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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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My opinion on this is that...


1) You can't blame the candidate, either people like them or they don't

2) There are other options out there.

3) Trump supporters ARE stupid and don't care about facts

4) Not sure how she was a fraud

5) She did however have a hard time connecting with the average knuckle dragger, she could have probably done a better job being popular, perhaps do a beer bong during the debates? That would have been pretty dope.


Oh got it - if you support Trump you are dumb and if you support HR. You are smart. Got it. Why in the world do liberals somehow believe you have found the path to enlightenment? I have seen more hate from my liberal friends than I care to mention. The party of tolerance and understanding...rerriiight

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My opinion on this is that...


1) You can't blame the candidate, either people like them or they don't

2) There are other options out there.

3) Trump supporters ARE stupid and don't care about facts

4) Not sure how she was a fraud

5) She did however have a hard time connecting with the average knuckle dragger, she could have probably done a better job being popular, perhaps do a beer bong during the debates? That would have been pretty dope.


You, like her and the media are totally out of touch with the average American. Your response to me proves that. Calling those of us that just couldn't bring ourselves to vote for her "stupid" again shows how out of touch you are.


Guys like me, care a lot about my American brother. I donate time, money and energy to causes I feel strongly about. I don't base my generosity on their religion, skin color or social class. We all have different struggles, some struggles I will never know, but that doesn't mean I don't care about them. There were a lot of "knuckle draggers" like me that are highly educated, well off, make a lot of money that simply refused to give into every childish SJW whim. It's disappointing to me that seemly educated people like you can't wrap your brain around how this situation came about. You don't get to blame me or challenge my motives without taking into account who I am.


You have enjoyed 8 years of progress that has fit your agenda, now, naturally the pendulum swings the other way. Don't be part of the problem.

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You, like her and the media are totally out of touch with the average American. Your response to me proves that. Calling those of us that just couldn't bring ourselves to vote for her "stupid" again shows how out of touch you are.






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My opinion on this is that...


1) You can't blame the candidate, either people like them or they don't

2) There are other options out there.

3) Trump supporters ARE stupid and don't care about facts

4) Not sure how she was a fraud

5) She did however have a hard time connecting with the average knuckle dragger, she could have probably done a better job being popular, perhaps do a beer bong during the debates? That would have been pretty dope.



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Hillary was about the worst pick for the Dem's. They fucked that up.



But, if you cant look at this map and see that RURAL AMERICA got trump in office, your either blind or stupid.


If you cant open a book, or just take a drive and see that RURAL AMERICA is full of fairly uneducated white folk, your either blind or stupid.


2+2 still equals 4. They were both horrid fucking picks though, we were fucked either way.

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My opinion on this is that...


1) You can't blame the candidate, either people like them or they don't

2) There are other options out there.

3) Trump supporters ARE stupid and don't care about facts

4) Not sure how she was a fraud

5) She did however have a hard time connecting with the average knuckle dragger, she could have probably done a better job being popular, perhaps do a beer bong during the debates? That would have been pretty dope.


So how stupid do you feel today?

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I file a tax return and owe high 5 figures even after having 40% of my money already skimmed off. Don't cry to me. I'm assuming you're in your 20's. you didn't file tax returns for at least 50% of your life because you were likely under 15 years old for 50% of your life.


Here is the thing-Obamacare was an attempt to fix a the overzealous giant that is our medical system. It failed, because it was not a top-down strategy. It tried to find a way to pay the absolutely insane fees charged by drug fees and health providers when the only way to reduce cost is to, well REDUCE THE COST. Insurance, cost of drugs, cost of care, its all way the fuck out of hand


If you had a 6 figure check to stroke come tax time, and you paid 40% during the year, can I assume your taxable income is in the 2-3 Million range?


Here is the thing, do you genuinely feel that your services are worth that? Does it make sense to pay that when the same treatment or better in most first world countries for substantially less? I mean fucked the 2nd best Hospital system in the world is in Fucking Thailland.


Do you think the same the "hard working Americana" that just elected Trump should owe you his YEARS salary to get an aliment fixed? Yes, your school is expensive (that part of the problem too) But US doctors make substantially more than any other country.





