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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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Trump people, here is your spokes woman:



my favorite lines "he's not running to be the pope" and "god can use the harlots".



Trumps nut swingers are always praising how he speaks his mind, and has no filter. Yet they constantly try and spin what he says, or claim he didn't mean it. That lady sounds like the majority, of the southerns here in NC.





Merica you dumm

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I'll just leave this here:




For 18 months, Republican strategists, political pundits, reporters and Americans who follow them have been pursuing Hillary Clinton’s personal email habits, and no evidence of a crime has been found. But now they at least have the skills and interest to focus on a much larger and deeper email conspiracy, one involving war, lies, a private server run by the Republican Party and contempt of Congress citations—all of it still unsolved and unpunished.




Clinton’s email habits look positively transparent when compared with the subpoena-dodging, email-hiding, private-server-using George W. Bush administration. Between 2003 and 2009, the Bush White House “lost” 22 million emails. This correspondence included millions of emails written during the darkest period in America’s recent history, when the Bush administration was ginning up support for what turned out to be a disastrous war in Iraq with false claims that the country possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD), and, later, when it was firing U.S. attorneys for political reasons.


Like Clinton, the Bush White House used a private email server—its was owned by the Republican National Committee. And the Bush administration failed to store its emails, as required by law, and then refused to comply with a congressional subpoena seeking some of those emails. “It’s about as amazing a double standard as you can get,” says Eric Boehlert, who works with the pro-Clinton group Media Matters. “If you look at the Bush emails, he was a sitting president, and 95 percent of his chief advisers’ emails were on a private email system set up by the RNC. Imagine if for the last year and a half we had been talking about Hillary Clinton’s emails set up on a private DNC server?”


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Betcha it still doesn't stop any of these whack-a-doodles from talking about Clinton emails any more than roughly 30 mostly republican led hearings clearing her of any personal fault will keep people from talking about Benghazi. Never let anything get in the way of a good fiction (or a good CR thread).


Also....didn't someone say a page ago that they preferred a president that was completely oblivious to foreign affairs (like Gary Johnson)? I mean do people really forget one of the primary roles of the president (right under commander in chief of the military) is to be chief diplomat and the author of all US Foreign Policy? It's like the second most powerful role the president has. they teach this to kids in elementary school:


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Trump people, here is your spokes woman:



my favorite lines "he's not running to be the pope" and "god can use the harlots".


The look of absolute disbelief on the Black dudes face when she says "he's not running to be the pope" is down right priceless. Fucking LOL.



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Ignorant logical fallacy. They are both criminal activities.


Ignorant? He must be an idiot...


Did somebody say phallus?



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If theres one thing I can agree on with Trump on it's taking care of ISIS.




No offense, If you truly think any one man, or hell an entire fucking army, can take care of a radical religious based militant gorilla group, you simply have no fucking clue what your talking about.


"Those" people have been fighting each other under some name or some form in the name of religion for tens of thousands of years. Literally as long as there has been written history. Think about that for a second....


You think one ignorant, floppy haired daddy funded playboy is going to walk in and do what no one has done since the beginning of fucking time? Common...people cant be this stupid?

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I meant like 20th Century new.


It only seems that way because we invested in the infrastructure in order to secure trade rights to oil in the region, but prior to that it was the Fight between King Faisal and the Ottoman Empire (where the British funded his Pan-Arabic platform so as to promote colonialism - this is the seeds of isarel). Many Bedouins fought on both sides, but one could easily classify the bedouins that fought against Faisal as equivalent to modern day islamic "terrorists" since they were small factions enacting violent armed opposition to the religious and cultural secular transition of their state by the British (after having been displaced by the ottoman empire into nomads).


But you could argue that it is still 20th century because it occurred before, during, and after WWI. Prior to that it was Ottoman-Persian wars that spawned Bedouin of Nadj, and prior to that it was the mongol invasion of Tammerlane and before that Hulagu Kahn, and before that...well the Crusades which were launched to combat the Muslum Conquests that had started in the 7th century.


