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Windows 10


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Lately i have been thinking of reinstalling windows to clean things up and improve performance. A few weeks ago i swapped out a motherboard, RAM, and CPU and just hooked my SSD windows 7 install up. Surprisingly everything seemed to work okay without reinstalling windows, but its been several years anyway and its time. Im getting stuttering when playing games so to me thats a hint. Ive uninstalled unnecessary shit, and turned everything off in msconfig.


Windows 10. The thought horrifies me, but with life support for windows 7 coming to an end soon, there really isnt any other option beside Linux and I don't feel like dealing with driver and software compatibility issues all the time.


That said, What should I expect? Is it as fucked up as windows 8 was? I just puked a little thinking about windows 8. Where is the best place to get a key? OEM or Retail, I dont care. I am not looking for an upgrade. Just somewhere cheap. My MSDN account expired like yesterday or something and they wont reactivate it.



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Only issues ive had was start menu not working constantly and my keyboard is a little fucky, it randomly disconnects at inopportune times in arma 3 even though its plugged in.


That said i picked up 10%ish fps gains across the board going from 7-10. Unsure why, i didnt change anything.

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Best place to get a key is on reddit at /r/microsoftsoftwareswap


If you have legit Windows 7, do the free upgrade then do a fresh install using your 7 key.



Windows 10 is awesome and has many performance and usability enhancements over Window 7 and Windows 8. If you dont like the interface, install ClassicShell.

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Best place to get a key is on reddit at /r/microsoftsoftwareswap


If you have legit Windows 7, do the free upgrade then do a fresh install using your 7 key.



Windows 10 is awesome and has many performance and usability enhancements over Window 7 and Windows 8. If you dont like the interface, install ClassicShell.


I saw this yesterday while digging around. If i "upgrade" to windows 10, how will reinstalls work in the future? Can i download windows 10 install media and just start there? Or will i have to go through the uograde process again? Wondering it just like converts your key into a windows 10 key or something.

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windows 10 LOL.


might want to spend the time to turn off as much of the spyware as possible


Also it likes to be restarted, a lot.






Good news is with a SSD and cleanish OS it boots in like.... well I was going to shut down my win10 machine and do a clean boot, but apparently I haven't rebooted in the last 17 seconds so it's taking 3minutes......4 minutes... well, it's taking awhile to shutdown first.

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I know people love to gripe about windows but honestly, it's a means to an end for me and it barely gets in the way. There were some quirks with the Win10 VPN settings that tripped me up but troubleshooting that took less than an hour, and that was like a year ago. Since Win7 I've just upgraded to the latest version as soon as it's come out and gotten on with my life, spend a few days getting used to the quirks, figure out the fastest way to get to youporn and off you go.
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I saw this yesterday while digging around. If i "upgrade" to windows 10, how will reinstalls work in the future? Can i download windows 10 install media and just start there? Or will i have to go through the uograde process again? Wondering it just like converts your key into a windows 10 key or something.



If you need to do a reinstall its within windows settings will even do a format, win10 is the perfect balance of win7 and win8 but without all the win8 bs.

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yeah windows 10 has been great here too besides the mentioned start menu being kinda laggy.


The default windows 10 interface is much better than windows 8. I love being able to right click the start button and to get to most of my settings and a DOS prompt.

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Windows 10 is heaps better than Windows 8.1. It takes some getting used to (start menu, Cortana, new default file structuring, massive amount of in-house Microsoft ads), but you can tweak and tune it to more closely resemble XP/7 if you wish. It is extremely quick, secure, damn-near idiot proof, and much more in-sync with the direction that computing is going nowadays (apps). Install it on an SSD for best results.


Since everyone is posting boot times, my Gigabyte laptop w/ SSD and 2400mHz DDR4 RAM boots from cold start to desktop in about 7-8 seconds, including the BIOS/manufacturer screens.

