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One of ours down...


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Just an FYI one of the guys that we have on our board went down. I just found out through another forum...Keep him in your thoughts.

It was TWL... who is married to R6Jess

News article

I'll continue to update this post with any info I see.

From that forum: "Kori went down on 421. he was airlifted to UK. he is stable. he has a few broken vertebra and a collapsed lung. he is in pain but knows where and who he is. ill let him tell about his gear and what it did for him.

he is wiggling his toes which is a good sign.

more to come"

~421 in Kentucky.

Spoke to Shan but could barely hear him. Kori lost about a litre of blood, so he's had a transfusion(s) . They are trying to operate tonight, but keeping an eye on his blood pressure - it keeps going up and down.

~They were both riding their own bikes. Kori went down. Jess is with him at the hospital. He's in critical condition with internal bleeding, but improving.

~Another post on the other board: Just talked to Jess on the phone. She said his lung that collapsed filled back on itself. (I don't know the technical terms)

She said he is on a respirator and they have done x-rays on his back to see if he needs back surgery. His brain is okay and his BP is stabilizing.

That's about all I got when she said a doctor was coming into the room but she said she would call me back.

~Here is Jeans post there from around 4:30 am -

"Kori is in the neurological ICU @ UK, bed F. He has no head injuries, but has a lot of broken ribs and vertebrae. He also may have a broken right arm, definitely has a broken collar bone, and scapula. He lacerated his lung and is intubated under sedation currently. They will reevaluate him in the morning and try to wake him up to see how his breathing is."

I had to leave at 12:30, but they had him semi-conscious at one point while I was there. He was kicking his legs a lot. He flicked a finger up to indicate yes when the nurses asked him if his head hurt, and he tried to get his foley cath out, so hopefully the back is going to be ok when it is all said and done.

~8:17 a.m. today:

"Not for certain but believe it is the C6 verterbrae (that is broke).

Also, spoke to the nurse leaving shift this am and she said he was doing as well as could be expected. I asked her was he still bleeding in the collapsed lung and she said yes, and they have him sedated still. That's all she could tell me due to HIPPA violations. I will try to find out more when I go over on my break!"

~Didn't have time to read all of this to see if it's posted already. I just visited with Jess on my break. Cory is in surgery, as we speak. They are operating on his T8 vertebrae because it is the main concern right now ~ as it can cause paralyzation. He is still bleeding from his lung. His Mother and Grandmother will be in tonight around 6:30. Austin and Jean were bringin her some food. I let her know we are all praying for her and she and Cory are in our thoughts. She knows if she needs anything .....we are there. Bless her heart ~ all she would let me bring her - was a stick of gum....thank God one of the CT techs had some - this was the one thing I didn't have on me.

She knows we are ALL available should she need anything....I asked her to please call. Let's just all remember she may not call us....so we may need to just jump in and take charge for her to have a break and keep herself strong and healthy!!"

Also, TWL's wife, Jess, just posted this:

"He is still in the OR and its going to be alot later than 630 before he can have visitors.

His mother and grandma are on their way. they will be here around 630. The surgery is going well so far. thats is all i know for now. He doesnt have a "room number yet" maybe will have one in a day or two. He is in the ICU. Thank you all for all of your support."

~The latest from Jess at 12:50 a.m. this morning 5/7/09:

The surgeon went in and fused his T6 and T8 vertebrate, he has rods and pins from his T4 Down to T10. He still has control over his legs and toes.

They are now worried about his lungs more now. He has broken alot of ribs. Tomorrow the trama team will be working on him and i will try to get the info to you all.

He does not have any brain, kidney or stomach injuries. He does not have a broken arm.

Thank you all again for your support, thoughts and prayers. He needs them.

I really appreciate all the visitors and company. It really helps get us through this.

~update 5/7/09 2:30

corys chest tube is not longer pumping the blood out they are letting it drain on it own and the lung is officially inflated again. no surgery.

they are weaning him of the ventilator and the sedation medicine. He can breathe on his own and will possible remove the breathing tube tomorrow.

They might remove chest tube tonight or tomorrow.

Thats all i have right now.

Edited by dustinsn3485
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I DON'T like how this season's starting off already!! :nono:

The broken vertebrae sounds scary, but glad to hear he's able to move toes! Collapsed lungs can be tricky too

Here's hoping for a speedy, & FULL recovery!

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Every season seems to start out this way now-a-days.

Here's praying for a speedy recovery.

Can we show some OR love on the 'other' forum? Not really sure why it's on the DL...but maybe we can pull resources together and do whatever it takes to make sure they're OK.

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