is for (besides porn and shaming people anonymously on social media).


You are the preacher, trying to bring your message to everyone else. Please don't act the martyr. Your message would be better heard on a message board with teachers, government workers, and general doofuses like yourself. You seemingly know everything about lots of things, but really can't understand the writing directly in front of you.


The Internet for you is definately for you to argue, and then as you brought up, to masturbate, both of which, it seems, you enjoy. Please explain why the fuck you left your homeland and moved out here to preach?

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Muthafucken ego maniac. And you frequently reply, with how most on here are in a fantasy world. How's the view from up there?




bummed nobody wanted to touch my twilight zone reference.


Caught it. Didn't care.


well this turned into a shit storm. lol


Because Geeto.





- All of CR




Or he just is but doesn't realize it/doesn't think he is, which would actually make him just like a lot of people who are tone def to issues or gender equality in this country. I don't want him to fall in line, just be a little more introspective as to how he thinks he his vs what he says.




(of a person) unable to perceive differences of musical pitch accurately.


Be Kerry: want to have engaged political discussion on car forum during work hours, get all passive-aggressive when dialogue doesn't go his way.




...I didn't start this discussion, I just added to it...




Curious...what kind of law do you specialize in again?





I just skipped to the end of this thread, and what do I find? Another argument including you. Dude, you really do think you're smarter than everyone on this forum. It gets exhausting.




I don't really want to leave...




...I also don't whine and cry about it either.



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I am a Moderator on here. That means, who runs this site has deemed my outlook and way of doing things is fair for how they want the site to function. You fail to understand, or more likely are just too arrogant to grasp, that the members here and moderators simply tolerate you. We dream of your contribution here being of substance, yet you continue the nightmare reality of being an argumentative asshole. The poor reputation you speak of, may have been in years past where dumb asses would over troll or just not represent the forum well. That's gone, except for you. You are the single most pain in the ass member on this forum currently. Unfortunately, you look at that as a badge of honor. Your contribution = zero. Hold a charity fund raiser or something, and give back to the the members here in some way. Because as of now, all you do is shit on the table while we are all trying to just hang out and talk.




Name calling doesn't foster conversation, it's un-civil, and frankly makes that person saying it look more like a jackass than the person they are speaking about. Ok so you don't like the person, so what? yeah ok, "so and so" is an "X", so what. If I don't agree I say so. But that's just like my opinion, man. what does my opinion matter anyway?


Also, all this "pussification" stuff is nonsense. Being a decent human being doesn't make you a pussy, being an insensitive asshole because you can't be bothered to not offend people doesn't mean you are tough. Using the word pussification makes me think you have more wrapped up in how people perceive your manliness than you have actual empathy for people, but what do I know? Not saying you are this way in real life, but your statement doesn't help if you aren't.



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28 hours since his last post. Can someone check in on him?


I'm not usually around computers on the weekends and my weekend started a little earlier.


Grant you can make all the hate speech you want apparently, but I don't have to let you use my intellectual property to do it.


How many butt hurt people does it take to respond to one persons opinion post? Keep watching this thread to find out.

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I'm not usually around computers on the weekends and my weekend started a little earlier.


Grant you can make all the hate speech you want apparently, but I don't have to let you use my intellectual property to do it.


How many butt hurt people does it take to respond to one persons opinion post? Keep watching this thread to find out.


You don't get the irony of all of this.


Also it isn't hate speech, unless you consider "frontbutt trolls" a group in which you are part of. Then ya caught me, congrats youve finally become the social justice warrior you want to be.




It pains me to know a 30 something "professional" turns into a 6 year old girl when he gets prodded instead of doing the prodding.

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