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Had to go to Cleveland for a meeting early this morning. Get to Sunbury (36/37 exit) to gas-and-Panera, and I get a text from my partner indicating that the meeting is postponed. Cool, I thought...I've got enough to do downtown at my office today...




Seriously, anyone that lives on the northside of 270, and has to get anywhere within 270...how do you keep your sanity??? The traffic on 71 wasn't even that bad, yet I cannot fathom doing it every day.


I am not naive - I've lived/worked in major metropolitan areas and appreciate that C'Bus has it relatively good. But, the city is growing and I simply do not understand why anyone would choose to spend market rates to live so far outside of town and have to deal with that on the daily.


...and when I'm coming back from NE Ohio around 5-5:30pm? HOLY SH*T the TRAFFIC on NB I-71 trying to get off on 36/37!!! It's a good 1-2 miles long - on a major interstate highway! - just to get off and go home. Now, you're dealing with an outlet mall no one needed. If you live in anything (apt/condo/house) built newer than 5 years old, shame on you for supporting this wasteful and unsustainable wear on infrastructure.




Thanks for letting me get that off my chest, CR. I don't do FaceBalls/social mediurr.

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I drive from 161/Cleveland Ave every day to Plain City across the gauntlet that is 270W... Expected drive time? 20 minutes to an hour and 20 minutes. 720am, usually early enough to sneak ahead of the major snarls... 4 car accident in the left hand lane under 270/23 backed up traffic to 71 and beyond...


Leave early or leave late, never try to fight it you'll just get furious.

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Lol, Columbus people bitching about traffic. You have no idea what traffic really is.


Around here, I often find that when the highway is choked the residential streets are usually pretty clear. usually but not always. It may not get you there any faster, but it feels less frustrating.


The thing I don't understand is how is it people in ohio have so many accidents? Every Goddamn week there is an accident on 270, sometimes 2-3 times a week at drive time. Yesterday it was a car on it's roof on the way in, monday it was a stalled SUV with a blown tire in the right lane with no shoulder on the way home. Today I got lucky on the way in which means there will probably be on the way home. I honestly saw fewer acccidents when I lived in NY and drove for a living. Damn you people can't drive.

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It's a vicious cycle; our traffic is REALLY not that bad, but when it gets slightly bad people overreact and drive like meth-addled apes. Which causes accidents, which makes traffic worse, which makes people act like meth-addled apes.


It's not that traffic is particularly bad. It's that drivers are exceptionally bad at handling traffic. Nowhere is it more evident than when I have to slow down to 35 in the left lane because there's an accident on the other side of the highway but a bunch of retards just HAVE to see what happened.


Also, people here have psychotic reactions to being honked at. It's a form of communication, a way to say "wake up, pay attention to the road" but you'd think from people's reactions that I was saying "FUCK YOUR MOTHER I'M GOING TO RAPE YOUR SISTER AND HARAMBE WAS AN INSIDE JOB" people take it so fucking personally.

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Welcome to 21st century Columbus. It's equally bad on the northwest-side, where the entire NW quarter of 270 gridlocks daily starting at about 430pm. My average speed as soon as I hit 270 is 6mph (until I get off 270). Just creeping in 1st gear, and I only have to go 2 exits. Funny thing is, it's STILL faster than taking parallel surface streets and sitting for 60-90 seconds at every red light.


I hear the outerbelt used to be AROUND the city. Now it just cuts through the burbs. You'll have to find a job on the edge of town, and work outside of town to get anywhere near the speed limit in rush-hour.


Chicago traffic is worse. Downtown and surrounding highways are like our 5pm rush hour EVEN ON SUNDAYS. Shitcago traffic is even worse than Boston, and that's saying something.


Almost forgot Philly. FUCK philly. Bordering on toronto-levels of retardation there.


Time to get a helicopter?

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Our 270 is way better than the 270 between Frederick MD and DC's 495.


My rank and file of cities I frequent that have shitty traffic:


Boston is tops

DC 2nd

Chicago downtown 3rd

Atlanta 4th

NY used to it so it's not bad to me. Just NYC Life.

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I lived in Grandview last year and recently moved to Dublin. HORRIBLE decision. I don't know what I hate more, the foreign fucks that are swarming the area that never learned how to drive but get in a car anyways or the horrendous traffic coming home from work. What doesn't make sense to me is that when I'm on my way to work, literally no traffic but on my way home it's like a stadium just let out. What hours do these clowns work???