Obamacare failed because it did not address the problem, just tired to find a way to pay for it.



Lets see what Trump does with it.

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You, like her and the media are totally out of touch with the average American. Your response to me proves that. Calling those of us that just couldn't bring ourselves to vote for her "stupid" again shows how out of touch you are.


Guys like me, care a lot about my American brother. I donate time, money and energy to causes I feel strongly about. I don't base my generosity on their religion, skin color or social class. We all have different struggles, some struggles I will never know, but that doesn't mean I don't care about them. There were a lot of "knuckle draggers" like me that are highly educated, well off, make a lot of money that simply refused to give into every childish SJW whim. It's disappointing to me that seemly educated people like you can't wrap your brain around how this situation came about. You don't get to blame me or challenge my motives without taking into account who I am.


You have enjoyed 8 years of progress that has fit your agenda, now, naturally the pendulum swings the other way. Don't be part of the problem.


I like your style.


Dammit, I just wanted to make some troll posts and GTFO, but here we go.


The election is over. Trump will be our new President, and I accept it and support him now and hope for the best for all of us. This is a democracy, I fucking love democracy! You don't have to worry about me being the problem. I'll just suck it up, have my health insurance double, because I'm self employed and hope that my taxes don't go up.


As for the "we elected Trump because we are tired of being called dumb" defense...is a silly thing to do, and I don't know if I buy that. Sounds like "I didn't know voting for brexit would actually make us brexit", which kind of sounds like regret.

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All this nonsense about "uneducated" voters. What exactly makes someone educated? I guarantee there are more failing schools/drop outs in the blue counties than the red. Yes I'm including high schools because students are of age to vote either senior year or shortly thereafter.


Or are we talking Fox News uneducated? Because the left gets their BS spun to suit then on CNN and MSNBC.

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Here is the thing-Obamacare was an attempt to fix a the overzealous giant that is our medical system. It failed, because it was not a top-down strategy. It tried to find a way to pay the absolutely insane fees charged by drug fees and health providers when the only way to reduce cost is to, well REDUCE THE COST. Insurance, cost of drugs, cost of care, its all way the fuck out of hand


If you had a 6 figure check to stroke come tax time, and you paid 40% during the year, can I assume your taxable income is in the 2-3 Million range?


Here is the thing, do you genuinely feel that your services are worth that? Does it make sense to pay that when the same treatment or better in most first world countries for substantially less? I mean fucked the 2nd best Hospital system in the world is in Fucking Thailland.


Do you think the same the "hard working Americana" that just elected Trump should owe you his YEARS salary to get an aliment fixed? Yes, your school is expensive (that part of the problem too) But US doctors make substantially more than any other country.





Obamacare failed because it did not address the problem, just tired to find a way to pay for it.



Lets see what Trump does with it.


Income is less than that, and yes, I fully deserve that. I do hip and knee replacement surgery. I get paid by insurance for a preoperative visit, the joint replacement surgery, seeing the patient for 2-3 days in the hospital, and the first three months of care after the surgery. That's one big check that goes my way. Keep in mind I have to pay 35% back to pay overhead, and 40% for taxes.


What do you think that number is? What do you think it was in 1980?


And my earnings are a complete anomaly. Most in my field make less than half of what I do. Not bragging, that's just how hard I work

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All this nonsense about "uneducated" voters. What exactly makes someone educated? I guarantee there are more failing schools/drop outs in the blue counties than the red. Yes I'm including high schools because students are of age to vote either senior year or shortly thereafter.


Or are we talking Fox News uneducated? Because the left gets their BS spun to suit then on CNN and MSNBC.


I think the "bar" is an associates or better college degree. I however am just looking at the map, and know that the 95% of America's land mass that is rural is not populated by the simple white Folk of America. There is nothing wrong with that- it just is what it is.



Income is less than that, and yes, I fully deserve that. I do hip and knee replacement surgery. I get paid by insurance for a preoperative visit, the joint replacement surgery, seeing the patient for 2-3 days in the hospital, and the first three months of care after the surgery. That's one big check that goes my way. Keep in mind I have to pay 35% back to pay overhead, and 40% for taxes.


