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L.A.'s rust-free cars


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I'm still a little bent at Jalopnik for unfortunately being tied to Gawker and their whiny-SJW bloggers during the election, but whatevs...




As I'm planning on putting the Lincoln away for winter, I'm jelly of the few times out to SoCal where the cars really are that impossibly straight. Nice food-for-thought article. Couldn't pay me enough to live out there, doe...

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As I'm planning on putting the Lincoln away for winter, I'm jelly of the few times out to SoCal where the cars really are that impossibly straight. Nice food-for-thought article. Couldn't pay me enough to live out there, doe...


I visited LA a couple years back because my brother was doing pilot season. I completely geek-ed out on having seen Rodney Bingenheimer actually driving his GTO twice around LA. For those who don't know Rodney was given the car as a gift for being Davey Jones's stunt double in the Monkees and has been his daily driver since 1967. Think about that, he has been driving the same Tyrol Blue, Black Vinyl top GTO up and down the sunset strip for nearly 50 years and it hasn't turned to red oxide powder. It's not a "show car" by any means but it isn't ugly and dented to hell either.



(not my picture)

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Arizona is the same way, maybe better. I end up out there for work functions occasionally and I'm amazed at the perfect unrestored early late 70s and early 80s pickups. Even the 80s toyotas stay solid out there. Often the paint is cooked away from the desert sun, but they still don't rust.
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Yes, but the southern Arizona heat will eat an interior alive. Still, I'd rather replace that than a car full of rust. After spending my life in the west and south and now having lived in the rust belt... never again. Not unless I suddenly start hating cars and everything about them. Never again will I put my car thru the roads and salt there. Living there made me dread working on a car. :(
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AZ rocks for preserving cars, I still see 80's Toyota pickups, the odd Model-A once in a while and everything else in between running around down here.


Except all plastic is dried out and cracked in the interior. AZ sun is hell on interior.


Edit: Christian beat me too it, I'm with Christian above.

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Christian also said it too, easier to replace plastic than rust!!


Besides, there are ways to prevent/slow down those issues. Dark window tint, i utilize a good windshield shade, and regularly treat my plastics and seals to keep them fresh. A little TLC goes a long way and less expensive than welding in new metal to replace rotted stuff.

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"This town can’t help but produce immaculate, rust-free vehicles. It’s why nobody here has any idea what the rest of the country is actually like."


Well they got that right, the conceited pompous fucks that think LA is the capital of the world have their heads so far up their own asses they've reached the upper stratosphere of shit smeared vainglorious smugness.


"L.A., where the cars are metal and real, but the people are plastic and fake."

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