I will be moving back to Grandview next year. I can't deal with trying to get out of Columbus anymore at rush hour. It's literally a complete joke.

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Every time someone complains about columbus traffic over on reddit there are a million people telling them there is no traffic problem. There definitely is a fucking traffic problem during peak times.


I used to live on Gemeni, and there were certain times of the day when you just flat out didn't travel. I live/work in Delaware now and traffic is usually minimal compared to the hive that is Columbus. I dread driving into the city pretty any time of the day now.

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Also, people here have psychotic reactions to being honked at. It's a form of communication, a way to say "wake up, pay attention to the road" but you'd think from people's reactions that I was saying "FUCK YOUR MOTHER I'M GOING TO RAPE YOUR SISTER AND HARAMBE WAS AN INSIDE JOB" people take it so fucking personally.


OMG I have such a funny story about that: A couple months back I was sitting at the traffic light on Stelzer Road north bound to Easton way at 5:00. The right most lane has a green turn arrow and it is lit up but the two cars in front of me are not moving. I wait...and wait...and wait...and then I honk, and the middle car sticks the finger out the window (not even the car holding everyone up, the car behind that person). So I honk again, get the finger again. The arrow turns yellow and I just lay on the horn for a solid 30 seconds. The woman gets out of their car and is yelling at me to stop honking while approaching my car. I open the door and stand up keeping the door between us and she realizes I'm 6'5" and pissed off and holding a steering wheel club and she's 5'0 and very petit and stops... and then slinks back to her car. Light turns green a few minutes later and everyone drives off. Over a horn, and she wasn't even the person holding up everyone at the light.




My rank and file of cities I frequent that have shitty traffic:


Boston is tops...


NY used to it so it's not bad to me. Just NYC Life.


Boston is by far the worst, but I was there when the Big Dig was still a thing and had ruined all of the city's flow.

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Our 270 is way better than the 270 between Frederick MD and DC's 495.


My rank and file of cities I frequent that have shitty traffic:


Boston is tops

DC 2nd

Chicago downtown 3rd

Atlanta 4th

NY used to it so it's not bad to me. Just NYC Life.


I would swap DC and Boston just because while Boston traffic is undeniably horrible, the drivers are all predictable. You KNOW they're going to cut in, you KNOW they're going to blow the red light, you KNOW they're going to do the thing that doesn't make sense. DC drivers are from all over the country and there is absolutely no indication whether the person in front of you will go sailing through a red 2 seconds late or if they'll slam on their brakes the moment the light turns yellow. The traffic itself isn't as bad as Boston, but the drivers make it worse to deal with.


LA is probably a close 3rd, just because it is all-consuming traffic and completely inescapable. Took 3 hours to get from Santa Monica to Anaheim last year when I went for a wedding. 40 miles in 3 hours, and I'm told that's "good" because there were no accidents.

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It's not that traffic is particularly bad. It's that drivers are exceptionally bad at handling traffic. Nowhere is it more evident than when I have to slow down to 35 in the left lane because there's an accident on the other side of the highway but a bunch of retards just HAVE to see what happened.


^ Exactly this.


Rubbernecks are the worst. Also, people who suck at merging. There are so many people on the road with zero awareness of their surroundings and have no clue how to anticipate anything. At times it just feels like a bunch of sheep out there driving around aimlessly without a purpose, other than causing a clusterfuck wherever they can and impeding the flow of traffic.

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we are a mini Atlanta...going to be much worse...this cities roads were not planned well at all.


^ this as well.


It amazes me how terrible this city is at planning road construction, particularity the suburbs. No foresight whatsoever. They build and build and build some more without building the necessary supporting roads first. Hilliard is usually 10 years behind where they should be.

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It's not that traffic is particularly bad. It's that drivers are exceptionally bad at handling traffic. Nowhere is it more evident than when I have to slow down to 35 in the left lane because there's an accident on the other side of the highway but a bunch of retards just HAVE to see what happened.



You didn't happen to be driving on 270 yesterday around 4:30-5 in Hilliard going north did you? Because that's EXACTLY what happened. We were stopped/going 10-15mph for a few miles and get close to the fishinger exit and realize that a semi wrecked on the ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING ROAD! Literally NO REASON traffic should have been at a stand still because it opened up right past the wrecked semi.

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