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classic shell and shit to remove cortana and all the other bs advertising/data collection and you're gucci


I've been on win 10 for 8 months now. It's fantastic. Performance is outright better and you get DirectX 12.


Just pirate that shit fam ya naw im saayn?


Im all about piracy, but if there is one piece of software i will pay for, its windows ya feel? I may play a pirated game or use pirated software for a few months but an OS sticks with you for years. The last thing i need is my shit getting locked because its not genuine.

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I saw this yesterday while digging around. If i "upgrade" to windows 10, how will reinstalls work in the future? Can i download windows 10 install media and just start there? Or will i have to go through the uograde process again? Wondering it just like converts your key into a windows 10 key or something.


Yep, just download the media and punch in your Windows 7 key. It should be flagged on Microsoft's servers that it was converted to Windows 10

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Windows 10 doesn't have solitaire, hearts, or any of the oldschool games :(


Not if you upgrade from Windows 7. Believe it or not, most Microsoft applications carry over from version to version. I once saw a video of a guy who used a VM to upgrade through every version of Windows and when he got to Windows 7 it still had things like reversi and DOS Shell.


Here is the video for fun:


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I have always been an early adopter of new versions of Windows. As far back as I can remember, I had a Windows 98 CD before they were released to the general public. My Dad has always worked at a High School so educators tended to get things early. The weirdest version of Windows has got to be Windows RT for the original Surface RT. Clunky and unable to run native EXE files, it was only useful for watching videos, listening to music, and typing a paper or two. Around this time, Windows 8 was hitting the scene and Microsoft was banking that "touch" interfaces would be the future. Windows 8 was actually not "that" bad once you understood where Microsoft was coming from. I want to stop for a moment and say that I am not trying to defend the pile of crap that was Windows 8/8.1, but what I will say is that if you had a decent system and were willing to play Microsoft's game then things were very enjoyable.


Windows 10 is what Windows 8 should have been in the first place. The problem with "touch" enabled desktops and laptops is that we don't have touch screens widely available at a cheep enough price to purchase and take advantage of the "touch" features Windows offers. Many OEMs are beginning to offer decent systems with touch screens, but honestly I am yet to see the advantage over a touch screen over a keyboard and mouse. The experience you have with a device widely depends on HOW you plan on using it and how the operating system works for you to accomplish what you are tying to do. For example, take a Macbook and look at how the operating system works for you. there is no touch input in OSX, so the designers don't have to worry about it. Instead, they give you the best trackpad and keyboard on the planet so that you can give inputs to the device gracefully and fast. Windows 8/10 is a completely different story with its touch features. Because Windows currently offers TWO modes of input, the interface seems confusing to many people because the designers had to plan for users to use two different methods of input. I have gotten used to it over time and my Surface Pro 4 feels very intuitive to me the more I use it. I honestly think all this hate for Windows over the past few years could have been resolved with better explanation from Microsoft and better OEM support. But, I honestly think many were not ready for the drastic changes they made.


At any rate, I tell most people these days to get Windows 10 Professional and do the following.


  1. Turn off Cortana (She is worthless and spies on what you do)
  2. Enable BitLocker (Hard Drive Encryption)
  3. Add your email to the Windows Mail App (fast, easy, get notifications)
  4. Add your Windows Live Account, but don't use it to sign in. This will connect your apps to Windows Live but will let you keep your local login
  5. Buy Office 365. it's ~$6 a month and comes with 1TB of cloud storage space. If you have a .edu email address you can buy a 4 year subscription for $80
  6. Use the notification center. it can be very helpful


Any additional questions? feel free to ask. I really love Windows 10 and I am more then happy to help with tips and tricks. :)

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Found an old windows 8 key i had back from when it came out and i grabbed a copy on the MSDN. Loaded up a USB stick with win 10 and inserted it. Punched in that windows 8 key and it seemed to take me past the verify windows screen and is installing. Going slow as shit, but i attribute that to this junk flash drive im using.


Fingers crossed it takes that key and i dont have to waste the windows 7 keys i have.

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