The term "terrorist" as we know it comes from 1860's Russia (prior to that it was a term used to describe acts of government that terrorized the people). In the modern sense, how we know "terrorists" today is a product of the technology of the 20th century. However, the concept of being a fighter for one's ideology is as old as man itself, and at least in the middle east can be traced back centuries. One nation's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. Make no mistake, we are the invading forces in this case and we have take the place of the invading forces of England who came before us, or Germany who came before them, or even all the way back to middle age kingdoms during the crusades.


the only thing 20th new is we have airplanes and tall buildings that can be blown up and people can travel a long distance in a short amount of time to do it. Technology has allowed a fight that was once swords and arrows in a localized region to be conducted with explosives and guns in our own backyard. but it has always happened.

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we need a legitimate 3rd party. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there like me where neither of our current parties fully fit my beliefs. My number 1 priority between the 2 is gun rights. I hunt and I don't want to ever see that go away or become so expensive that common people can't do it. The democrats scare the shit out of me on that front so I'm forced to vote republican even though I don't agree with much of the things they stand for either. I'm pro womens rights, could care less about same sex marriage, think bible thumpers are the most close minded people on the planet, and while I'm pro gun rights I see no need for a civilian to own any type of assault weapon. I'm more pro hunter rights than gun rights.
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we need a legitimate 3rd party. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there like me where neither of our current parties fully fit my beliefs. My number 1 priority between the 2 is gun rights. I hunt and I don't want to ever see that go away or become so expensive that common people can't do it. The democrats scare the shit out of me on that front so I'm forced to vote republican even though I don't agree with much of the things they stand for either. I'm pro womens rights, could care less about same sex marriage, think bible thumpers are the most close minded people on the planet, and while I'm pro gun rights I see no need for a civilian to own any type of assault weapon. I'm more pro hunter rights than gun rights.




The twelfth amendment would have to be amended.



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we need a legitimate 3rd party. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there like me where neither of our current parties fully fit my beliefs. My number 1 priority between the 2 is gun rights. I hunt and I don't want to ever see that go away or become so expensive that common people can't do it. The democrats scare the shit out of me on that front so I'm forced to vote republican even though I don't agree with much of the things they stand for either. I'm pro womens rights, could care less about same sex marriage, think bible thumpers are the most close minded people on the planet, and while I'm pro gun rights I see no need for a civilian to own any type of assault weapon. I'm more pro hunter rights than gun rights.


I think the moment we have a candidate with recent Republican economic (read: taxes) and foreign policies (read: fuck you, ISIS/radical Islamic terrorism) who supports education (read: NASA too), gays, can tackle Black Lives Matter peacefully, doesn't give a fuck about marijuana, but actually has confidence (read: none of Johnson's "I don't know" crap) and experience, without some stupid scandal or tabloid soundbites, he or she would end up winning in a landslide.


I think a lot of people would agree on what an ideal candidate would be. America needs to find it's unicorn and start uniting citizens.

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Lets just keep meddling in foreign affairs, it should definitely make things better!

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Newest Allegations are fucking ouch. TRUMP LOL.


I dont support the blow hard, but I also dont like the lack of coverage into the wikileaks email hacks...


How easily those are now being "blown off" as some sort of conjured up faux thing, vs these women alleging they remember stuff from 25 years ago. It is really a joke, albeit not to degrade sexism or sexual assault, it just smells the timing of it all, and the hypocrisy. Wikileaks was great when it supports a media agenda, now not so much, its just a bunch of basement dwelling hackers making "emails" up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well since oil was only discovered there in the early 20th century, nobody really cared for the desert before. So yeah this isn't a new problem. And yes it's about oil.



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Yes oil made the Middle East amazingly wealthy. And all of it with just a few families not the people. But within 10 to 15 years our oil consumption will drop rapidly and there will be a new mineral the fight over.

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