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Overpressure - Gov't shelves study


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Heard this on NPR in my morning drive...talk about a backpedal. You cannot help but recognize that the data is aligning itself to shooting a weapon in modern ground warfare can be just as tough as being shot at...


If firing off a shoulder-mounted rocket gave someone PTSD-similar symptoms, I can't imagine the legal precedent that would be set to service our veterans.

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My cousin saw a lot of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has survived 8-9 IED explosions, the last one really took its toll on him. It happened in 2006 IIRC, he is just now getting to the point he is "okay" in his words. Still, he can't smell certain things, whether it is related directly to a memory from combat or something that just doesn't jive well with him. He won't tell you what bothers him, but I've talked with his wife a lot before spending time with them to avoid as many of the "bads" as I can, just hearing what she has to go through on a daily basis is wild. She has a few stories on huffpost I'll link below. Any aerosol spray, colognes/perfumes, pringles cans/smell, diesel, bags or objects on the side of the road. Some of the stuff is obvious but you just wouldn't think of until you are told, but others (pringles) at first don't make sense, but once she explains a little they make sense. Something tied into a bad memory and the smell takes you right back to that place...


I know on vacation my grandma sprayed aerosol and he nearly passed out from the migraine it gave him.


I feel like it was shelved because the blasts were too intense for the sensors they had. Or it's the typical government bullshit where they say "HMMPH, no way the blasts could be that bad, better figure out a way to nerf these sensors!"


My cousin has done a lot of work with the VA in regards to wait times as well as increasing benefits eligible for reimbursement to vets. They have 5 kids, one with Aspergers and she travels a lot for work, Jonah (my cousin) is unable to care for all 5 alone. One benefit from my understanding she helped get pushed was a credit for a caregiver to come and take her place, be it family or friend.


Lotta of bureaucracy in all of this which is a shame. They earned it, fucking give it to them.



Jennifer and Jonah Hughes of Hartford probably would have lost their house without their monthly stipend of $1,900 from the program, Jennifer said. "It's just been amazing for us that we have this program," she said.


Jonah, an Army veteran, had brain damage, physical injuries and PTSD from a roadside bomb attack in Iraq. He was discharged last year and still hasn't received any of the VA disability payments he has applied for and that the Hughses were counting on. Jennifer cares for him and their three children, ages 7, 3 and 2. She home-schools the eldest, who has autism. Her husband, 35, has about five medical appointments a week, and the kids go along.


These two articles below my cousin wrote, and do a really good job illustrating the battles within the VA veterans and their families have to fight as well as those at home as a direct result of the PTSD and other injuries they have.





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