What do you think that number is? What do you think it was in 1980?


And my earnings are a complete anomaly. Most in my field make less than half of what I do. Not bragging, that's just how hard I work


Will you release your tax returns? ;)

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I think the "bar" is an associates or better college degree. I however am just looking at the map, and know that the 95% of America's land mass that is rural is not populated by the simple white Folk of America. There is nothing wrong with that- it just is what it is.





Will you release your tax returns? ;)


I guess thats more realistic to what I was thinking. I was affraid only those with a masters in a social science would be considered educated these days. Just makes me stew over the "millenial map" a little more. 18-25....most haven't graduated yet to the educated class but they are blaming their 50+ year old parents.

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My opinion on this is that...


1) You can't blame the candidate, either people like them or they don't

2) There are other options out there.

3) Trump supporters ARE stupid and don't care about facts

4) Not sure how she was a fraud

5) She did however have a hard time connecting with the average knuckle dragger, she could have probably done a better job being popular, perhaps do a beer bong during the debates? That would have been pretty dope.


And calling Trump supporters names is the exact reason he won. Keep doing it though. We will just vote for him in 2020, and Pence the following 2 elections after that.


You non-Trump supporters need to find a way to articulate a point without name calling.


Example: If you are black, you wouldn't like white people if they constantly call you a N'er. Us Trump supporters don't like to constantly be called white trash, knuckle draggers, misogynists, bigots, racists, xenophobes, etc.

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Us Trump supporters don't like to constantly be called white trash, knuckle draggers, misogynists, bigots, racists, xenophobes, etc.


I'm not necessarily a Trump supporter but I don't mind being called a Deplorable. Hit liar y made that term actually rather attractive in some way.

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And calling Trump supporters names is the exact reason he won. Keep doing it though. We will just vote for him in 2020, and Pence the following 2 elections after that.


You non-Trump supporters need to find a way to articulate a point without name calling.


Example: If you are black, you wouldn't like white people if they constantly call you a N'er. Us Trump supporters don't like to constantly be called white trash, knuckle draggers, misogynists, bigots, racists, xenophobes, etc.


Yeah, brilliant way of thinking. "Keep telling me not to hit my head, I'll just do it more and harder".


You seem to forget that you are in the minority, but it worked out for you because of the electoral college. The same thing that Trump supporters were bitching about how it's corrupt and who knows what else.


Boo fucking hoo. Trump supporters are the first ones to resort to name calling, but that doesn't really bother me. I'll call a racist a racist and a fool a fool. You sound like one of those pussy liberals.

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Why is everyone mad at those that voted trump?


I don't think "everyone" is mad at the people that voted for trump, everyone is a lot of people. However, trump said a lot of really inflammatory things that were directly offensive to certain groups. And he picked a VP who is openly discriminate to the LGBT community. When people vote for people with those messages it makes the members of those groups feel marginalized, as if they are 2nd class citizens and it makes them feel unwanted by the mass population. It sends the message that the country as a whole doesn't believe in equal rights and protections under the laws. It makes members of those groups feel unsafe as citizens, that they are now a target. Make sense?


to the marganilzed groups if you voted for trump either you activity hate Mexican Hispanics, women, or the LGBT community or you care so little about their basic rights and protections that you are willing to overlook it and vote for him for another reason. And that's why they are mad - because they are frightened. And at least in the LGBT community they should be rightly so because Pence is actually a discriminate asshole in this regard.


TL,DR: because of trumps statements, if you voted for trump you are either perceived as a bigot or are tolerant of bigotry to the groups most affected by the discrimination.

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You seem to forget that you are in the minority, but it worked out for you because of the electoral college.


in the minority? if you want to call 198k individual vote difference a minority that's your call.


Clinton: 59,626,052

Trump: 59,427,652 — a margin of 198,400


Neither candidate got more than 50 percent of the vote.


Clinton 47.7%

Trump 47.5 %


Interestingly I would be a large percentage of each candidates voters were people who don't like them but hate the other candidate. However, it was pretty evident from day 1 that Trump's actually fan-base had/has way more excitement and energy to put him in the position than hers did.

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